serenate吧 关注:1,526贴子:30,336




1楼2010-06-01 13:34回复
    her eyes again. [..] She bent down and kissed Nate’s cheek, breathing in the wonderful sandalwood soap smell of him and dampening his skin with her tears. She was crying because she loved both him and Blair, and she was never happier than when she was with them. How could she leave her two best friends?
    And maybe she was crying because the idea of Blair and Nate snuggling on his parents’ bed without her was simply too much to bear.
    “Do you think he and that girl are really..?” Blair’s voice trailed off. [..] Serena shrugged her shoulders sadly. How could the boy she loved so dearly be so careless and insensitive? Didn’t he know that she lay in bed every night imagining how it would be- them together – like an Eternity perfume ad, only better? They even looked alike- sort of. Didn’t he get it?
    When she returned to the bedroom, Nate was lying next to a sleeping Blair on top of the white eyelet bedspread, blinking up at the white eyelet canopy overhead as if deciphering the constellations. Serena climbed up next to him and lay down, reluctant to get under the covers and add a layer of separation between her body and his. Instead, she wound her long legs around him and pressed her face into his chest.
    “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she whispered, ever so softly.
    They lay like that for a minute, wide awake. Suddenly Nate felt more turned on than he ever had in his life. Why now? Actually he was starving. But he could stave off hunger if Serena would just roll on top of him and kiss him.
    “Nate?” Serena was still drunk and felt relaxed and daring. Nate was right there and she was right here. It just felt like the most obvious thing in the world. “I know this might be weird but—“ she lifted her head and looked down at him smiling expectantly up at her. Then she didn’t say anything more, she just did it. She kissed him.
    Blair was only inches away, breathing deeply, but they couldn’t stop kissing. Nate wasn’t even thinking about Blair. All he knew was how good it felt to kiss the warm, familiar, incredible girl in his arms. Serena had wanted to kiss Nate for so long, doing it for real was an entire-body experience. She opened her eyes, watching him kiss her in a tipsy haze. This is crazy, she tried to tell herself, still kissing.
    “I could just kiss you forever,” she murmured softly, her lips brushing his. Nate opened his eyes and smiled ecstatically back at her, and her heart exploded into a thousand glittering stars. She kissed him again, more fervently this time. I love you, Nate! Her thoughts were so loud she was sure she’d wake Blair, but maybe Blair would understand. After all, they were best friends. And Blair’s crush on Nate was just a flirty, childish thing, not real, not grown-up love. Not love like this. Not kisses like this.
    Finally they dozed off, holding each other, their lips cracked and parched from so much kissing.
    Blair turned her leaden head. Nate’s cheek was on Serena’s chest. His 

    3楼2010-06-01 13:41
      gray T-shirt was off and he looked totally..blissful. Serena was wearing a skimpy white camisole and was hugging Nate’s head tight. Blair bolted upright and kicked away the covers, simultaneously removing them from their cozy cuddle sandwich and revealing their long legs, which were all atangle.
      “Summer,” Serena mused aloud. No school. Sunny days filled with kisses.
      Skinny-dipping. Nate. “I can’t wait.” She slipped her hand over Nate’s wrist and squeezed his free hand. He squeezed back, and she kicked her feet happily against the mattress, silently screaming with the thrill of it. This was just the beginning, the beginning of her and Nate.
      “Hey- wait up!” All of sudden Nate’s adorable golden head and irresistible, glittering green eyes swam in front of her. He leaned in and kissed her right on the mouth.
      “I thought about you all weekend,” he told her, suddenly realizing that he could have been kissing her all weekend if he hadn’t been getting high with his buddies.
      “Me too,” Serena whispered back, her heart banging wildly against her ribs. Had he come to apologize for leaving her house so abruptly yesterday morning? Had he come to tell her he loved her? She grasped his hand and swung it back and forth between them, her cheeks turning a bright, happy pink. [..]
      Nate pulled the tiny blue glazed sailboat he’d made in art class out of his book bag and handed it to Serena. “I made it for you,” he told her shyly, sounding about seven years old.
      Serena had spent most of yesterday with Blair, pretending to be excited about Blair and Nate. Now she could barely resist grabbing him and kissing him all over. She took a step toward him and leaned into his muscular chest. He smelled smoky and Nate-y, and wonderful. [..]
      Nate took a step forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. “You look pretty today;” he said, wishing now that he wasn’t quite so stoned.
      Serena giggled and pushed him away. “I’ll call you, okay?” she told him quickly before dashing across the street and into a waiting cab. Sitting back, she fished the little blue boat out of her coat pocket again. HMS SERENA was etched in the stern, with a tiny red glazed heart next to her name.
      Nate stumbled into the suite, carrying a black Bergdorf’s suit bag and looking completely adorable in a baked, wide-eyed sort of way. Serena knew at once that she couldn’t go through with Blair’s charade. She wasn’t a selfish girl by nature, but Nate was already hers and she wanted him. She wanted him all to herself.
      “Natie!” she exclaimed, dashing over to help him with his things. “You look nervous. Come on, have a cocktail. It’s going to be fun, you’ll see.”
      Nate’s eyes were huge and emerald green. Serena was so damned gorgeous. Why the hell was he going to that fancy debutante dance when he could just stay here and kiss her all night?

