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IP属地:海南59楼2010-04-24 13:02

    IP属地:海南62楼2010-04-24 13:06
      Philippa Boyens等人作词,Howard谱曲,有一些可能没有收录到魔戒原声中。我这个帖主要是整理语言

      IP属地:海南68楼2010-04-24 13:19

        IP属地:海南70楼2010-04-24 13:29

          IP属地:海南73楼2010-04-24 13:46

            IP属地:海南75楼2010-04-24 13:52

              IP属地:海南77楼2010-04-24 13:55
                1. Galadriel's Prologue. [The Fellowship of the Ring]  
                Opening words of Lady Galadriel being a motto of the film. This phrase was first recorded at Mythcon 2001 during an interview with Philippa Boyens. It was analyzed by Patrick. In the book words of Fangorn: "...the world has changed, I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air." Compare with a translation of this fragment by Ryszard Derdzinski.
                Galadriel: I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.
                Galadriel: 'The world is changed; I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air.'
                I amar   n. 'the world'.
                prestar aen   v. pass. 'is changed'; cf. presta- 'affect, trouble' (LR 380). David Salo explains it as aen 'they' and prestar '[they] change' in Elfling message no. 16323.
                han    pron. 'it'.
                mathon   v. pres. 'I feel'; cf. matha- 'feel, stroke, handle' (LR 371).
                ne, ned   prep. 'in, of'.
                nen   n. 'water'.
                cae, mut. chae n. 'earth'.
                a   conj. 'and'.
                noston v. 'I smell'; *nosta- 'smell'; cf. stem NUS-; Q nusta- 'smell'. In the official recording ennorously (?) nostron, from **nostra-?  
                'wilith   n. 'air as a region'; usually ned 'in' triggers a stop mutation; if so it should be *ne gwilith 'in the air'. However David Salo writes: "I would not expect on historical grounds for *w to behave exactly like *g; since *w > gw is an instance of 'fortition' (change of approximant to stop) and *g > zero is the opposite, lenition. If we started with, say, *ed+wilith (or *wilitthe), then - assuming that the two words remain in contact throughout their development, then the fortition never gets a chance to take place. You would have e wilith instead of *ed wilith if the loss of the final consonant occurred, generally, before any other consonant" (David Salo, Elfling message from Jan 16, 2002).

                IP属地:海南79楼2010-04-24 13:58
                  2. Elrond's Battle Cry. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                  Elrond's words to his army during the battle of the Last Alliance. Though the second part of this battle cry is hado i philinn in the movie script, it seems that Hugo Weaving (Elrond) cries leithio i philinn (as David Salo wrote in his letter to me. R.D.).
                  Elrond: Tangado haid! Leithio i philinn!
                  elrond: 'Hold [your] positions! Fire the arrows!' [no subtitles]
                  tangado   v. imper. 'make firm, establish!'; *tangada- 'to make firm' (LR 389).
                  haid   n. 'places, spots'; lenited form of said, pl. of sad 'place, spot' (UT 425).
                  leithio v. imper. 'release!'; cf. leithia- 'set free, release' (LR 368).
                  i philinn n. 'the arrows'; nasal mutation of pilinn, sg. pilinn; cf. Q pilin 'arrow'.

                  IP属地:海南80楼2010-04-24 14:00
                    3. Arwen on Weathertop. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                    Arwen's words to dying Frodo after the attack of the Nazgûl.
                    arwen: Frodo, im Arwen. Telin le thaed.
                    Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad.
                    arwen:   'I am Arwen - I've come to help you. Hear my voice... Come back to the light.' [lit. 'Frodo, I [am] Arwen. I come to help you. Listen to my word, come back to [the] light.']
                    im   pron. 'I'.
                    telin   v. 'I come; I have come'; cf. tol- 'come'.
                    le   pron. 'you'.
                    thaed   inf. 'to help'; derivative of *STA- 'help'.
                    lasto   v. imp. 'listen'.
                    beth   n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth.
                    nîn   pron. 'my'.
                    tolo   v. imp. 'come'.
                    dan   adv. 'back'.
                    nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the'
                    galad   n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.

