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【S20E06 剧透】ep06淘汰者接受The Movie Encyclopedia访问



1楼2010-03-29 13:42回复
    The Movie Encyclopedia: Thanks for taking time to talk with me.
    James: It's nice to meet you sir and thank YOU for having ME.
    TME: Thanks. I got to ask-how is the leg holding up?
    James: It's coming along but it doesn't seem to be healing right. I pulled my ACL and my meniscus and they went in and did surgery on it but I must have gotten some sort of jungle rot or something so they have to do surgery on it again. It's funny since I went 32 years without going into the hospital and now I seem to get injured all the time. I'm too old to be falling apart like this!
    TME: Do you think it was smart that they kept you around another week over Tom on account of your busted leg?
    James: I'm glad they kept me and I think that I was still an important part of the team and the rest of the tribe seemed to agree with that. I have nothing personal against Tom but I think I was the better player for the team.
    TME: Do you think you were ultimately voted off BECAUSE of your leg though or was it because of your social game?
    James: I think that because I lost the race, I wasn't competing at 100% and wasn't doing my best ALONG with my bum knee I think that is what sent me home. I told my team that my leg wasn't going to heal anytime soon and that it would be the most beneficial to the team to vote me out. Colby is stronger and I think at that point he would be better for the team then I could be. I told them to do what they thought was right and honestly I'm glad they voted me out.
    Before, when Tom was still in the game, I thought my leg was fine. There was no swelling, no pain and really I just couldn't walk all that well. I told them last week too that if they thought Tom waѕ better for the team that they should vote me off. But I told them my leg wasn't that bad and I guess they took that as a cue to vote Tom off. As the night and the morning went on though my leg got worse and by that tribal council I knew that it would be better to keep Colby.
    As for my social game I think I DID come as a bully. But that's not true! Take the Stephenie incident for example. I was trying to give a speech on teamwork and working together so we could be a better team but the editors LOVE to pick and choose bits and pieces and piece it together to look like I'm a bully. I realize I DO have tone issues, meaning I sound aggressive or mean when I'm really saying something calm, but I'm also an adult and will stand up for myself. I do not apologize. If I am treated aggressively I will treat you the same way. If you were to listen to that speech over again and CAREFULLY listen to my words than you would know I am not trying to be mean and I certainly wasn't being mean to Stephenie. I mean me and Stephenie are never going to be friends and if she WAS offended I refuse to apologize but I'm not the guy you want to get in a shouting contest with and I always finish what I started.
    TME: Well what about calling Colby "superman in a girdle" or throwing the bag at Randy?
    James: Look, Colby was one of my heroes on Survivor. When I played Survivor the first time I wanted to be just like him. He was my idol and who I looked up to and strived to be. I thought he was the best example of how you should play if you go on Survivor. But he just didn't care this time. He was too busy "embracing nature" staring at the water or the trees half the time. He wasn't pulling his weight and he couldn't hold his own. He was just so passive aggressive and that just enraged me. It was like seeing Superman again except this time his girdle had burst and all that was left was a wimpy, passive ball of mush.

