Interview I. (FOOLS MATE)
"The interviewer in fool’s mate said that he was kinda surprised
when Uruha kissed Aoi during Kantou Dogeza Kumiai,
and Uruha admitted to it,
and added that he didn’t do it all the time.
The interviewer then mentioned that
it was the first time he had seen Uruha do it.
Aoi agreed, saying that Uruha doesn’t usually do such stuff.
Ruki adds that there are times where it’s done as a joke,
but he didn’t expect it to be so serious and Aoi,
said that “I thought for a while that he wanted to get married.”"
那fool’s mate的访谈者表示丽在関东は土下座组合中亲吻葵感到有点惊讶, 丽承认此事并补充他没有经常做出这种事(kiss)。
然后访谈者又提到这是他第一次看到丽做这种事(kiss), 葵亦同意丽平时不会做这种事情。