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IP属地:海南1楼2010-04-24 11:58回复

    2楼2010-04-24 11:59
      1. The Prophecy I
      Version published in the CD booklet.
      Lyrics by Philippa Boyens, music by Howard Shore, translated into Quenya by David Salo. This version differs from that one heard on the CD.). This version differs from that one heard on the CD.
      Chorus in Quenya
      Yénillor morne
      tulinte i quettar
      Tercáno Nuruva.
      Hlasta! Quetis
      'Out of the Black Years
      come the words
      [the] Herald of Death.
      Listen! It speaks
      to those who were not born to die...'
      yénillor n. Ablative   'out of the (long) years'; cf. Q yén 'Elvish 'long year' of 144 solar years, 52,596 days'.
      morne   adj. pl. 'dark; black'; cf. sg. morna 'dark; black' (LR 373).
      tulinte v. aorist 'they come'; tule 'come' + -nte 'they'; cf. tulin 'I come' (LR 395).
      i quettar n. pl. 'the words'; cf. sg. quetta 'word' (S 436).
      tercáno   n. 'herald'; cf. tercáno 'herald' (PM:362).
      nuruva n. Adjectival 'of death'; cf. nuru 'death' (LR 377).
      hlasta v. imperative 'listen'; *hlasta- < CE slas-ta-, S-LAS- 'ear; hear'; cf. Sindarin lhaw 'ears'.
      quetis v. aorist 'it speaks'; cf. quete 'say; speak' (S 436). [In the lyrics it reads erroneously quetes]
      Ilfirimain n. pl. Dative 'to Immortals; to those who are not born to die'; it can be derived from il-firima-in 'im-mortal-to (pl.); cf. ilfirin 'LR 381' and fírimoin 'for Men' (LR 72). [In the lyrics it reads erroneously Hfirimain]

      IP属地:海南3楼2010-04-24 12:00
        2. The Prophecy II
        Version published in the Warner Brothers sheet music.
        As above the text is based on the poem Malbeth the Seer's Words by J.R.R. Tolkien (in The Return of the King). Adaptation and lyrics by Philippa Boyens, music by Howard Shore, translated into Quenya by David Salo.
        Chorus in Quenya
        Quetis Ilfirimain:
        Corma turien te
        Corma tuvien
        Corma tultien te
        Huines se nutien.
        Tercáno Nuruva.
        Tuvien Corma tultien te
        Huinesse nutien
        Corma turien te Corma.
        It speaks to those who were not born to die:
        [One] Ring to rule them [all]
        [One] Ring to find [them]
        [One] Ring to bring them [all]
        [And] in the Darkness bind it
        [The] Herald of Death
        to find [One] Ring, to bring them [all]
        [And] in the Darkness bind it
        [One] Ring to rule them [all], [One] Ring'
        hlasta v. imperative 'listen'; *hlasta- < CE slas-ta-, S-LAS- 'ear; hear'; cf. Sindarin lhaw 'ears'.
        quetis v. aorist 'it speaks'; cf. quete 'say; speak' (S 436). [In the lyrics it reads erroneously quetes]
        Ilfirimain n. pl. Dative 'to Immortals; to those who are not born to die'; it can be derived from il-firima-in 'im-mortal-to (pl.); cf. ilfirin 'LR 381' and fírimoin 'for Men' (LR 72). [In the lyrics it reads erroneously Hfirimain]
        corma n. 'ring; here: One Ring'.
        turien v. gerund Dat. 'for ruling'; cf. tur- 'wield, control, govern', gerund *turie.
        te pron. 'them'.
        tuvien v. gerund Dat. 'for finding'; cf. *tuv- 'find', gerund *tuvie; cf. utúvienyes 'I have found it'.
        tultien v. gerund Dat. 'for sending for; for bringing'; cf. tulta- 'send for, fetch, summon', gerund *tultie.
        huinesse n. Locative 'in [the] darkness'; cf. huine 'deep shadow, gloom, darkness' + -sse Locative suffix.
        nutien v. gerund Dat. 'for binding'; cf. nut- 'tie', gerund *nutien.
        tercáno   n. 'herald'; cf. tercáno 'herald' (PM:362).
        nuruva n. 'of death'; cf. nuru 'death' (LR 377).

        IP属地:海南4楼2010-04-24 12:02

          IP属地:四川6楼2010-04-24 12:07
            5. Song to Tinúviel: Arwen's Theme
            Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Sindarin by David Salo.
            Found also in the FotR DVD Extended Edition Appendices under "Music".
            Here is full lyric.
            Tinúviel elvanui   [0.00-0.20]
            Elleth alfirin [0.21-0.40]
            'Tinúviel [the] elven-fair,
            Immortal maiden'
            Tinúviel n. 'nightingale, daughter of twilight' (name that Beren gave to Lúthien).
            elvanui adj., n. 'elven-fair'; el- 'Elvish' + *vanui, lenited form of *banui 'fair, beautiful' (cf. BAN- in LR 351).
            elleth n. fem. 'elf-maid' (WJ 363-4).
            alfirin adj. 'immortal' (Letters 402).