                    IP属地:海南81楼2010-04-24 14:01
                      4. Before the Bruinen Raid I. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                      Arwen and Aragorn talk before the Bruinen Raid.
                      aragorn: Dartho guin Beriain. Rych le ad tolthathon.
                      arwen: Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im.
                      aragorn: Andelu i ven.
                      arwen: Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hîr, tûr gwaith nîn beriatha hon.
                      aragorn: Be iest lîn.
                      aragorn: 'Stay with the Hobbits - I will send horses for you.'
                      Arwen: 'I'm the faster rider - I'll take him.' [lit. 'I will take him. I am the swifter rider.'
                      Arwen: 'The road is too dangerous' [lit. 'The road [is] very dangerous.'
                      Arwen: 'If I can get accross the river   the power of my people will protect him.' [lit. 'Frodo dies. If I get across the river, [the] power of my people will protect him.'
                      aragorn: 'According to your wish' [no subtitle given]
                      dartho    v. imper. 'wait; stay'; cf. dartha- 'wait, stay, last, endure' (LR 353).
                      guin    prep. 'with the'; *go, gwa- 'together with' + in 'the (pl.)'.
                      Beriain    n. 'Hobbits', lenited form of Periain, pl. of Perian.
                      rych    n. 'horses', plural of roch 'horse'.
                      le    pron. 'you'.
                      ad tolthathon    v. fut. 'I will send'; cf. ad adv. 'again' + toltha- 'fetch, summon, make come'.
                      hon    pron. 'he; him'
                      mabathon   v. fut. 'I will take'; *mab- 'seize, take away by force, *take'; MAP- 'grasp' (LR 371)
                      rochon   n. 'rider'   
                      ellint   adj. 'swifter'; an- + lint 'swift' (UT 318)
                      im   pron. 'I'
                      andelu    adj. 'more dangerous'; an- + delu 'hateful, fell; *dangerous'.
                      i ven    n. 'the road'; lenited form of men 'way, road'.
                      Frodo   n. 'Frodo'; shouldn't it be rather Iorhael in Sindarin?
                      fîr    v. pres. 'dies'; cf. *fir- 'die', PHIR- 'exhale, expire, breath out' (LR 381)
                      ae    conj. 'if'; reconstructed after Q ai-quen 'if anybody, whoever' (WJ:372).
                      athradon    v. pres. 'I cross'; cf. athrada- 'cross, traverse' (LR 383).
                      i hîr    n. 'the river'; lenited form of sîr 'river'.
                      tûr    n. '*power; mastery, victory'.
                      gwaith    n. 'people'.
                      nîn    pron. 'my'.
                      beriatha    v. fut. '[it] will protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351).
                      hon    pron. 'he; him'
                      be    adv. 'according to the'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest]
                      iest    n. 'wish'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest]
                      lîn    pron. 'your'.

                      IP属地:海南82楼2010-04-24 14:03
                        5. Before the Bruinen Raid II   [not included in the film]
                        For the first time revealed in the TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer. Arwen's words to Aragorn before the flight to Bruinen Ford; cf. Glorfindel's 'I fear that we may find the Ford is already held against us' (I 276). First analyzed by Javier Lorenzo.
                        Arwen to aragorn: Ingon i athrad dammen beriathar aen.
                        Arwen to aragorn: 'I guess the ford will be held against us'
                        ingon   1st pers. pres. 'I guess; perhaps'; *ing- 'guess, suppose'; IÑK- 'guess' (LR 361).
                        i athrad   n. 'the ford'.
                        dammen   adv. 'against us'; dan 'against' + men 'we; us'.  
                        beriathar aen   v. fut. passive 'will be guarded, will be held'; beria- 'protect'.

                        IP属地:海南83楼2010-04-24 14:03
                          6. Bruinen Raid. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                          Arwen to her horse, Asfaloth. Author of the phrase is J.R.R. Tolkien (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring book).
                          Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!
                          Arwen: Noro lim!
                          Arwen: 'Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast!' [no subtitles given]...
                          Arwen: 'Ride fast!' [no subtitles given]
                          noro    v. imper. 'ride'; cf. *nor- 'ride'.
                          lim    adv. '*fast'.

                          IP属地:海南84楼2010-04-24 14:04
                            7.   Bruinen Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                            First revealed on the Lord of the Rings Website.   The 'Bruinen Spell' against the Ringwraiths. First analyzed by Måns Björkman.
                            Nîn o Chithaeglir
                            lasto beth daer;
                            Rimmo nîn Bruinen
                            dan in Ulaer!
                            'Waters of the Misty Mountains
                            listen to the great word;
                            flow waters of Loudwater
                            against the Ringwraiths!'   [no subtitles given]
                            nîn   n. pl. 'waters'; pl. of nên 'water'
                            o Chithaeglir   n. 'from Misty Mountains'; stop mutation of Hithaeglir.
                            lasto   v. imp. 'listen'
                            beth   n. 'word'; lenited form of peth.
                            daer   adj. 'great'
                            rimmo    v. imp. 'flow'; *rimma- 'flow like a torrent'; RIP- ' rush, fly' (LR 384)
                            Bruinen   n. 'Loudwater'
                            dan   adv. 'against'
                            in Ulaer   n. 'the Ringwraiths'

                            IP属地:海南85楼2010-04-24 14:05
                              8.   Elrond's Healing Words. [The Fellowship of the Ring]
                              First seen in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Elrond healing Frodo in Rivendell.
                              elrond: Frodo, lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad
                              elrond: 'Frodo, hear my voice, come back to [the] light.' [no subtitles given]
                              lasto   v. imp. 'listen'
                              beth   n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth.
                              nîn   pron. 'my'
                              tolo   v. imp. 'come'
                              dan   adv. 'back'
                              nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the'
                              galad   n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.  

                              IP属地:海南86楼2010-04-24 14:06