      4楼2010-06-01 13:41
        authenticity, but at least Nate would know where to find her.
        It was Blair, sounding so excited she was practically screaming. “We did it!”
        Serena flopped dizzily down on her bed. She felt wrung out or waterlogged. What was she supposed to say- congratulations? At least Blair was happy now and not leaning over the toilet, miserably puking her guts up.
        “Is he still there?” Serena whispered hoarsely.
        “Yes,” Blair whispered giddily back. “He’s sleeping.”
        Serena closed her eyes as tears spilled out of them uncontrollably. “Oh.”
        “Wait!” Blair cried, flinging her arms around Nate’s neck one more time. She just had to kiss him in the exact spot where Audrey Hepburn ate a Danish out of a brown paper bag on the sidewalk outside of Tiffany in the opening scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. This is way better than any cheese Danish, she thought greedily as she ran her tongue over Nate’s perfect teeth. Today a gold heart, in a few years a diamond engagement ring! Suddenly Nate pulled away and took a step back.
        "Hey,” he called over Blair’s shoulder. He wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his blue wool toggle coat, looking slightly sheepish.
        Blair whipped around. There was Serena, looking cold and sort of bedraggled and completely gorgeous, like the princess in The Princess in the Pea before she stumbles into the castle out of the storm and meets the prince who winds up marrying her.
        Serena darted away from them, about to cross Fifth Avenue, when Nate called up on her again.
        Hey, wait up!”
        She stopped and turned, her stunning navy blue eyes wide and startled looking, as if she’d only just noticed them standing there. “Oh, hey,” she faltered. “I didn’t see you guys.”
        Likely story.
        Serena wanted to be angry with him for not showing any signs of remorse, but as soon as she saw his dear, unspeakably handsome face, the anger didn’t surface. She loved him. It was as simple as that. No matter what happened, she would always love him.
        “We’re going to the zoo,” Blair announced, taking her friends arm. “You have to come.” As soon as she’d said it, though, she realized with a strange sort of queasy meanness that she really didn’t want Serena to come at all. When she was with Nate, she wanted him to herself, because now he was hers - all hers.
        “You know how much you love the polar bear,” Nate reminded Serena. It was one of the things he adored about her, the way she talked to the polar bears like it was her long-lost twin.
        “I have a date,” Serena lied, marvelling at herself. A date? With whom?
        “With Chuck?” Blair asked perkily.
        Serena stared at her, horrified. Did Blair actually believe that she’d kissed Chuck last night because she was into him?
        “I’m meeting my dad for brunch,” she informed them. “He wants to discuss my future,” she added, shooting Nate a pointed look as if to say, 

