指环王吧 关注:146,158贴子:2,390,238



25. Aragorn and Brego [The Two Towers]
Aragorn during their first meeting and during thanking Brego for saving Aragorn's life.
aragorn [to Brego]: Man le trasta, Brego. Man cenich?
aragorn [to Brego]: 'What troubles you, Brego? What did you see.' [no subtitle given]
aragorn [to Brego]: Mae carnen, Brego, mellon nîn.
aragorn [to Brego]: 'Well done, Brego, my friend.' [no subtitle given]
man pron. 'what'.
le pron. '[to] you'.
trasta, v. 'troubles'; cf. trasta- 'harass, trouble' (LR   391).
cenich v. pres. '[you] see'; cf. cen- 'see'.
mae adv. 'well'.
carnen pp. 'done'; cf. car- 'do, make'.
mellon n. 'friend'.
nîn pron. 'my'.

IP属地:北京117楼2010-04-24 14:38
    26. Before the Battle of Helm's Deep [in The Two Towers]
    Aragorn arrives, and is confronted by Legolas:
    Legolas [to Aragorn]: Le abdollen.
    Legolas [to Aragorn]: 'You're late.' [lit. 'You [are] after-come']
    Aragorn [to Legolas]: Hannon le.
    Aragorn [to Legolas]: 'Thank you.' [no subtitle given]
    Legolas: Boe a hyn neled herain dan caer menig.
    Aragorn: Si, beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras.
    Legolas: Aragorn, nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer.
    Legolas: 'And they should be... three hundred against ten thousand.' [lit. 'It is necessary to them: [there are] 300 [of us], against 10,000 [of them]'
    Aragorn: 'They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.' [lit. 'Here they-will-defend them[-selves] sharper than at Edoras.']
    Legolas: 'They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!' [lit. Aragorn, in the battle this [they] not can to-win. [It] will be slaying great.]
    Later, Aragorn dresses, Legolas appears, and Aragorn says a line in Sindarin after Legolas apologizes him for despairing before:
    Aragorn: Ú-moe edaved, Legolas
    Aragorn: 'There is nothing to forgive'
    le pron. 'you'.
    abdollen adj. & pp. 'late'; lit. 'later-come' < ab- 'after; later' (WJ 387) + dollen 'come' (pp.).
    hannon v. pres. 'I thank'; *hanna- 'thank'; cf. Q *hanta- 'thank' < hantale 'thanksgiving', KHAN- 'understand, comprehend'.
    boe v. pres. impersonal 'it is necessary (to), one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message).
    a prep. 'to, towards, for'; an before mutated consonant becomes a.
    hyn pron. masc. 'they'; pl of hon 'he'.
    neled num. 'three'.
    herain num. 'hundreds'; pl. of *haran 'hundred', which according to D. Salo is a word occurring in Q haranye 'last year of a century in the Númenórean calendar' (LotR Appendix D) < *KHARAN- 'hundred'.
    dan   adv. 'against'.
    caer num. 'ten'; In a late Tolkien's paper we find another form of Sindarin 'ten' - pae (VT #42, p. 25).
    menig num. 'thousands'; pl. of meneg 'thousand' found in Sindarin Menegroth 'Thousand Caves'.
    si adv. 'now'.
    beriathar   v. fut. '[they] will protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351).
    hyn pron. masc. 'they; them [here: themselves]'; pl of hon 'he'.
    ammaeg adj. 'sharper'; comparative form of maeg 'sharp, piercing, penetrating, going deep in something' (S 434, WJ 337).
    na prep. 'to, towards; *than'.
    ned prep. 'in, at'.
    nedin prep. 'in the'; cf. ned 'in, at' + i(n) 'the'.
    dagor n. 'battle'.
    hen adj. 'this'; lenited form of sen 'this'.
    ned prep. 'in, at'.
    ú    adv. 'not'.
    'erir v. pres. 'they can'; lenited form of gerir 'they have; they can'. D. Salo uses the verb gar- both for 'to have' and 'can' (see here).
    ortheri v. inf. 'to win'; cf. orthor- 'master, conquer; *win'.
    natha v. fut. '[it] will be'; cf. no 'be!' (VT#44, 21) from *na- 'to be'. Its future form can be *natha.
    daged gerund. 'slaying, killing'; cf. dag- 'slay'.
    dhaer adj. 'great'; lenited form of daer 'great'.
    moe v. pres. impersonal '[it] is necessary (to), what one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message no 15743). The form moe may come from lenition of boe after the particle ú- 'not'. The form boe < OS *mbauia < CE *mbawya (MBAW- LR 372).
    edaved gerund. 'forgiving'; the etymology is unclear: it may come from *ed-daved 'out-granting. Gerundial form *daved is a derivative of *dav- 'yield, allow, grant', which is David Salo's reconstruction: cf. Quenya lav- 'yield, allow, grant' and Sindarin dâf 'permission' (both forms come from CE stem DAB- 'give way, make room, permit, allow' (LR 353).

