指环王吧 关注:146,415贴子:2,393,636



3. Arwen on Weathertop. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
Arwen's words to dying Frodo after the attack of the Nazgûl.
arwen: Frodo, im Arwen. Telin le thaed.
Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad.
arwen:   'I am Arwen - I've come to help you. Hear my voice... Come back to the light.' [lit. 'Frodo, I [am] Arwen. I come to help you. Listen to my word, come back to [the] light.']
im   pron. 'I'.
telin   v. 'I come; I have come'; cf. tol- 'come'.
le   pron. 'you'.
thaed   inf. 'to help'; derivative of *STA- 'help'.
lasto   v. imp. 'listen'.
beth   n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth.
nîn   pron. 'my'.
tolo   v. imp. 'come'.
dan   adv. 'back'.
nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the'
galad   n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.

IP属地:海南81楼2010-04-24 14:01
    4. Before the Bruinen Raid I. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
    Arwen and Aragorn talk before the Bruinen Raid.
    aragorn: Dartho guin Beriain. Rych le ad tolthathon.
    arwen: Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im.
    aragorn: Andelu i ven.
    arwen: Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hîr, tûr gwaith nîn beriatha hon.
    aragorn: Be iest lîn.
    aragorn: 'Stay with the Hobbits - I will send horses for you.'
    Arwen: 'I'm the faster rider - I'll take him.' [lit. 'I will take him. I am the swifter rider.'
    Arwen: 'The road is too dangerous' [lit. 'The road [is] very dangerous.'
    Arwen: 'If I can get accross the river   the power of my people will protect him.' [lit. 'Frodo dies. If I get across the river, [the] power of my people will protect him.'
    aragorn: 'According to your wish' [no subtitle given]
    dartho    v. imper. 'wait; stay'; cf. dartha- 'wait, stay, last, endure' (LR 353).
    guin    prep. 'with the'; *go, gwa- 'together with' + in 'the (pl.)'.
    Beriain    n. 'Hobbits', lenited form of Periain, pl. of Perian.
    rych    n. 'horses', plural of roch 'horse'.
    le    pron. 'you'.
    ad tolthathon    v. fut. 'I will send'; cf. ad adv. 'again' + toltha- 'fetch, summon, make come'.
    hon    pron. 'he; him'
    mabathon   v. fut. 'I will take'; *mab- 'seize, take away by force, *take'; MAP- 'grasp' (LR 371)
    rochon   n. 'rider'   
    ellint   adj. 'swifter'; an- + lint 'swift' (UT 318)
    im   pron. 'I'
    andelu    adj. 'more dangerous'; an- + delu 'hateful, fell; *dangerous'.
    i ven    n. 'the road'; lenited form of men 'way, road'.
    Frodo   n. 'Frodo'; shouldn't it be rather Iorhael in Sindarin?
    fîr    v. pres. 'dies'; cf. *fir- 'die', PHIR- 'exhale, expire, breath out' (LR 381)
    ae    conj. 'if'; reconstructed after Q ai-quen 'if anybody, whoever' (WJ:372).
    athradon    v. pres. 'I cross'; cf. athrada- 'cross, traverse' (LR 383).
    i hîr    n. 'the river'; lenited form of sîr 'river'.
    tûr    n. '*power; mastery, victory'.
    gwaith    n. 'people'.
    nîn    pron. 'my'.
    beriatha    v. fut. '[it] will protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351).
    hon    pron. 'he; him'
    be    adv. 'according to the'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest]
    iest    n. 'wish'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest]
    lîn    pron. 'your'.

    IP属地:海南82楼2010-04-24 14:03
      5. Before the Bruinen Raid II   [not included in the film]
      For the first time revealed in the TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer. Arwen's words to Aragorn before the flight to Bruinen Ford; cf. Glorfindel's 'I fear that we may find the Ford is already held against us' (I 276). First analyzed by Javier Lorenzo.
      Arwen to aragorn: Ingon i athrad dammen beriathar aen.
      Arwen to aragorn: 'I guess the ford will be held against us'
      ingon   1st pers. pres. 'I guess; perhaps'; *ing- 'guess, suppose'; IÑK- 'guess' (LR 361).
      i athrad   n. 'the ford'.
      dammen   adv. 'against us'; dan 'against' + men 'we; us'.  
      beriathar aen   v. fut. passive 'will be guarded, will be held'; beria- 'protect'.