        6楼2010-06-01 13:41
          because he couldn’t wait to see her get off that train and-
          There it was, the silver Metro-North train with its thick orangey-red stripe. The doors opened and she stepped onto the platform, three cars down, wearing a thin light blue slip dress and pink rubber flip-flops, her pale blond hair hanging nearly to her waist. She spotted him and her face lit up with the most glorious smile. Then she broke into a run, her flip-flops thwacking the ground as she came closer and closer.
          He wrapped her in his arms and picked her up, swinging her around like a little kid. “Oh Natie, you’re so strong!” she laughed, and then she leaned in and kissed him right on the lips.
          Nate closed his eyes and held her for a second longer before putting her down on the platform. He was pretty sure this was about to be the best day of his summer, or maybe even his life. He was in no hurry. “Lets get a drink in that place upstairs;” he told her gruffly, trying to hide the fact that he had just experienced his very first swoon. [..]
          Nate took her hand and led her upstairs to the open-air bar overlooking the main terminal. The bar stools were covered with red velvet and the seats of their stools were already touching when they sat down, and they didn’t bother to move them. “Two dirty martinis, please!” Serena barked at the bartender in a superior voice and then collapsed against Nate’s wonderful-smelling chest, giggling. She felt drunk already. What was wrong with her?
          Love, baby.
          Serena sipped her martini without tasting it and stared into Nate’s adoring, glittering green eyes. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. He looked just like he always looked. He was the same- exactly the same Natie she’d dreamt about all summer- but better. He was everything, perfect. She reached out and smoothed down the fine blond hair on his deeply tanned forearm. Then she pulled her hand away, grabbed her glass and gulped her drink. “Arent you going to tell me about Maine?”
          Nate wanted to grab her hand back and put it on his arm again. Touching her was all he could think about. Serena, his girl, his dream girl, was right here, right now, sitting so close, her thigh pressed against his, breathing the same air he was, talking to him and stroking his arm. What was to stop from kissing her again? And kissing her, and kissing her.. “We did a lot of work on the boat. One day I’ll take you sailing in it,” he gasped, finding it hard to talk.
          Her huge blue eyes were like oceans themselves. “Oh, Natie. It’s so good to see you,” she gushed, her whole body trembling. “I’ve been so..there’s just been way too much of me and not enough this summer.”
          Nate gulped down most of his martini. His hands felt all grabby and he wasn’t sure he could control them. He just wanted to grab every gorgeous bit of her and hold on. Below them the terminal was milling with people, but it felt like they were the only people in it. Like the entire station had been built for them alone. Their little bar with its 

          8楼2010-06-01 13:41

            Serena tightened her grip on Nate’s arm and pulled him toward her. She kissed him softly on the lips and then quickly pulled away, her face flushed. Her light blue slip dress was soaked. Nate’s pants were soaked. What were they doing? “Sorry,” she apologized, removing a strand of wet pale blond hair from her cheek.
            Nate grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “It’s okay. Don’t stop. I don’t want you to stop.” He kissed her perfect cheek, and then her perfect nose, and then her perfect lips, and then her perfect neck, and then her lips again.
            And they didn’t stop. They kept going, kissing like mad and yanking the rest of each other’s clothes off. It was kind of embarrassing to be outside in front of the security cameras, though, and besides, the fountain was kind of small and wet and there was no place to lie down.
            "Lets go upstairs,” Nate murmured, picking Serena up in his strong arms before she could even answer.
            As if in a dream – the most glorious dream she’d ever dreamt – Serena allowed Nate to carry her inside the house and up the elegant, red-carpeted staircase. She was done being a martyr. Nate wanted her and she wanted him. End of story.
            Actually, this is just the beginning.
            Nate carried Serena up two flights of stairs to his parents’ bedroom. Her dress was in the fountain, a soaking ball of blue silk. So were his pants and his belt. There wasn’t much left to take off. He settled her gently on top of the golden yellow cotton coverlet and lay down next to her, admiring the glow of her smooth skin in the rays of late summer sun beaming through the skylight overhead. Serena turned her head and pressed her forehead into his. “I could just kiss you forever,” she murmured, her lips brushing his. “But I don’t want to just kiss.”
            They looked into each other’s eyes with an excited intensity that only excited them even more. This was it: the thing neither of them had ever done before was about to happen and in the most perfect way- with each other.
            Nate pulled Serena close. “I love you,” he said loudly because he wanted the whole city to hear it.
            “I love you,” she replied, even louder. Then she erupted into excited giggles and began tearing his white cotton boxers off with her long, graceful, overeager fingers, followed by her own fountain-soaked white underwear. She tossed the soggy undergarments across the room and they landed on the floor by the door.[..]
            How fun, how right, to be doing the scariest thing for a girl to do for the first time with her best friend, the boy she’d loved forever. Her Nate. There was really nothing scary about it. It was exactly the way it was supposed to be.
            He brushed his nose against hers. “Are you sure?” he asked quietly, even though he was pretty sure he knew the answer.
            “Yes,” Serena nodded, pressing her body against his. She’d never been more sure of anything. “Please?” she added with a giggle, because it was 