    IP属地:北京118楼2010-04-24 14:40
      27. Haldir's Arrival [The Two Towers]
      Haldir arrives to Helm's Deep.
      aragorn [to haldir]: Mae govannen, Haldir.
      aragorn [to haldir]: 'Welcome, Haldir.'
      mae govannen 'welcome; lit. well-met'.

      IP属地:北京119楼2010-04-24 14:41
        28. Battle Commands and Warnings [The Two Towers]
        Several Sindarin phrases used during the Battle of Helm's Deep.
        Aragorn [to army]: A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas.
        Aragorn [to army]: '... [?]. Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none.' [lit. 'O Children-of-Eru, don't show the mercy to them, for nobody will-show you mercy.']
        Aragorn [to army]: Tangado a chadad!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Prepare to fire'
        Legolas [to Aragorn ]: Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc!
        Legolas [to Aragorn ]: 'Their armour is weak at the neck... and beneath the arm.' [lit. 'Poor armour their below the neck and under arm!'
        Aragorn [to army]: Dartho!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Hold!'
        Aragorn [to army]: Hado i philinn!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Release arrows!'
        Aragorn [to army]: Pendraith!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Ladders!' [lit. 'Stairways!']
        Aragorn [to army]: Na fennas!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Causeway!' [lit. 'To gateway']
        Aragorn [to army]: Hado ribed!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Hurl to flow!' [no subtitle given]
        Aragorn [to army]: Hado!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Hurl!' [no subtitle given]
        Aragorn [to Legolas]: Togo hon dad, Legolas! Dago hon!
        Aragorn [to Legolas]: 'Bring him down, Legolas!' [lit. 'Bring him down, Legolas! Kill him!']
        Aragorn [to army]: Herio!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'Charge!' (or 'Begin!')
        Aragorn [to army]: Nan barad!
        Aragorn [to army]: 'To the Keep! [lit. To [the] Tower!']
        a   interj. 'O!'.
        Eruchîn   n. 'Children of Eru'; both Elves and Men as in Lúthien's Song in LB 354.
        ú    adv. 'not'.
        dano   v. imper. 'show'; lenited form of *tano, imperative of *tan- 'show' < *TA-N- 'show, indicate'.
        i   article 'the'.
        faelas   n. 'mercy'; it can be derived from CE *phajlasê 'state of generosity; mercy'; cf. S fael 'fair-minded, just, generous'.
        a prep. 'to, towards, for'; an before mutated consonant becomes a.
        hyn pron. masc. 'they; them [here: themselves]'; pl of hon 'he'.
        an   prep. 'for; *because'; it is a typical Anglicism of using a preposition 'for' as a conjuctive 'for, because'.
        uben   n. 'nobody'; it can be derived from u- 'negative suffix' and pen 'one, somebody' (like in ubed 'denial' from u-ped 'negative saying').
        tanatha   v. fut. '[it] will show'; see dano above.
        le   pron. 'you'.
        tangado   v. imper. 'make firm, establish!'; *tangada- 'to make firm' (LR 389).
        chadad   gerund 'hurling'; lenited form of hadad, gerund of had- 'to hurl' (LR 363).
        faeg   adj. 'mean, poor, bad, *weak'.
        varv   n. 'armour'; lenited form of *barv, which can be derived from CE *barmâ 'something which protects' (stem BAR- 'raise, protect'; cf. beria- 'protect'). Helge K. Fauskanger wrote: "It should be noticed that the normal Sindarin spelling would be barf (lenited varf), but perhaps David Salo used the more phonetic spelling so that the word would not be mispronounced (since only the especially interested know that final -f is to be pronounced [v] in Sindarin)."
        dîn   pron. 'his/her; *their'; lenited form of tîn.
        na   prep. 'to, towards, at'.
        lanc   n. 'throat' (LR 367).
        a conj. 'and'.
        nu prep. 'under'.
        ranc n. 'arm' (LR 382).
        hado v. imper. 'hurl!', imperative of had- 'to hurl' (LR 363).
        i philinn n. 'the arrows'; nasal mutation of pilinn, sg. pilinn; cf. Q pilin 'arrow'.
        pendraith n. 'ladders'; pl. of *pendrath 'passage up or down slope, stairway; *ladder' (LR 380).
        fennas n. 'gateway, doorway'.
        ribed gerund 'rushing, flinging, flying'.
        togo dad v. imper. 'bring down'; another D. Salo's Anglicism (cf. havo dad 'sit down'): togo is imperative of tog- 'lead, bring' and dad is preposition 'down'.
        hon pron. masc. 'he'.
        dago v. imper. 'kill'; imperative of dag- 'slay'.
        herio v. imper. 'begin; *charge'; imperative of heria- 'to begin suddenly and vigorously'.
        barad   n. 'tower, fortress; *keep'.

