本人在复现文献Three-dimensional coupled-wave model for square-lattice photonic crystal lasers with transverse electric polarization: A general approach, doi: 10.1103/physrevb.84.195119 时遇到一些困难。小实验室找不到可以请教的人,发帖请教诸位。提问见后续楼。
文章中提到These four basic waves are assumed to have identical field profiles in the z direction, denoted by Θ(z), which is the same as the field profile of the fundamental waveguide mode for a waveguide with no periodic structure.有一个疑问,这里的no periodic structure指的是忽略空气孔按照缘草寮折射率算,还是按照有空气孔的有效折射率算呢?