5. HL - You know that’s interesting, because you have bands out there like Bon Jovi, you know they are still singing wanted dead or alive. You’re making your album, and twenty years from now your still going to be playing them.
Casey - (Laughter) That won’t be a problem because I think the song evolves over time. You know if you got the time and your playing an hour show then heck ya play it. But if you have to play a song from day to day basis then you have to have something in there that is open to interpretation. Normally its boom boom boom, so I put one in their that is going to be able to be played with which is cool.
6. HL - It’s obviously first music, there is also movies, TV and Broadway. Where do you think you fit in?
Casey - First and foremost like you said its music. If there was ever a time that I could do anything else that wouldn’t interfere with my music, I think it would be fun. An acting thing would be cool, but I don’t know enough about the craft to consider seriously at this point. It would be fun to do and it would be interesting.
7. HL - This has obviously built a heartthrob status for you, there is so many people that love you, want to meet you, posters on the wall types of situations. You are so wrapped with the tour, but down the road how are you going to deal with dating situation now that it is totally different. Now that people are going to come to you in a totally different way.
Casey - That’s a good question man. You know honestly, I don’t know at this point. I have some special girls that I have known in the past I think about leaning towards, revisiting something along those lines, just because they know who I am and knew me before this. If not, I’m starting to understand now that those people that are in the public often date others in the public. Its just a different thing, you have to worry about alterior motives, you never know but right now I am so busy that it doesn’t even compute or matter. Finding somebody to spend the rest of my life with is a goal of mine. Its not one you necesarrily pursue, but you kind of just hope for the best. I’ll figure that all out by the way things go. It’s a good question that I am asking myself on a day to day basis. It’s a different situation when people know you automatically, its not like in the past when I would say hey my name is Casey, how are you. It’s not like that.
8. HL - When you write your songs, how do approach the writing stage, is it first with the guitar or with the lyrics.
Casey - Another good question. It depends on the song. There has been times I have wrote music and then wrote lyrics to it, and then there has been times where I write lyrics and put music to it. There has been several times where I literally write the song on the go. One of my latest songs I just started playing and singing.
HL - That’s cool.
Casey - That was lucky because I had a recorder with me, a lot of times I don’t and I don’t have it all written down so I lose it. But that’s how it works for me. It depends, a lot of people are particular but it changes a lot for me.