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  • 11回复贴,共1

1.172 骑士一键宏 惩戒 防骑 单刷



IP属地:安徽1楼2024-11-13 11:18回复

    IP属地:安徽2楼2024-11-13 11:18
      首先感谢KOOK骑士频道的各位大佬 感谢 PJs@让肥皂飞一会、小老板娘 大佬提供的数据支持

      IP属地:安徽3楼2024-11-13 11:24
        /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end;
        /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end;
        /script if not buffed("神圣灌注") then CastSpellByName("神圣打击") else CastSpellByName("十字军打击") end;
        /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end;
        /script CastSpellByName("审判");
        /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end;
        /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end;
        /script if buffed("复仇") then CastSpellByName("驱邪术") else end;
        /script if UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss" then CastSpellByName("忏悔") end;

        IP属地:安徽4楼2024-11-13 11:39
          /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end;
          /script if not buffed("正义之怒") then cast("正义之怒");end
          /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end;
          /script if not buffed("庇护祝福") and not buffed("自由祝福") then CastSpellByName("庇护祝福") end;
          /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end;
          /script CastSpellByName("审判");
          /script CastSpellByName("神圣打击");
          /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end;
          /script CastSpellByName("神圣之盾");
          /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end;
          /script CastSpellByName("驱邪术");

          IP属地:安徽5楼2024-11-13 12:11
            /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end;
            /script local m,g=math.floor(UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player")*100),math.floor(UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")*100);if buffed("集中") and g<50 then cast("圣光术(等级 9)");else if buffed("集中") and g<80 then cast("圣光术(等级 6");end;end
            /script if not buffed("正义之怒") then cast("正义之怒");end
            /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end;
            /script if not buffed("庇护祝福") and not buffed("自由祝福") then CastSpellByName("庇护祝福") end;
            /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end;
            /script CastSpellByName("审判");
            /script CastSpellByName("神圣打击");
            /script if FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("正义圣印") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印") end;
            /script CastSpellByName("神圣之盾");
            /script if UnitMana("player")>1200 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 5)") elseif UnitMana("player")>600 then CastSpellByName("奉献(等级 1)") end;
            /script CastSpellByName("驱邪术");

            IP属地:安徽6楼2024-11-13 12:18
              有知道怎么 检测自身 BUFF层数 后释放技能的宏的大佬请留言教教小弟....

              IP属地:安徽9楼2024-11-13 12:55
                b站 阿尔吉农 大佬的力爆惩戒天赋

                IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端16楼2024-11-14 09:25
                  /script if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") and not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印"); else if not FindBuff("智慧审判","target") then CastSpellByName("审判") end;end;
                  /script if not buffed("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end;

                  IP属地:安徽21楼2024-11-15 20:40
                    /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end;
                    /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end;
                    /script if not IsBuffActive("神圣灌注") then CastSpellByName("神圣打击") else CastSpellByName("十字军打击") end;
                    /script if not IsBuffActive("智慧审判","target") and not IsBuffActive("智慧圣印") then CastSpellByName("智慧圣印") end;
                    /script CastSpellByName("审判");
                    /script if IsBuffActive("智慧审判","target") and not IsBuffActive("命令圣印") then CastSpellByName("命令圣印") end;
                    /script if IsBuffActive("复仇") then CastSpellByName("驱邪术") else end;
                    /script if UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss" then CastSpellByName("忏悔") end;
                    /script CastSpellByName("感知");
                    /script CastSpellByName(UnitMana("player") > 1500 and "奉献" or "奉献(等级 1)")
                    /cast [hp<20] 愤怒之锤

                    IP属地:安徽43楼2024-12-19 14:36

                      IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端48楼2024-12-30 10:18
                        /run if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsFriend("player","target") then TargetNearestEnemy() end;
                        /script if ( not PlayerFrame.inCombat ) and UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("攻击") end;
                        /script CastSpellByName("十字军打击");
                        /script if not buffed("正义圣印", "player") then CastSpellByName("正义圣印"); end;
                        /script CastSpellByName("审判");
                        /script CastSpellByName(UnitMana("player") > 1500 and "奉献" or "奉献(等级 1)")
                        /script if buffed("复仇") then CastSpellByName("驱邪术") else end;
                        /script if UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss" then CastSpellByName("忏悔") end;
                        /script if UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss" then CastSpellByName("感知") end;
                        /cast [hp<20] 愤怒之锤

                        IP属地:安徽50楼2024-12-31 13:01