            IP属地:海南8楼2010-04-24 12:09
              6. A Elbereth Gilthoniel: featured in Many Meetings.
              Lyrics by J.R.R. Tolkien, music by Howard Shore, performed by the choir.
              Chorus in Sindarin
              A Elbereth Gilthoniel,
              silivren penna miriel
              o menel aglar elenath,
              na-chaered palan diriel
              o galadhremmin ennorath
              nef aear, sí aearon,
              Fanluilos, le linnathon
              Nef aear, sí aearon!
              'O Elbereth Star-kindler,
              (white) glittering slants-down sparkling-like-jewels
              from firmament glory [of] the star-host,
              to-remote-distance after-having-gazed
              from tree-tangled middle-lands,
              on-this-side [of] ocean, here [on this side of] the Great Ocean,
              Fanuilos, to thee I will chant
              on-this-side [of] ocean, here [on this side of] the Great Ocean!'
              Detailed analysis can be found in Tolkien's books and in Ardalambion

              IP属地:海南9楼2010-04-24 12:10
                8. Durin's Song: featured in A Journey in the Dark
                Featured in A Journey in the Dark. Lyrics by Philippa Boyens, translated into Neo-Khuzdûl by David Salo.
                Choir in Khuzdûl
                Durin ku binamrad
                Ugmal sulu addad ku ba
                Abad ku ganaga
                Tur ganad
                Abanul Durin
                Ku bin Amrad
                Ku ba kana a na aznan
                Un du abad
                Ku gan aga aznan.
                The original poem by Ph. Boyens is:
                'Durin who is Deathless
                Eldest of all Fathers
                Who awoke
                To darkness
                Beneath the mountain
                Who walked alone
                Through halls of stone
                Durin who is Deathless
                Lord of Khazad-dum
                Who cleaved
                The Dark
                And broke
                The silence
                This is your light!
                This is your word!
                This is your glory!
                The Dwarrowdelf of Khazad-dum!'

                IP属地:海南11楼2010-04-24 12:13
                  9. The Demon Comes: The Dwarves' Song II
                  Featured in The Bridge of Khazad-dûm. Lyrics by Roma Ryan, translated into Sindarin by and David Salo. First published in the Muse magazine
                  Choir in Khuzdûl
                  Urus ni buzra!
                  Arrâs talbabi fillumâ!
                  Ugrûd tashniki kurdumâ!
                  Lu! Lu! Lu!
                  Urkhas tanakhi!
                  'Fire in the deep!
                  Flames lick our skin!
                  Fear rips our heart!
                  No! No! No!
                  The demon comes!'
                  From David Salo's commentary:
                  Some of the things you can see here are the construction of verbs with the prefix ta- (for third person): talbabi 'lick', tashniki 'rips', tanakhi 'comes'; the suffix -mâ for 'our': fillumâ 'our skin', kurdumâ 'our heart'. We have some related words, like urus 'fire', arrâs 'flame'; and some words that should look familiar, e.g. buzra 'deep' (cf. bizar 'valley, deep place' in Azanul-bizar), and urkhas 'demon, balrog', related to rukhs 'orc' much as Quenya rauco 'demon' is related to urco 'orc'. So there is real linguistic structure there, and an homage to Tolkien's languages; but very little of it is genuine Tolkien

