cs地图吧 关注:9,314贴子:340,241




IP属地:广东1楼2010-04-05 10:51回复
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,265.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,222.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,179.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,179.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,136.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,136.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,93.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,93.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,50.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,7.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-35.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,50.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,50.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,7.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,7.998047,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-35.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-35.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-78.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-121.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-78.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-78.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-121.001953,527.500000)
    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-121.001953,527.500000)
    for Face 2146 (texture {nam_treetop) at
    (-847.000 -383.000 289.000) (-847.000 -384.000 289.000) (-847.000 -464.000 289.000) (-848.000 -464.000 289.000) (-848.000 -384.000 289.000) (-848.000 -383.000 289.000) (-848.000 -304.000 289.000) (-847.000 -304.000 289.000)
    Error: Bad surface extents (527 x 8)
    Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
    -----    END    hlrad -----

    IP属地:广东2楼2010-04-05 10:51

      IP属地:广东3楼2010-04-05 10:53

        IP属地:广东4楼2010-04-05 11:34

          Wadinclude list :
          entering D:\Program Files\fps\Condition Zero\CSMapToolkit\my new maps\zsl_forest.map
          (1.08 seconds)
          (0.02 seconds)
          (0.86 seconds)
          Object names   Objects/Maxobjs   Memory / Maxmem   Fullness
          ------------   ---------------   ---------------   --------
          models               0/400             0/25600     ( 0.0)
          planes            6290/32767      125800/655340    (19.2)
          vertexes             0/65535           0/786420    ( 0.0)
          nodes                0/32767           0/786408    ( 0.0)
          texinfos           551/32767       22040/1310680   ( 1.7)
          faces                0/65535           0/1310700   ( 0.0)
          clipnodes            0/32767           0/262136    ( 0.0)
          leaves               0/8192            0/229376    ( 0.0)
          marksurfaces         0/65535           0/131070    ( 0.0)
          surfedges            0/512000          0/2048000   ( 0.0)
          edges                0/256000          0/1024000   ( 0.0)
          texdata           [variable]           0/4194304   ( 0.0)
          lightdata         [variable]           0/4194304   ( 0.0)
          visdata           [variable]           0/2097152   ( 0.0)
          entdata           [variable]           0/524288    ( 0.0)

          IP属地:广东6楼2010-04-05 12:07
            0 textures referenced
            === Total BSP file data space used: 147840 bytes ===
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cstrike.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cstraining.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_assault.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\blazurban.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\ajawad.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\chateau.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_bdog.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_cbble.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad] Texture[1010:SPECIAL_THANKS]
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad] Texture[1011:THANKS]
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\valve\halflife.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_inferno.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_piranesi.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\tfc_ramassis.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (240172 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4784:TK_STONEWALLHI]
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (306812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4823:TK_CLAYROOF]
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (272812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4851:{TK_PLANTLG]
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (327212 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4853:{TK_PLANTSM]
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (235412 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4905:TK_TORNMAP]
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\tempdecal.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_airstrip.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\czero\czde_stadium_pi.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\megamikedeus2.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\vlv_ramassis.wad
            Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (261932 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\vlv_ramassis.wad] Texture[5370:{BIG_MAPLE]
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cars.wad
            Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\timecounter.wad

            IP属地:广东7楼2010-04-05 12:07

              -= Current hlvis Settings =-
              Name                |   Setting   |   Default
              threads              [        2 ] [   Varies ]
              verbose              [      off ] [      off ]
              log                  [       on ] [       on ]
              developer            [        0 ] [        0 ]
              chart                [       on ] [      off ]
              estimate             [       on ] [      off ]
              max texture memory   [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
              priority             [   Normal ] [   Normal ]
              fast vis             [       on ] [      off ]
              full vis             [       on ] [      off ]
              423 portalleafs
              1504 numportals
              (1.31 seconds)
              average leafs visible: 374
              g_visdatasize:22907   compressed from 22419
              Object names   Objects/Maxobjs   Memory / Maxmem   Fullness
              ------------   ---------------   ---------------   --------
              models              72/400          4608/25600     (18.0)
              planes            6290/32767      125800/655340    (19.2)
              vertexes          7036/65535       84432/786420    (10.7)
              nodes             1634/32767       39216/786408    ( 5.0)
              texinfos           551/32767       22040/1310680   ( 1.7)
              faces             5009/65535      100180/1310700   ( 7.6)