      IP属地:海南83楼2010-04-24 14:03
        6. Bruinen Raid. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
        Arwen to her horse, Asfaloth. Author of the phrase is J.R.R. Tolkien (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring book).
        Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!
        Arwen: Noro lim!
        Arwen: 'Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast!' [no subtitles given]...
        Arwen: 'Ride fast!' [no subtitles given]
        noro    v. imper. 'ride'; cf. *nor- 'ride'.
        lim    adv. '*fast'.

        IP属地:海南84楼2010-04-24 14:04
          7.   Bruinen Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
          First revealed on the Lord of the Rings Website.   The 'Bruinen Spell' against the Ringwraiths. First analyzed by Måns Björkman.
          Nîn o Chithaeglir
          lasto beth daer;
          Rimmo nîn Bruinen
          dan in Ulaer!
          'Waters of the Misty Mountains
          listen to the great word;
          flow waters of Loudwater
          against the Ringwraiths!'   [no subtitles given]
          nîn   n. pl. 'waters'; pl. of nên 'water'
          o Chithaeglir   n. 'from Misty Mountains'; stop mutation of Hithaeglir.
          lasto   v. imp. 'listen'
          beth   n. 'word'; lenited form of peth.
          daer   adj. 'great'
          rimmo    v. imp. 'flow'; *rimma- 'flow like a torrent'; RIP- ' rush, fly' (LR 384)
          Bruinen   n. 'Loudwater'
          dan   adv. 'against'
          in Ulaer   n. 'the Ringwraiths'

          IP属地:海南85楼2010-04-24 14:05
            8.   Elrond's Healing Words. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
            First seen in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Elrond healing Frodo in Rivendell.
            elrond: Frodo, lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad
            elrond: 'Frodo, hear my voice, come back to [the] light.' [no subtitles given]
            lasto   v. imp. 'listen'
            beth   n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth.
            nîn   pron. 'my'
            tolo   v. imp. 'come'
            dan   adv. 'back'
            nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the'
            galad   n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.  

            IP属地:海南86楼2010-04-24 14:06
              . Elrond Near Gilraen's Grave. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
              Aragorn visits his mother's grave. Elrond tells to him in Sindarin.
              Elrond: Anirne hene beriad i chên lîn.
              Ned Imladris nauthant e le beriathar aen.
              Elrond: 'She wanted to protect her child.
              She thought in Rivendell you would be safe.'
              anirne   v. pret. '[she] wanted'; cf. aníra '[he] wants'.
              hene   pron. 'she'.
              beriad   gerund 'to protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351).
              i chên   n. 'the child'; lenited form of hên 'child'.
              lîn   prep. 'her'.
              ned   prep. 'in'.
              nauthant    v. pret. '[she] thought'; cf. nautha- 'conceive; *think' (LR 378).
              e   pron. 'he/she'.
              le   pron. 'you'.
              beriathar aen   v. fut. passive 'will be guarded, will be held'; beria- 'protect'.