                  IP属地:海南12楼2010-04-24 12:14
                    10. Lament for Gandalf: featured in Lothlórien.
                    Version published in the CD booklet.
                    Lyrics by Philippa Boyens, music by Howard Shore, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, performed by Elizabeth Fraser. This lyrics is different from the one performed on the CD. The whole text of the original English poem by Ph. Boyens was shown in the FotR DVD Extended Edition. It can be seen fully reconstructed here.
                    Verse 1  
                    A Olórin i yáresse
                    Mentaner i Númeherui
                    Tírien i Rómenóri,
                    Maiaron i oiosaila
                    Manan elye etevanne
                    Nórie i malanelye?
                    Verse 2 and 3  
                    Mithrandir, Mithrandir! A Randir Vithren!
                    Ú-reniathach i amar galen
                    I reniad lín ne môr, nuithannen
                    In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen
                    I Lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen
                    Calad veleg, ethuiannen.
                    Quenya text:
                    'Olórin whom long ago
                    sent the Lords of the West
                    to guard the Lands of the East,
                    ever-wise of the Maiar
                    what drove you to leave [lit. 'why you left']
                    land which you loved?'
                    Sindarin text:
                    'Mithrandir, Mithrandir, O Pilgrim Grey
                    No more you will wander the world green
                    Your journey in darkness stopped
                    The bonds cut, the spirit broken
                    The Flame of Anor has left this World
                    Great light has gone out.'
                    A Olórin n. Vocative   'O Olórin'.
                    i   relative pron. 'who; whom'.
                    yáresse adv. 'once upon the time'.
                    mentaner v. pret. '[they] sent'; cf. menta- 'send, cause to go' (VT41:6).
                    i Númeherui n. pl. 'the Lords-of-the-West'.
                    tírien gerund Dative 'to guarding'; cf. tir- 'watch, watch over, guard, heed'.
                    i Rómenóri n. pl. 'the East-lands'.
                    Maiaron n. pl. Gen. 'of [the] Maiar'.
                    i oiosaila adj. 'ever-wise'.
                    manan pron. 'why'.
                    elye pron. 'you'.
                    etevanne v. pret. '[it] left'; cf. et-, ete- 'forth, out' and vanne 'went', pret. of vanya- 'go, depart, disappear.
                    nórie n. 'country'.
                    i   relative pron. 'who; whom'.
                    malanelye v. pret. 'you loved'; cf. mel- 'love', pret. melane + -lye 'you'.
                    Mithrandir name 'Grey Pilgrim'; cf. mith '(pale) grey' + *randir 'wanderer, pilgrim' (see below).
                    a   interj. 'O!' (Letters 308).
                    randir n. 'wanderer, pilgrim'; cf. Noldorin rhandir (LR 383).
                    vithren adj. 'grey'; lenited form of mithren (UT 436).
                    ú-reniathach v. 'you will not stray'; ú- negative prefix + renia- 'to stray' (LR 384) + -tha future tense marker + *-ch '2nd sg: you'.
                    i art. 'the' (LR 361, Letters 308).
                    amar n. 'the world' (LR 372).
                    galen adj. 'green'; lenited form of calen (LR 362, S 429, Letters 282).
                    reniad n. 'the journey'; < renia- (see above) + -ad gerundial suffix.
                    lín   pron. 'your'; enclitic form of *lîn; cf. le 'to thee' (LotR II:I) and nín 'my' (UT 40).
                    ne prep. 'in; of'; reduced form of ned (SD 129-31).
                    môr   n. (mór) 'darkness' (LR 373, Letters 382).
                    nuithannen pp. 'stopped'; cf. nuitha- 'to prevent from coming to completion, etc.' (WJ 413) + pp. marker.
                    in gwidh   n. pl. 'the bonds'; cf. in 'the (pl.)' + *gwidh (pl. of gwedh 'bond'; LR 397).
                    ristennin pp. pl. 'cut'; cf. *ristannen, pl. *ristennin < *rista- 'to cut' (LR 384) + pp. marker.
                    fae n. 'spirit'; cf. Sindarin form of Fëanor: Faenor (PM 343).
                    narchannen pp. '*broken, rent'; cf. *narcha- 'to rend' (LR 374) + pp. marker.
                    lach n. '(leaping) flame' (S 433).
                    Anor n. 'Sun' (LR 348).
                    ed prep. 'forth, out'; cf. ed- 'forth, out' (LR 356).  
                    ardhon n. 'world' (PM 348).
                    gwannen pp. 'left'; cf. gwanna- 'leave' (LR 397) + pp. marker.
                    calad n.   (calad) 'light (LR 362, UT 65).
                    veleg adj. 'great, mighty'; lenited form of beleg (S 428).
                    ethuiannen pp. 'breathed out'; cf. thuia- 'breathe' (LR 393) + pp. marker.

                    IP属地:海南13楼2010-04-24 12:16
                      12. Namárie: featured in The Great River.
                      Verse 1 is a fragment of the Galadriel's Lament (The Fellowship of the Ring book), verse 2 are Elendil's words when he came to Middle-earth after the Downfall of Númenor, repeated by Aragorn at his coronation (The Return of the King book). These Quenya lyrics are by J.R.R. Tolkien. Verse 1 is sung during the Fellowship's departure from Lórien, verse 2 during the passing of Argonath.
                      Verse 1
                      Chorus in Quenya
                      Ai! laurie lantar lassi súrinen,
                      yéni únotime ve ramar aldaron!
                      yéni ve linte...
                      'Alas! golden leaves fall in the wind,
                      long years numberless as [the] wings of trees!
                      Long years like swift...'
                      Verse 2
                      Chorus in Quenya
                      Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien.
                      Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta!
                      'Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.
                      In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world'
                      Detailed analysis can be found in Tolkien's books and in Ardalambion.

