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【求解】在THE WORLD里创建人物 究竟是怎么选的?


是提前有设计好的PC可以选择 还是自创?
那么.黄昏的腕轮里奥拉所赠送的到底是 BLACKROSE的PC还是 蜜蜜尔的PC?
按道理来讲 蜜蜜尔是在BLACKrose之前进入的游戏啊 而且两人用的是同一型号的PC

1楼2010-04-24 12:30回复
    也就是说 PC可以自创也可以选择某些 “型号”?

    3楼2010-04-24 13:30
      characters in online games that lives on killing other people\'s characters and other such mischief. Sora also is looking for The Key of the Twilight- although claims he does not want to use it- just be the one to find it. He seems to constantly be chasing BT, and wanting her member address- but she will not give it up. He has been both helpful and harmful to our heroes, more out for his own personal gain that to help anybody. Sora likes to make trouble - often double-crossing those he seems to \"help.\" Why he does what he does is not always apparent - but was the punishment he received really worth it?”
      似乎 楚良也叫 SORA

      54楼2010-04-24 16:49