              IP属地:海南87楼2010-04-24 14:07
                10. Aragorn and Arwen in Imladris. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                Romantic scene in Rivendell; in the background you can hear the soundtrack Aníron.
                arwen: A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn.
                arwen: Ú or le a ú or nin.
                arwen: Renich i lú i erui govannem?
                aragorn: Nauthannen i ned ôl reniannen.
                arwen: Gwenwin in enninath...
                arwen: Ú-'arnech in naeth i si celich.
                arwen: Renich i beth i pennen?
                arwen: 'The Shadow does not hold sway yet' [Lit. 'Till now the Shadow not masters, Aragorn.']
                Arwen: 'Not over you and not over me.'
                arwen: 'Do you remember the time when we first met?'
                aragorn: 'I thought I had strayed into a dream'
                arwen: 'Long years have passed...'
                Arwen: 'You did not have the cares you carry now.'
                Arwen: 'Do you remember the word I told you?'
                a si    adv. 'as yet' = 'up to the present time'; cf. an 'to, towards' + si 'now'.
                i-Dhúath    n. 'the Shadow'; lenited form of dúath 'darkness, shadow'.
                ú-orthor    v. pres. '[it] doesn't conquer'; cf. orthor- 'master, conquer' (LR 395).
                ú    adv. 'not'.
                or    prep. 'above, over'.
                le    pron. 'you'.
                a    conj. 'and'
                nin    pron. 'me'
                renich    v. pres. 'you remember'; *ren- 'remember'; REN- 'recall, have in mind'.
                i lú    n. 'the time'; cf. lû 'time, occasion'.
                i   pron. & conj. 'that; here: when'.
                erui    adj. & adv. 'first'
                govannem    v. pret. 'we met'; cf. *govad- 'meet'.
                nauthannen    v. pret. 'I thought'; cf. nautha- 'conceive; *think' (LR 378).
                ned    prep. 'in'.
                ôl   n. 'dream'.
                reniannen   v. 'I strayed'; cf. renia- 'stray' (LR 383)
                gwenwin    v. pret. '[they] passed'; cf. gwanna- 'to depart, to die' (LR 397).
                in enninath   n. 'the long year'; cf. *annin 'long year'.
                ú-'arnech   v. pret. 'you didn't have'; lenited form of garnech; cf. gar- 'hold, have, possess' [in the movie script erroneously ú-arnech].
                in naeth   n. 'the woes; *the cares'.
                si   adv. 'now'.
                celich   v. pres. 'you carry'; *col- 'carry'; *KOL- 'bear, carry'.
                i beth   n. 'the word'; lenited form of peth 'word'.   
                pennen   v. pret. 'I told'; cf. ped- 'say, speak'; KWET-.

                IP属地:海南88楼2010-04-24 14:08
                  11. Council of Elrond. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                  Words of Aragorn to Legolas.
                  aragorn: Havo dad, Legolas.
                  aragorn: 'Sit down, Legolas'
                  havo dad   v. imper. 'sit down'; cf. *hav- 'sit'; KHAM- (LR 363); dad adv. 'down, downwards'.  

                  IP属地:海南89楼2010-04-24 14:09
                    12. Caradhras Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                    First seen in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Gandalf at Redhorn.
                    gandalf: Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!
                    gandalf: 'Sleep Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold [your] wrath' [no subtitles given]
                    losto v. imp. 'sleep'; *losta- 'sleep', (O)L-OS- 'sleep' (UT 396).
                    Caradhras   n. 'Redhorn'; from caran 'red' + rass 'horn'.
                    sedho v. imp. 'be still'; *sedh- 'be quiet, be still'; SED- 'rest, peace'.
                    hodo v. imp. 'lie still'; *hoda- 'rest, lie at ease'; KHAW- (LR 363-4).
                    nuitho v. imp. 'hold, not allow to continue'; nuitha- 'to stunt' (WJ 413).
                    i 'ruith n. 'the wrath'; *gruith 'wrath'; G-RUK- 'terror'.

                    IP属地:海南90楼2010-04-24 14:10
                      13.   Moria Gate Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                      Gandalf's spell in Sindarin composed by J.R.R. Tolkien (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring book).
                      gandalf: Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen.
                      gandalf:* Fennas Nogothrim lasto beth lammen.   
                      gandalf: 'Gate of the Elves open now for me'
                      gandalf: 'Doorway of the Dwarf-folk listen to the word of my tongue.' [no subtitles given]
                      *only in FotR DVD extended version
                      annon   n. 'great door or gate'.
                      edhellen   adj. 'Elvish'.
                      edro   v. imper. 'open'; cf. edra- 'open'.
                      hi   adv. 'now'; lenited form of si.
                      ammen   pron. 'for us'.
                      fennas n. 'great door or gate'.
                      nogothrim n. '[of] Dwarves'.
                      lasto   v. imper. 'listen'.
                      beth   n. 'word'; lenited form of peth.
                      lammen   n. 'tongue-my'.