                      IP属地:海南14楼2010-04-24 12:18
                        13. Amon Hen: Departure of Boromir
                        Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Sindarin and Quenya by David Salo.
                        As per directors commentary, this poem is included in the text when Boromir is slain. “We do not love the sword for its brightness,
                        Nor the arrow for its swiftness Nor the warrior for his glory We only love that which they defend.”
                        Ú-velin i vegil an aegas   [?]
                        egor i bilin a linnas [?]
                        'I-do-not-love the sword for sharpness,
                        or the arrow for swiftness'
                        ... i alda helda [?]
                        i ehtelë lin(d)a. [?]
                        Manna lelyalyë [?]
                        Voromirë... [?]
                        canelya ... (?)dessë si .... (?)mas [?]
                        '... the tree naked
                        the spring beautiful.
                        Where-to you-go
                        your-valour... ?-in now ... ?
                        The choir score reads:
                        Eh-gawr Ee Bee-leen
                        Ah Leen-nahss
                        Oo-veh-leen Ee Veh-gheel
                        Ahn Ay-gahss
                        Eh-gawr Ee Bee-leen
                        Ah Leen
                        Ee Ahl-dah Hel-dah
                        Ee Ekh-tel-leh Lee-nah
                        Mahn-nah Lel-yahl-yeh
                        Kaah-nahl-yah Des-seh See Mahs

                        IP属地:海南15楼2010-04-24 12:19
                          14. Amon Hen: The Seduction of the Ring
                          Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Sindarin by David Salo.
                          Found also in The Forbidden Pool in the TTT soundtrack
                          i tuo...
                          i macil...
                          ... (a?)staldaron...
                          marinyë... cor...
                          i tuo...
                          i macil...
                          a lelyat
                          i tuo...
                          'the strength...
                          the sword...
                          ... of-the-valiant (?)...
                          I-live... ring (?)...
                          the strength...
                          the sword...
                          let they go (?)
                          the strength...'

                          IP属地:海南16楼2010-04-24 12:20
                            15. May It Be
                            Lyrics by Roma Ryan, composed and performed by Enya, translated into Quenya by David Salo.
                            Solo [by Enya] in Quenya
                            Mornië utúlië
                            Mornië alantië
                            'Darkness has come'
                            'Darkness has fallen down'
                            mornië n. 'darkness'.
                            utúlië v. 'has come'; tul- 'come'.
                            alantië v. 'has fallen down'; lanta- 'fall down'.

                            IP属地:海南17楼2010-04-24 12:21
                              16. O Queen Beyond the Western Seas
                              Lyrics by J.R.R. Tolkien (from The Fellowship of the Ring). Performed by David Long with Plan 9 (David Donaldson, Stephen Rocha, Janet Roddick.)
                              [Our friend, Frederick has found out that the song of the Elves is the literal Sindarin translation of Tolkien's poem Snow-white! Snow-white! from Chapter Three Is Company in The Fellowship of the Ring:
                              O Light to us that wander here
                              Amid the world of woven trees!
                              Gilthoniel! O Elbereth!
                              Clear are thy eyes and bright thy breath!
                              Below there is the ultimate version of this lyric, sent to Taramiluiel by David Salo. See here.]
                              Solo [by Elizabeth Fraser?] in Sindarin
                              A Bereth thar Ennui Aeair!
                              Calad ammen i reniar
                              Mi 'aladhremmin ennorath.
                              A Elbereth Gilthoniel
                              i chin a thûl lín míriel...
                              'O Queen beyond the Western Seas!
                              O light to us that wander
                              Amid the tree-woven middle-lands.
                              O Elbereth Star-kindler
                              the eyes and breath your [are] shining-like-jewels...'
                              A interj. 'O!'.
                              Bereth n. 'queen'; cf. Sindarin Elbereth 'Queen of Stars'.
                              thar prep. 'beyond'.
                              Ennui Aeair n. 'Western Seas'; pl. of Annûn Aear 'Westen Sea'.
                              calad n. 'light'.
                              ammen pron. 'to us'.
                              i   pron. 'who; that'.
                              reniar v. 'wander'; renia- 'to stray' (LR 384) + -r '3rd pl.: they’.
                              mi prep. 'in; amid'.
                              'aladhremmin adj. 'tree-woven', pl. of galadhremmen.
                              ennorath n. 'middle-earth'.
                              i art. 'the (pl.)'.
                              chin n. 'eyes'.
                              a conj. 'and'.
                              thûl n. 'breath' (LR 393).
                              lín pron. 'your'.
                              míriel v. 'shining like jewels'.

                              IP属地:海南18楼2010-04-24 12:22