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Aaron - ugly but hung like a horse, prone to belly button fluff.
Adam - cute, funny, chicks dig him, has the potential to be stalked.
Adrian - small todger, probably gay.
Alan - shy but sensitive, gets screwed over by women.
Alex - cute but a liar and a cheater.
Amir - dirty, smelly, pecker is minuscule.
Andrew - usually short and very horny, watches cartoons.
Antonio - great guy and kind to all girls, smells of wee.

1楼2010-05-31 10:02回复
    Arnold - loser.
    Arthur - hung like a slave and celibate.
    Ashley - wanker who’s losing his hair.
    Barry - lights fires, pinches girl’s bottoms and is well hung.
    Ben - looks like he has been pulled through a hedge backwards and chews with hismouth open.
    Bob - quiet and unpopular, eats with his hands.

    2楼2010-05-31 10:02
      Brad - thinks everyone likes him…but they don’t.
      Brandon - good looking but uses girls.
      Brendan - quiet and sweet, gets beaten up all the time.
      Brett - worldwide slut and really insensitive, women love him.
      Brian - a wanna be charmer, he’s not the Messiah he’s just a very, very naughty boy.
      Bryan - sexy, but stupid
      Bronsen - annoying and never grows up
      Bruce - stinks bad and thinks everyone else’s name is also Bruce.

      3楼2010-05-31 10:03
        Bryce - fun to be with and will make you laugh, you’ll kill him within a week.
        Calvin - immature in a naive way, drives a Gemini.
        Cameron - Australian, like Bruce.
        Carl - thinks he’s funny…he’s not, falls asleep during sex.
        Carson - fun to be around and really sensitive.
        Chad - cute, sensitive and very studly
        Charles - can’t trust him, eyes too close together.
        Chris - can’t pull, will pay for women, but has a huge pecker and can use it too.
        Christopher - soppy and too clingy to make a relationship last. spends most of his life drunk and kisses like a washing machine.

        4楼2010-05-31 10:03
          Doug - has a greasy face, drinking problem and farts.
          Drew - bad
          Duncan - hopeless ski bum, brains shot away long ago.
          Dylan - horny bastard, who can’t sing.
          Dwayne - cool guy to be around if you can handle his name.
          Eddie - wants too many chicks he’ll never get ‘cos he’s an arsehole.
          Elliott - full of himself.
          Eric - shy.
          Evan - a little slow but sweet, sexy, and model mental patient.
          Frank - “different”
          Fred - sucks pig’s dicks & swallows the lot.
          Gareth - sweet but dresses too good to be straight.
          Gary - dreams about mud wrestling girls. drug addict but willing to share.
          Gavin - likes bondage, S&M with other men.
          Geoff - prefers golf to sex and war to peace.
          George - barman who drinks more than he serves, treats girls like s*** also a wanker.

          5楼2010-05-31 10:05
            Glen - the sweetest guy
            Graeme - very hard to understand, likes group sex.
            Graham - will screw anything.
            Grant - HORNY! But so sweet and you can talk to him about anything.
            Greg - really sweet and feels sorry for himself.
            Harry - has back hair.
            Harvey - cute, but addicted to sex and/or drugs.
            Hathem - smooth, but manipulative, not to bet trusted around young girls.
            Hayden - tries hard.
            Henry - has gay like movements frequently. likes to run every where. would screw wellington boots.
            Howard - likes small breasts
            Ian - really popular but knows all the girls want him… yeah right!
            Ivor - militant psychopath with homosexual tendencies.
            Jack - stupid but hot, always alright.
            Jake - shy and sweet but a slut when drunk.
            Jamie - scum of the earth.
            James - built like a horse. likes to bite while kissing.
            Jason - big headed. never fails to grab the girls attention, full of bullshit.
            Jay - very sweet when you get to know him well.
            Jeff - really ugly.
            Jerome - gay, but very unhappy.
            Jeremy - loud and thinks that he’s all that he says he is.
            Jesse - unpopular and needs to move on.
            Jim - sweet, has fantasies of love and affection.
            Joe - built like a bear, sexy but tends to lose his head.
            Joel - arse.
            John - has no friends or life
            Jolyon - absolute raving homosexual.
            Jon - countless two timer and bully.
            Jonathon - loud, sex mad and great with it
            Jordan - sexy but weird in bed.
            Jose - hot boy with a love of hermaphrodites.
            Josh - full of himself, fun.
            Junior - hottie and totally good at football.
            Justin - aggravating but loveable, insecure but successful.
            Judith - Eats a lot, likes to feel superior.
            Kain - the sexiest guy alive but very stuck up.
            Kane - an absolute and complete arsehole.
            Kevin - always attracts really fit girlfriends also has a large penis.
            Keith - good person to talk to when you have a problem
            Zahid devious and sly. Not to be trusted.

            6楼2010-05-31 10:05

              Mick - always drunk, tendency for drug abuse.
              Mike - shag muffin.
              Mohammed - small penis.
              Morgan - the only thing that is big is his ego.
              Nathan - stupid as hell, and tends to make others feel dumb.
              Nick - nice
              Neil - sweet and will do anything in this world for you, great in bed.

              7楼2010-05-31 10:07
                Oliver - likes men but is in denial.
                Oscar - loser.
                Owen - cute gay guy who is immature, and sings Welsh songs.
                Patrick - drunk, drunk, drunk.
                Paul - cool, calm and handsome, a quality only found in gays.
                Peter - cutie but very shy, makes women feel like virgins.
                Phillip - stupid idiot who wishes he were cool.
                Rhys - great lover but had his mind stolen by aliens a long, long time ago.
                Richard - can’t see his feet as balls are too big.
                Ricky - ugly shithead who everybody hates.
                Rikki - the f^$king greatest in the world, everyone loves this guy… no faults at all.

                8楼2010-05-31 10:08
                  Shane - not very nice, lies to pick faults (changed now)
                  Shannon - the most determined and persevering sweetie in the world.
                  Shaun - bit of a hard bastard, thinks women love him.
                  Simon - likes a night out with the lads and curries. Says he is the man but talks bollocks.
                  Spencer - loves it right up there, normally with a toilet roll and a hamster.
                  Steve - popular and funny & hung like a donkey.
                  Stuart - droll guy with great arse and suicidal tendencies but great in bed.
                  Ted - hairy, sensitive and a great shag.
                  Teddy - great friend, crap boyfriend. clowns have been known to look more stylish.
                  Tim - hot but a bit strange, can never tell where he is.

                  9楼2010-05-31 10:09
                    Toby - best blow ever.
                    Tom - extremely arrogant.
                    Tommy - no
                    Tony - cocky, main heartbreaker, extremely arrogant.
                    Travis - fat and horny with the best XXX collection to be found.
                    Trevor - sweet and funny but sometimes untrustworthy.
                    Troy - cute and popular.
                    Taylor - happy, laughing hyena.
                    Warren - cool, homosexual guy.
                    Wesley - great guy and easy to tolerate.
                    Will - wishes he were popular.
                    William - tall, dark and handsom. ie when it’s dark, he is handsom and tall.
                    Zach - sweet and polite and adorable.
                    Zack - thinks he is superman. great in bed due to ego.

                    10楼2010-05-31 10:09

                      11楼2010-05-31 10:10