Peter Fang
别人不敢说,至少我这个在卡拉扬健在时就经常发表不同论调的业余人士不受舆论的影响.我深信交流要和志同道合的人交流,交流中每天我都能学到宝贵的东西!这就是我订阅大量关于古典音乐以至具体到个别作曲家的 mailing list,每天坚持读 Usenet newsgroup的原因.我从那些普通爱乐者(当然他们中也不乏专业音乐家和象拉格朗日教授那样的权威,他们在网上交流时都是以普通人身份出现的,都抱着学习和交流的态度)那里学到的比读多少本"圣经"或"指南"都要多得多.现在我们在这里探讨也是同样的道理,发自内心应当是个大前提,如果是出于其他目的,只能遭到大家的冷遇或批判.
音乐是我们的最爱,然而音乐又是这样的多样化,恐怕许多问题我们永远也不能达成完全的共识,只能求同存异.This forum will only get better if we can agree to disagree. :)
(Wed Jul 7 15:10:32 1999 )
Dear Heart, dear everyone,
It is a real hornor and great fun and pleasure for me to enjoy comments and writing of all of you. I like reading your articles very much. To be honest, Chinese is more beautiful and expressive than English from the perspective of appreciation.
I regard Mozart's Clarinet Concerto as one of his best works of the best. At this point, I reach agreement with Zhao Xinshan. Which touches me most of this works is its extreme harmony, balance and beauty. I think the reason why Zhao ranks this works first in Mozart's album is that we can easily and naturally find the purest, cleanest, warmest, most delicate, elegant and charming feeling in it. I have two versions of this work including Sabine Meyer and another one of DG (sorry, forget the name of the player). I admit that Mayer impressed me more than the previous one with her soft, tender, maybe a bit effiminate interpretation. Her interpretation is sensitive enough to grasp even the tiny detailed feeling and message which Mozart wants to express. This is my first time knowing that Karajan rejected such a charming, smart and excellent clarinet female player from Berlin Phiharmonica and it was without any doubt a big loss to the orchestra and to Karajan himself. This was completely the sex discrimination on music field, adding one more negative impression on Karajan!!
I heard something fun about another emperor style conductor, Toscanini and I would like to share with all of you (if my memory works) regarding his opinion about woman, he said: ":If the female instrument player in my orchetra is beautiful and attractive, other male players will distract their attention from concentrating on working, if she is not attractive and beautiful, I will be unsatisfied myself."very interesting!!
Xiaolong and Peter, very glad knowing that we share similar points of view about Karajan. As a conclusion, his music lacks something which can touch us all. And we are all objective and honest to admit that Karajan is one of the greatest conductors in the world.
Personally, the conductors rank first in my board include Stokowski (I love his everything, both Talis fantasia and Beethoven No.5 piano concerto which he cooperated with Gould), Carlos Kleiber (though I don't have enough chance to enjoy many of his works, he is stylish, noble, charming which makes him very fascinating and attractive. I am not only fascinated by his charm but also his understanding and interpretation of music. The third movement of his Beethoven No. 4 symphony make me want to dance. I don't intend to put outer image as priority on judging conductors but who can refuse a handsome, genius conductor with much personal charm.), then Berstein and Klempler (BI admire Berstein for both his spirit on pursuing the highest realm of music, his contribution on attracting a lot of people to the CM world, of course his excellent understanding of those great works, plus his real talent on composing which few conductors can competite with, and also his human style and respect to other people. He is a real one who embody the spirit of universal fraternity which those great composers pursue in their whole lives; Klempler is very high IQ per my understanding as he is the best one who make Mahler so persuasive and touching. Peter, I bet you will agree with me. And you have more rights than me on this point). Sure, more conductors I love but I won't list them. I believe that many of you will share same opinions with me. As a matter of fact, something real valuable will definitely be recognized by most…
Sorry for talking so much.
(Wed Jul 7 13:42:09 1999 )