              IP属地:广东10楼2010-04-05 12:07
                developer             [                  0 ] [                  0 ]
                chart                 [                 on ] [                off ]
                estimate              [                 on ] [                off ]
                max texture memory    [            4194304 ] [            4194304 ]
                priority              [             Normal ] [             Normal ]
                vismatrix algorithm   [             Sparse ] [           Original ]
                oversampling (-extra)[                 on ] [                off ]
                bounces               [                  1 ] [                  1 ]
                ambient light         [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
                maximum light         [            256.000 ] [            256.000 ]
                circus mode           [                off ] [                off ]
                smoothing threshold   [             50.000 ] [             50.000 ]
                direct threshold      [             25.000 ] [             25.000 ]

                IP属地:广东12楼2010-04-05 12:07
                  direct light scale    [              2.000 ] [              2.000 ]
                  coring threshold      [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                  patch interpolation   [                 on ] [                 on ]
                  texscale              [                 on ] [                 on ]
                  patch subdividing     [                 on ] [                 on ]
                  chop value            [             64.000 ] [             64.000 ]
                  texchop value         [             32.000 ] [             32.000 ]
                  global fade           [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                  global falloff        [                  2 ] [                  2 ]
                  global light scale    [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                  global gamma amount   [              0.500 ] [              0.500 ]
                  global sky diffusion [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                  opaque entities       [                off ] [                 on ]

                  IP属地:广东13楼2010-04-05 12:07
                    sky lighting fix      [                 on ] [                 on ]
                    incremental           [                off ] [                off ]
                    dump                  [                off ] [                off ]
                    [Reading texlights from 'D:\Program Files\fps\Condition Zero\CSMapToolkit\RADEditor\Sample.rad']
                    [48 texlights parsed from 'D:\Program Files\fps\Condition Zero\CSMapToolkit\RADEditor\Sample.rad']
                    5009 faces
                    Create Patches : 30238 base patches
                    0 opaque faces
                    409796 square feet [59010748.00 square inches]
                    43 direct lights
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,265.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,222.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,179.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,179.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,136.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,136.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,93.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,93.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,50.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,7.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-35.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,50.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,50.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,7.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,7.998047,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-35.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-35.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-78.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(277.333344,-121.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-78.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-78.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(330.666656,-121.001953,527.500000)
                    Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(384.000000,-121.001953,527.500000)
                    for Face 2146 (texture {nam_treetop) at
                    (-847.000 -383.000 289.000) (-847.000 -384.000 289.000) (-847.000 -464.000 289.000) (-848.000 -464.000 289.000) (-848.000 -384.000 289.000) (-848.000 -383.000 289.000) (-848.000 -304.000 289.000) (-847.000 -304.000 289.000)
                    Error: Bad surface extents (527 x 8)
                    Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
                    -----    END    hlrad -----

                    IP属地:广东14楼2010-04-05 12:07

                      Wadinclude list :
                      entering D:\Program Files\fps\Condition Zero\CSMapToolkit\my new maps\zsl_forest.map
                      (1.08 seconds)
                      (0.02 seconds)
                      (0.86 seconds)
                      Object names   Objects/Maxobjs   Memory / Maxmem   Fullness
                      ------------   ---------------   ---------------   --------
                      models               0/400             0/25600     ( 0.0)
                      planes            6290/32767      125800/655340    (19.2)
                      vertexes             0/65535           0/786420    ( 0.0)
                      nodes                0/32767           0/786408    ( 0.0)
                      texinfos           551/32767       22040/1310680   ( 1.7)
                      faces                0/65535           0/1310700   ( 0.0)
                      clipnodes            0/32767           0/262136    ( 0.0)
                      leaves               0/8192            0/229376    ( 0.0)
                      marksurfaces         0/65535           0/131070    ( 0.0)
                      surfedges            0/512000          0/2048000   ( 0.0)
                      edges                0/256000          0/1024000   ( 0.0)
                      texdata           [variable]           0/4194304   ( 0.0)
                      lightdata         [variable]           0/4194304   ( 0.0)
                      visdata           [variable]           0/2097152   ( 0.0)
                      entdata           [variable]           0/524288    ( 0.0)

