惩戒骑的 /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end; /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end; /script if not buffed("神圣灌注") then CastSpellByName("神圣打击") else CastSpellByName("十字军打击") end; /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end; /script CastSpellByName("审判"); /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end; /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end; /script if buffed("复仇") then CastSpellByName("驱邪术") else end; /script if UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss" then CastSpellByName("忏悔") end;
防骑的 /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end; /script if not buffed("正义之怒") then cast("正义之怒");end /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end; /script if not buffed("庇护祝福") and not buffed("自由祝福") then CastSpellByName("庇护祝福") end; /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end; /script CastSpellByName("审判"); /script CastSpellByName("神圣打击"); /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end; /script CastSpellByName("神圣之盾"); /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end; /script CastSpellByName("驱邪术");
爱德华单刷 /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end; /script local m,g=math.floor(UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player")*100),math.floor(UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")*100);if buffed("集中") and g<50 then cast("圣光术(等级 9)");else if buffed("集中") and g<80 then cast("圣光术(等级 6");end;end /script if not buffed("正义之怒") then cast("正义之怒");end /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end; /script if not buffed("庇护祝福") and not buffed("自由祝福") then CastSpellByName("庇护祝福") end; /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end; /script CastSpellByName("审判"); /script CastSpellByName("神圣打击"); /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end; /script CastSpellByName("神圣之盾"); /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end; /script CastSpellByName("驱邪术");