            10楼2010-06-01 13:41
              pretty obvious that he wanted to too.
              So they did it. And the fun part was watching each other’s faces, because they both looked so scared and happy and surprised. Serena could not stop laughing. It hurt, it did, but not in the way she’d thought. It was still so much fun, because Nate was so sweet. He didn’t want it to hurt, and every time she flinched he just kissed the hurt away. She loved him o much, hurt was the wrong word. There were no words for how it felt. It was like getting the present she’d wanted for such a long, long time and finding out it was even better than she’d anticipated. It was amazing. He was amazing.
              Nate couldn’t believe he got to do this for the first time with the most beautiful girl in the universe. He was damned glad he’d waited, because nothing could top this. He loved Serena so badly it made him feel like he was going to explode. He couldn’t stop smiling and laughing and looking at her. It was amazing. She was amazing.
              Their bodies were amazing, the way they fit together and knew instinctively what to do. It was like this was somehow preordained. They’d been built for each other, created to be together, like two pieces from a model sailboat.
              They weren’t laughing anymore, because there wasn’t anything funny. They just held each other, shivering with the thrill of being closer than they’d ever been before, sharing something they didn’t know existed, something they’d keep with them forever.
              Eventually they dozed off in each other’s arms. Nate woke up first. It was nighttime now. The stars had come out in the skylight overhead. Without thinking about what he was doing, he reached for the remote on his dad’s bedside table and switched on the TV. It was tuned to the History Channel, and the narrator for a documentary about Moses, who sounded an awful lot like Serena’s friend Isabel Coates’s dad, said in an incredibly loud voice, “Moses saw no alternative but to part the Red Sea so that he and his people could cross it.”
              Jesus, it was loud. Nate had forgotten his father was practically deaf. He pressed the volume button over and over again to soften it, but Serena’s long eyelashes were already fluttering open against his chest. She lifted her head and grinned at him. “You parted my Red Sea!”
              They both snorted, erupting into giddy giggles until they were howling with laughter. It was kind of a gross analogy but pretty funny too. They wrestled with each other under the covers, their bodies sleeo with sweat. Soon they were kissing, unable to stop, and before they knew it, he was parting her Read Sea once more.
              There they go again, making history!
              Her new green metallic Treo was clutched in her white-knuckled hands, where it had been the whole ride up. She flipped it open and snapped a picture of her bare toes on the dashboard. Her toenails were chipped and weather-beaten, but they were still painted all different colors, the way they’d been that night with Nate. She pressed send and e-mailed the picture to him, hoping it would make him laugh. Then she flipped her phone closed and tossed it into her bag. Two big, glistening tears slid down her cheeks.

              11楼2010-06-01 13:41

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                    16楼2010-06-01 16:04
                      小Nate,你呀~~和Serena JQ的时候竟然都会忘记Blair的存在~~

                      17楼2010-06-01 16:05

                        IP属地:湖南18楼2010-06-01 17:10

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