                      IP属地:广东16楼2010-04-05 12:07
                        0 textures referenced
                        === Total BSP file data space used: 147840 bytes ===
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cstrike.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cstraining.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_assault.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\blazurban.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\ajawad.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\chateau.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_bdog.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_cbble.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad] Texture[1010:SPECIAL_THANKS]
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cs_ramassis.wad] Texture[1011:THANKS]
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\valve\halflife.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_inferno.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_piranesi.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\tfc_ramassis.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (240172 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4784:TK_STONEWALLHI]
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (306812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4823:TK_CLAYROOF]
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (272812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4851:{TK_PLANTLG]
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (327212 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4853:{TK_PLANTSM]
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (235412 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[4905:TK_TORNMAP]
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\tempdecal.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\de_airstrip.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\czero\czde_stadium_pi.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\megamikedeus2.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\vlv_ramassis.wad
                        Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (261932 bytes)   Wad:wad[\program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\vlv_ramassis.wad] Texture[5370:{BIG_MAPLE]
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\cars.wad
                        Using WAD File: \program files\fps\condition zero\cstrike\timecounter.wad

                        IP属地:广东17楼2010-04-05 12:07

                          -= Current hlvis Settings =-
                          Name                |   Setting   |   Default
                          threads              [        2 ] [   Varies ]
                          verbose              [      off ] [      off ]
                          log                  [       on ] [       on ]
                          developer            [        0 ] [        0 ]
                          chart                [       on ] [      off ]
                          estimate             [       on ] [      off ]
                          max texture memory   [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
                          priority             [   Normal ] [   Normal ]
                          fast vis             [       on ] [      off ]
                          full vis             [       on ] [      off ]
                          423 portalleafs
                          1504 numportals
                          (1.31 seconds)
                          average leafs visible: 374
                          g_visdatasize:22907   compressed from 22419
                          Object names   Objects/Maxobjs   Memory / Maxmem   Fullness
                          ------------   ---------------   ---------------   --------
                          models              72/400          4608/25600     (18.0)
                          planes            6290/32767      125800/655340    (19.2)
                          vertexes          7036/65535       84432/786420    (10.7)
                          nodes             1634/32767       39216/786408    ( 5.0)
                          texinfos           551/32767       22040/1310680   ( 1.7)
                          faces             5009/65535      100180/1310700   ( 7.6)

                          IP属地:广东20楼2010-04-05 12:07
                            developer             [                  0 ] [                  0 ]
                            chart                 [                 on ] [                off ]
                            estimate              [                 on ] [                off ]
                            max texture memory    [            4194304 ] [            4194304 ]
                            priority              [             Normal ] [             Normal ]
                            vismatrix algorithm   [             Sparse ] [           Original ]
                            oversampling (-extra)[                 on ] [                off ]
                            bounces               [                  1 ] [                  1 ]
                            ambient light         [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
                            maximum light         [            256.000 ] [            256.000 ]
                            circus mode           [                off ] [                off ]
                            smoothing threshold   [             50.000 ] [             50.000 ]
                            direct threshold      [             25.000 ] [             25.000 ]

                            IP属地:广东22楼2010-04-05 12:07
                              direct light scale    [              2.000 ] [              2.000 ]
                              coring threshold      [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                              patch interpolation   [                 on ] [                 on ]
                              texscale              [                 on ] [                 on ]
                              patch subdividing     [                 on ] [                 on ]
                              chop value            [             64.000 ] [             64.000 ]
                              texchop value         [             32.000 ] [             32.000 ]
                              global fade           [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                              global falloff        [                  2 ] [                  2 ]
                              global light scale    [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                              global gamma amount   [              0.500 ] [              0.500 ]
                              global sky diffusion [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
                              opaque entities       [                off ] [                 on ]

                              IP属地:广东23楼2010-04-05 12:07