    2楼2010-03-29 13:44

      As for Randy I thought I was being funny. It was supposed to be a joke but then when he threw mud in my face I got kind of pissed. I realize I am a big guy but I have met older guys who could take me out on any given occasion. Shoot my sister used to beat me up all the time and girls used to beat me up all the time. So I never take anyone's age, gender or race for granted. I thought Randy was going to be more of a challenge and I didn't want to take any chances. I will admit I was kind of aggressive towards him but I was having fun. I was worked up and pumped! We won! I didn't NEED to throw the bag at him but I meant it as a joke. Randy doesn't seem to have a sense of humor.
      TME: Who did you get along with the best? Who are you rooting for?
      James: I got along great witН JT, Rupert and Amanda. Amanda is my favorite Survivor of all time now. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She is a great women, she is going to be a great doctor and she is doing quite well with her life. I didn't talk to him that much but when I did I thought Russell was a pretty good guy. He comes off as a snake but he's good people. He's always very level headed and calm and he is a Louisiana native so we got that in common too. As for who I'd like to see win? Probably Amanda, Rob or Russell. Amanda because she deserves it, Rob because he is the smartest and has the most heart and Russell because I always love to see some Louisiana pride (laughs). I will say this though: I would love to see Pavarti win too though if nothing else than to piss everyone off (laughs hard).
      TME: I have to ask-how do you stay in such great shape? I mean your biceps are larger than your thighs!
      James: I get it from hard work. I still work at the graveyard and I'm still digging graves and really that's what keeps me in such great shape. I never really exercise all that much so all my muscles are from digging. As for my biceps size, yeah I am pretty sure that they are bigger than my thighs. Once again thanks to digging graves (laughs).
      TME: Do you think with your history of injuries now that you will play the game again if you were asked to?
      James: Any opportunity to play the game and potentially win the million dollars? I'm down for that. I'm still healthy and this leg WILL heal up eventually so of course I'd love to play again when and if the time is right. I'd go on any reality show though. Probably the two I'd love to do most are the Bachelor and Big Brother. The social element of Big Brother has always been interesting and what guy wouldn't want 25 girls after him. That would be such a humbling experience.
      TME: So what did you do with the money you won?
      James: Simple: I invested it. I invested it in my business and in my family. The only thing I ever BOUGHT with the money was a truck but that was about it.
      TME: I was about to eat a banana but it seems I am all out. Do YOU have any bananas?
      James: Get your own bananas! If you are hungry and you need something to eat, get up and get your own dang bananas. Now if I did have any bananas I would be more than happy to offer you one because that is the politically correct way of handling bananas. But I only have one so I will give you a piece. We share bananas here in a politically correct world. In all seriousness though I think the "banana etiquette" situation was pretty funny and I laugh every time I see those little bananas at Ralph's.
      TME: Any final thoughts?
      James: I'd like to apologize to my fans for getting injured and I'm sorry if I came off as a bully. Hopefully I'll be back for another season and can win back your trust if I lost it. I really appreciate all the support you've given me over the years and for voting me fan favorite and I hope to see you soon. Have a great weekend!

      3楼2010-03-29 13:44

        4楼2010-03-29 13:44
          The Movie Encyclopedia: Hey Tyson thanks for talking with me.
          Tyson: Hey dude. I realize it must be tough dealing with both James and myself but I can tell you I am quite good at James impressions so I could kill two birds with one stone.
          TME: Really?
          Tyson: Yeah. "Hi I'm James. The first two times I played I was edited to look awesome and stoic but this time I looked like the jackass I really am but that doesn't matter because I eat for free because people still think I'm hot."
          TME: Wow. I guess you didn't like James.
          Tyson: I just thought it was ridiculous that he stayed over Tom. I realize Tom was older but he was actually in pretty good shape. James was a freakin' cripple. No wonder we kept winning challenges because the villains were the only ones using their brains.
          TME: What were you thinking about during tribal council?
          Tyson: How delicious hot dogs would taste. Seriously though? I thought that Pavarti needed to go home because of the alliance she had with Russell. With HER out of the picture Russell would turn to me and make me his right hand man. That and if we got rid of her NOW then that would mean down the line when it came to the merge I would have a better chance of winning.
          The weird thing too is I think Russell thought he was going home. I mean he knew that people would probably have voted against him and that he would HAVE to play the idol which means that the next week he would be voted out for sure. So I guess he wanted to look good for the TV by giving the idol to a "lady" and not looking like a total jackass all the time.
          As for my vote flip (trust me if you didn't ask now you would down the line) I did it because I genuinely wanted Pavarti gone. It was a split decision really. I got up to the pulpit (awesome name) and thought long and hard and in the end I wrote Pavarti. When I sat down I figured that if Danielle and Pavarti had a brain in between their thick skulls that they would vote for Russell and get him sent home. I figured that I am the GOD of Survivor and my vote was the one that mattered the most since the most people depended on my vote. But when I saw Russell panic and hand the idol to Pavarti I was like "This is so not happening right now." Essentially I had just voted myself out. If they WOULD have kept me they would have realized what a badass I am. But that was not the plan I guess. I'm still a badass though.
          TME: So on the Idol screw up meter you rank?
          Tyson: Probably number two. I think that Eric Reichenbach was the biggest screw up in history but I'd like to think that maybe because I didn't KNOW until Russell got up that I was going home and Eric knew immediatley that I may get number one. I mean I've been number one so many times in my life I figure why shouldn't I keep that trend going.
          TME: What do you think sent you home?
          Tyson: . I think they voted me out because I was the biggest threat. I was a HUGE swing vote, I was extremely good looking, strong, smart and better than everyone else. I think they couldn't handle that and if they 