                      IP属地:海南91楼2010-04-24 14:11
                        14. Lórien Dialog I [FotR DVD extended version]
                        Fragment of the movie script first revealed by Tolkien-Movies website. It is welcome in Lórien described in chapter Lothlórien in the Fellowship of the Ring book: cf. "Then he [Haldir] shut off the light again, and spoke words of welcome in his elven-tongue". A fragment of this dialog was quoted in the TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer.
                        haldir: Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion.
                        legolas: Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien.
                        haldir: A Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen.
                        aragorn: Haldir.
                        haldir: 'Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.'
                        legolas: 'Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien' (lit. [is] obliged)
                        haldir: 'Aragorn of Dúnedain, you are known to us.' [lit. 'Oh Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you [are] known to us'.]
                        aragorn: 'Haldir'. [no subtitle given]
                        mae govannen 'welcome; lit. well-met'
                        Legolas Thranduilion 'Legolas Thranduilson'; cf. S -ion 'son'
                        govannas   n. 'fellowship'; < CE *wobandasse; BAD- 'bind' (LR 350).
                        vîn pron. 'our'; cf. VT #44, Sindarin Ae Adar nín.
                        gwennen pp. '[is] obliged'; cf. *gwedh- 'bind' (LR 397).
                        le   pron. 'you'.
                        Haldir o Lórien 'Haldir of Lórien'.
                        A Aragorn   n. 'Ah Aragorn'.
                        in Dúnedain   n. 'of the West Men'.
                        istannen   pp. 'known'.
                        le   pron. 'you'.
                        ammen   pron. 'to us'.

                        IP属地:海南92楼2010-04-24 14:12
                          15. Lórien Dialog II. [only in the FotR cinema version]
                          This scene differs from the DVD extended version.
                          aragorn: Haldir o Lórien.
                          aragorn: Henio, aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn.
                          aragorn: Boe ammen veriad lîn.
                          aragorn: 'Haldir from Lórien.'
                          aragorn: 'Understand, I wish [i.e. please, understand!], we need you    support [lit. it is necessary to us your help].'
                          aragorn: 'We need your protection' [Lit. 'it is needed to us your      protection']
                          Haldir o Lórien n. 'Haldir of Lórien'
                          henio, v. imperative. 'understand!'; cf. henia- 'understand'.
                          anírion v. pres. 'I want'; cf. aníra- 'desire'.
                          boe v. pres. impersonal 'it is necessary (to), one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message).
                          ammen pron. 'to us'.
                          i dulu   n. 'the support'; lenited form of tulu 'support, prop' (LR 395).
                          lîn   pron. 'your'.
                          veriad   n. 'protection'; lenited form of *beriad 'protect' (LR 351).

                          IP属地:海南93楼2010-04-24 14:13
                            16. Lórien Dialog III. [FotR DVD extended version]
                            Dialog between Aragorn and Haldir, which is not translated in the movie. It can be understood only partially.
                            aragorn: Boe ammen veriad lîn.
                            aragorn: Andelu i ven.
                            aragorn: Merin le telim.
                            aragorn: Henio, aníron boe ammen i dulu lîn.
                            aragorn: Andelu i ven.
                            aragorn: 'We need your protection' [Lit. 'it is needed to us your protection'].
                            aragorn: 'The road [is] very dangerous.'
                            aragorn: 'I wish we come to you'. [this phrase is very obscure]
                            aragorn: 'Understand, I wish [i.e. please, understand!], we need you   support [lit. it is necessary to us your help].'
                            aragorn:'The road [is] very dangerous.'
                            boe v. pres. impersonal 'it is necessary (to), one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message).
                            ammen pron. 'to us'.
                            veriad   n. 'protection'; lenited form of *beriad 'protect' (LR 351).
                            lîn   pron. 'your'.
                            andelu    adj. 'more dangerous'; an- + delu 'hateful, fell; *dangerous'.
                            i ven    n. 'the road'; lenited form of men 'way, road'.
                            merin    adj. 'I wish'; cf. Q merin 'I wish'.
                            le   pron. 'you'.
                            telim    n. 'we come'; cf. tol- 'come'; telin 'I come'.
                            henio, v. imperative. 'understand!'; cf. henia- 'understand'.
                            anírion v. pres. 'I want'; cf. aníra- 'desire'.
                            i dulu   n. 'the support'; lenited form of tulu 'support, prop' (LR 395).

                            IP属地:海南94楼2010-04-24 14:15
                              17.   Celeborn's Warning   [FotR DVD extended version]
                              Words of Celeborn to Aragorn in the scene of the farewell in Lórien. First published in TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer.
                              celeborn: Le aphadar aen.
                              celeborn: 'You are being followed'
                              le   pron. 'you'.
                              aphadar aen   v. pres. passive 'is/are [being] followed'.

                              IP属地:海南95楼2010-04-24 14:15