“他是有枪有准备的。要是咱们开枪打死他,在这么个热闹地方也很难逃走。再说,很可能警察已经知道他掌握的证据。嘿!什么声儿?” "He is prepared with a gun. If we shoot him, it's hard to escape in such a busy place. Besides, it is very likely that the police already know the evidence he has. Hey! What sound? "
似乎从窗口发出一声模糊不清的声响。 There seems to be a vague sound from the window. 两个人立即转过身来,但什么也没有。 Two people immediately turned around, but nothing. 除了那个怪像坐在那里之外,房间是空的。 The room is empty except for the strange figure sitting there.
“是街上的响声,"莫尔顿说,“我说,掌柜的,你是有脑子的人。 "It's the noise in the street," Moreton said, "I said, manned, you are a man with brains. 你当然能想出办法来。 Of course you can figure it out. 要是动武不行,那我听你的。” If you can't use force, then I will listen to you. "
“比他更强的人我也骗过,"伯爵答道,“宝石就在我的暗口袋里。 "I've cheated anyone stronger than him," replied the count, " the jewel is in my dark pocket. 我不能冒险把它乱放在别处。 I can't risk leaving it somewhere else. 今晚就能将它送出英国,在星期天以前就可以在阿姆斯特丹把它切成四块了。 It can be sent to England tonight, and it can be cut into four pieces in Amsterdam before Sunday. 他不知道范-塞达尔这个人。” He doesn't know Van Cedal. "
“本来是的。 "It was. 但现在他必须立即动身。 But now he must start at once. 你我必须有一个人带着宝石溜到莱姆街去告诉他。” You must have someone slip to Lyme Street with the precious stones and tell him. "
“那他也得就这么带走,冒险去办。 "Then he has to take it away and take the risk to do it. 一分钟也不能耽误了。" We can't lose a minute. " 他再一次象一个运动员本能地感到危险时那样,狠狠地看了看窗口。 Once again, he looked at the window as hard as an athlete instinctively felt dangerous. 不错,刚才的声响确实是来自街上的。 Yes, the noise just now really came from the street.
“至于福尔摩斯么,"他接着说道,“我们可以很容易地骗他。 "As for Holmes," he continued, "we can easily cheat him. 知道吗,这个笨 蛋只要能拿到宝石就不逮捕咱们。 You know, this fool won't arrest us as long as he can get the gems. 那好吧,咱们答应给他宝石。 Well, let's promise to give him the gem. 咱们告诉他错误线索,不等他发现上当咱们就到荷兰了。” Let's tell him the wrong clue, and we'll be in Holland before he finds out he's fooled. "
“你去告诉荷兰人赶紧行动起来。 "You tell the Dutch to act quickly. 我来对付这个傻瓜,假装检讨一番。 I'll deal with this fool and pretend to review it. 我就说宝石在利物浦放着哪。 I told you where the jewels are in Liverpool. 妈的,这音乐真烦人! Shit, this music is really annoying! 等他发现宝石不在利物浦的时候,宝石已经切成四块啦,咱们也在大海上啦。 By the time he found that the gem was not in Liverpool, it had been cut into four pieces, and we were at sea. 过来,躲开门上的钥匙孔。 Come here, get away from the keyhole in the door. 给你宝石。” Here are the gems. "
“这儿不是最保险的地方吗? "Isn't this the safest place? 既然咱们能把它拿出白金汉宫,别人也能把它从我住所拿走。” Since we can take it out of Buckingham Palace, others can take it away from my residence. "