PopStarter的开发者KrHACKEN于2019年放弃开发后,陆续有其它几位爱好者对PopStarter进行后续修复工作。israpps开发的BDM Assault能够让PopStarter从exFAT格式的U盘 (注: 不支持MX4SIO)运行PS游戏,而hugopocked则花费了大量的时间为存在兼容问题的游戏开发Pops修复补丁。此外,本文亦参考了davidgrayPhotography的教程。在此先向上述人士致谢。
Huge thanks to israpps for BDM Assault that allows PopStarter to load games off an exFAT formatted U$B device.
Huge thanks to davidgrayPhotography for his tutorial
Muchísimas gracias a hugopocked por su dedicación en arreglar problemas de compatibilidad de PopStarter.
Huge thanks to israpps for BDM Assault that allows PopStarter to load games off an exFAT formatted U$B device.
Huge thanks to davidgrayPhotography for his tutorial
Muchísimas gracias a hugopocked por su dedicación en arreglar problemas de compatibilidad de PopStarter.