指环王吧 关注:146,155贴子:2,389,843



42. Not Once, Not Ever: featured in The End of All Things
Words by Philippa Boyens, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore, performed by Renée Fleming.
Version from the Special Soundtrack DVD.
Dannen le
A ú-erin le regi
Rang ail le iestannen
Lû ail le tegin na hen.
Gwannach o innen ului
Ú lû erui, ului.
You have fallen.
And I cannot reach you.
Ever step I willed you on,
Every moment I lead you to this.
You never left my mind,
Not once, not ever.

IP属地:北京50楼2010-04-24 12:55
    43. Don't Let Go: featured in The End of All Things
    Words by Philippa Boyens, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore, performed by Renée Fleming.
    Version from the Special Soundtrack DVD; part two from the sheet music.
    Anírach únad
    Egor gurth hen
    Han cenin vi chen lín
    Egor ú-'erin le devi
    Tellin men achae
    Brennin men anann
    Rago! Ú-erich leithio,
    Ú-erich o nin gwanno.
    You want nothing more
    Than this death.
    I see it in your eye.
    But I cannot let you
    We have come too far
    We have held on too long.
    Reach! You cannot let go,
    You cannot leave me.

    IP属地:北京51楼2010-04-24 12:56
      44. The Mountain of Fire: featured in The End of All Things
      Words by Philippa Boyens, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore, performed by Renée Fleming.
      Version from the Special Soundtrack DVD.
      Nu dalav
      Úrui tuiannen na ruith
      Leithia Orodruin oe in phan.
      Ristannen i geven,
      Danna eliad morn.
      Si, na vethed [choir: 2.17-2.32]
      Meth i naid bain [choir: 2.32]
      I wilith úria [choir: 2.33-2.47]
      I ardhon ban lacha! [choir: 2.48-2.55]
      Beneath the ground
      Swollen hot with anger
      Orodruin releases all its ruin.
      Earth rips asunder
      Black rain falls.
      Here at the end;
      The end of all things.
      The air is aflame,
      All the world is on fire!

      IP属地:北京52楼2010-04-24 12:57
        45. The Eagles: featured in The End of All Things
        Words by Philippa Boyens, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore, performed by Renée Fleming.
        Version from the Special Soundtrack booklet.
        Orthannen im vi ól   [solo: 4.09]
        Coll e dû   [solo: 4.20]
        Or hiriath naur   [solo: 4.24]
        Na rovail mae sui 'waew   [solo: 4.31]
        Man prestant i ardhon?   [solo: 4.39]
        Cerithar aen illiad dim úthenin?   [solo: 4.47]
        In a dream I was lifted up.
        Borne from the darkness
        Above the rivers of fire.
        On wings doft as the wind.
        What's happened to the world?
        Is everything sad going to come untrue?

        IP属地:北京53楼2010-04-24 12:57
          46. Aragorn's Coronation: featured in The Return of the King
          Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, music by Howard Shore, performed by Viggo Mortensen.
          Version published in the CD booklet.
          Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien   [3.46]
          Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta   [3.59]
          Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.
          In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world

          IP属地:北京54楼2010-04-24 12:58
            47. Song to Tinúviel (Queen Arwen's Song): featured in The Return of the King
            Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Sindarin by David Salo.
            Found also in the FotR DVD Extended Edition Appendices under "Music".
            It's also sung by Aragorn and in the beginning of Flight to the Ford in FotR. See here.
            Tinúviel elvanui   [4.41-5.05]
            Elleth alfirin edhelhael [5.06-5.15]
            O hon ring finnil fuinui  
            A renc gelebrin thiliol...
            Tinúviel [the] elven-fair,
            Immortal maiden elven-wise,
            About him cast [her] night-dark hair,
            And arms [like] silver glimmering...
            Tinúviel n. 'nightingale, daughter of twilight' (name that Beren gave to Lúthien).
            elvanui adj., n. 'elven-fair'; el- 'Elvish' + *vanui, lenited form of *banui 'fair, beautiful' (cf. BAN- in LR 351).
            elleth n. fem. 'elf-maid' (WJ 363-4).
            alfirin adj. 'immortal' (Letters 402).

            IP属地:北京55楼2010-04-24 12:58
              48. The Dimholt Road: featured in Hope Fails
              Words by Philippa Boyens, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore.
              Version from the Special Soundtrack DVD.
              Go vegil tolo hi [1.10]
              Egor íriel firi [1.17]
              'Ni men hen ú veth 'war. [1.25]
              Come armed,
              or prepared to die.
              There is no other end to this road.

              IP属地:北京56楼2010-04-24 12:59
                49. The Grey Havens:   featured in The Grey Heavens [?]
                Words by J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, music by Howard Shore, performed by James Galway.
                Version from the Special Soundtrack DVD. Compare this Sindarin translation with another one by R. Derdzinski (here)
                Dartha o nas a thar emyn [choir: 5.12 and forwards]
                Men 'wain egor annon thurin
                Ah ae anann erphennin hain
                Na vedui cenithon aur wain
                I badathon raid yriel
                Amrûn n'Anor, Annûn n'Ithil.
                Still round a corner there may wait
                A new road or a secret gate;
                And though I oft have passed them by,
                A day will come at last when I
                Shall take the hidden paths that run
                West of the Moon, East of the Sun.

                IP属地:北京57楼2010-04-24 13:00

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