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【serenate】In Love There Are No Answers(虫虫的翻译文)


一楼给度娘, 不过虫虫还在更新中, 还没有翻译完

1楼2010-05-15 15:14回复
    Pink sleeping bag falling to the floor, she throws her long, willowy arms around his neck, presses her entire body against his, her breath hot, heavy and rough against his neck. He wraps his arms cautiously around her waist; she feels surprisingly breakable. In the background, he can hear the murmur of his mother’s tired voice as she herds Eric inside and up to bed in a routine way, as this is not an uncommon occurrence.
    “She left again?” he asks into Serena’s hair. She smells like oatmeal cookies and cigarette smoke, the strangest combination, but he finds that he likes it.
    “Always,” she says in a small voice, burying her face into his shoulder. “There’s always someone, and there’s always leaving.”
    They are both a little too young to really understand what she’s trying to say, but his grip on her tightens nonetheless. “I’ll never leave,” he swears, as if that will make it all okay, just one person promising forever.
    Serena pulls back, tears sparkling in her blue eyes, her expression the perfect picture of heartbreak. “But what if I do?”
    He shrugs, because with her he is all about simplicity and it seems easy. “Then I’ll wait for you. You’ll come back.”

    2楼2010-05-15 15:14
      “Nate!” she shrieks, voice high and tangled with giggles. “No, no…” she cries half-heartedly as he tackles her with barely-shaped snowballs. They’re late for school, but as his body falls over hers, neither of them care.
      “Gotcha!” he cries triumphantly, his blonde hair covered in snowflakes and his smile wide. He clamours out of the street-side snow bank, extending his mitten-encased hands to help Serena up, too. She grins up at him from where she’s partially buried in the snow before slipping her gloved hands into his, a perfect fit, and letting him pull her up. He exerts more force than necessary and she ends up tumbling into him, arms around his neck in an impromptu hug.
      They stay there for a moment, Serena smiling against his neck.
      “You always do,” she says.

      4楼2010-05-15 15:15
        蛋筒 , 我常见到你, 只是我现在很少在贴吧里

        17楼2010-05-19 22:16
          我也不太清楚我有多少个精品贴了, 承蒙吧主们的抬举, 我也是搬人家的东西过来而已, 虫虫的翻译文还没有更完, 我也在等待当中

          18楼2010-05-19 22:17