          5楼2010-03-29 13:45
            couldn't get rid of Russell or Pavarti then they had to get rid of the strongest person...me!
            TME: When you and Coach were talking about things that Sandra had said at tribal council it showed a totally different side to you. A "nice" Tyson. Were you and Coach tight?
            Tyson: Coach and I were tight. I mean I was his assistant coach. Actually I was higher up than that I was co-coach. Actually no I think in the end I was coaching Coach. That's what...a general manager right? I was Coach's general manager! He's a cool dude though.
            As for "nice" Tyson...I honestly I don't think TV displays who you are as a person all the way. You got to see the awesome badass that is Tyson but I'm also a really deep and compassionate person. I was slightly worried that I might lose my hard image by them showing this on TV but then I thought that the ladies love a sensitive guy as well as a tough guy. Add in my looks and you got the complete package!
            TME: So what did you do after you were eliminated?
            Tyson: I thought to myself "Well I may not get hot dogs but they feed you better when you get eliminated. And you get beer!" I mean the food HAD to be better than coconuts and bananas which I ate religiously on the island so I'd take anything. I think when you are starving like we all were, pretty much any food sounds good. So I got to the area where we eat and had some kick-ass ahi tuna and lava cakes. Granted I had really bad diarrhea afterwards but it was SO worth it to have some good food.
            TME: I would say TMI but I've heard worse. So do you have any favorites? People you WANT to win? How about favorite Survivors?
            Tyson: I think there are still too many people in the competition to really determine who will win. That and since I'm not getting anything out of this experience I could really care less about who wins. But I think Rob certainly has the most heart out of any of the other players. Maybe Sandra or Courtney too since they were part of my alliance. As for favorite Survivors? Probably myself and if I can't choose myself than probably Jesus. Yeah Jesus.
            TME: I gotta ask-do you get recognized a lot?
            Tyson: All the time baby. Every morning when I look in the mirror I'm like "Aren't you the stud from Survivor?" and whenever I'm cycling around Europe or in my hometown people always notice me and want a piece of Tyson.
            TME: So how is/was living in Europe?
            Tyson: While I was doing my cycling I got the opportunity to move to Europe and I've always liked Europe so I thought "Why not?" and moved there. The people there are really nice and friendly, the food is good and the scenery is beautiful, but it does get old after awhile. That and believe it or not I DO get homesick.
            TME: So how was the experience?
            Tyson: It was a lot of fun. A very different vibe this time around and a little more stressful since you KNOW or have heard of the people in the game. It's easier to play with strangers in my opinion. It was a blast though and you all got to see me on TV and I think that was the greatest gift I could give. All I know is if I got asked to do it again I would do it in a heartbeat. That and I know you all would miss me after a while.
            TME: Any final thoughts or words for your fans?
            Tyson: I actually hate this question...ummm no, not really. Maybe Mormons Rule?
            TME: Works for me. Thanks for gracing me with your prescience.
            Tyson: You're welcome. 

            6楼2010-03-29 13:45

              9楼2010-03-29 22:23
                james说,比赛中他和JT,rupert以及Amanda相处得最好,amanda是他的最爱,是他遇到的最好的女人,他觉得Russell也看起来不错,因为他们都是路易斯安娜人。他希望看见Amanda, Rob或者Russell赢,或者parvati也可以。

                11楼2010-03-30 01:43

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                      17楼2010-03-30 11:27