        IP属地:北京120楼2010-04-24 14:44
          42. Sauron's Army Cry. [The Two Towers]
          From Jude Fisher's The Two Towers - Visual Companion (October 2002). Its fragment occur in a film clip about editing the soundtrack in the movie, where Peter Jackson is
          directing a whole football stadium to say in unison. It can be found here.
          orcs: Za dashu snaku Zigur, Durbgu nazgshu, Durbgu dashshu!
          orcs: 'Hail, Sauron, Lord [of the] Ring, Lord [of the] Earth'
          za dashu snaku 'hail; be greeted'; etymology uncertain.
          Zigur   'Sauron'; < Adunaic Zigûr 'Wizard; Sauron'.
          durbgu 'lord'; < Black Speech *durb- 'rule' (cf. durbatuluk 'to rule them all') + *-gu agentival/personalising ending. In The Two Towers - Visual Companion we have the form **durgbu which is probably incorrect, since in a film clip about editing the soundtrack the screen shows it being spelt DURBGOO (the note comes from Chris Lipscombe).
          nazgshu '[of the] Ring'; < Black Speech nazg 'ring' + *-shu 'of the'?
          dashshu '[of the] Earth'; < Black Speech *dash 'earth' + *-shu 'of the'?

          IP属地:北京121楼2010-04-24 14:44
            44. Aragorn and Brego. [The Two Towers Extended Edition?]
            The first information about this phrase came from Jude Fisher's The Two Towers - Visual Companion (October 2002). The transcription of the rest of this scene comes from Tsukusu Jinn Ito (Japan) and R. Derdzinski.
            Aragorn [to brego]: Fæste, stille nú, fæste, stille nú. Lac is drefed, gefrægon.
            aragorn: Hwæt nemnað ðe?
            aragorn: Brego? Ðin nama is cynglic.
            aragorn: Man le trasta, Brego?
            aragorn: Man cenich?
            Aragorn [to brego]: 'Fast, [be] quiet now, fast, [be] quiet now. A battle is stirred up, [they] heard.'
            aragorn: 'What is your name?'
            aragorn: 'Brego? Your name is kingly.
            aragorn: 'What troubles you, Brego?'
            aragorn: 'What did you see?'
            fæste 'fast'.
            stille 'still; calm, quiet, gentle'.
            nú 'now'.
            lac 'battle'.
            is 'is'.
            drefed 'stirred up'.
            gefrægon '[they] heard' [?].
            hwæt 'what'.
            nemnað '[they] name'.
            ðe 'you'.
            ðin 'your (thine)'.
            nama 'name'.
            cynglic 'kingly'.

            IP属地:北京122楼2010-04-24 14:46
              45. Gandalf on Théodred's grave. [The Two Towers]
              Ending the scene at Théodred's grave, Gandalf stands a bit further away from mourning Théoden and utters the words:
              gandalf: Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu.
              gandalf: 'Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.'

              IP属地:北京123楼2010-04-24 14:46
                46. Battle cry. [The Two Towers]
                Just before riding out through the enemy for the last confrontation (Aragorn and Théoden and the men against the overwhelming Orcs, before Gandalf arrives with the reinforcements), a Rohir cries out the words:
                rohir: Forð Eorlingas!
                rohir: 'Forth Eorlingas!'

                IP属地:北京124楼2010-04-24 14:47

                  IP属地:北京125楼2010-04-24 14:47

                    IP属地:北京128楼2010-04-24 16:24

                      IP属地:北京133楼2010-04-29 10:11
                        1. Gilraen's Tomb Inscription.
                        language of inscription on the tomb: Sindarin
                        writing system: Tengwar (Standard Mode)
                        author: David Salo

                        IP属地:北京134楼2010-04-29 10:13

                          Onen i estel edain
                          ú-chebin estel anim

                          IP属地:北京135楼2010-04-29 10:15
                            It seems to be the tombstone of Gilraen, Aragorn's mother.
                            It is quite obvious that this Sindarin text comes from the well known linnod from Appendix A in The Return of the King: Onen i-Estel Edain, ú-chebin estel anim 'I gave Hope to the Dúnedain, I have kept no hope for myself.' These were the last words Aragorn heard from his mother.  
                            It is remarkable that the diphthongs are written full with carriers and the variable s-tengwa is used as Christopher Tolkien often did (a in most full-modes).

                            IP属地:北京136楼2010-04-29 10:16
                              2. Mazarbul Inscription.
                              language of inscription: Khuzdul
                              writing system: Angerthas Moria [modified by Daniel Reeve]
                              author: David Salo

                              IP属地:北京137楼2010-04-29 10:18