战争雷霆吧 关注:575,650贴子:33,436,685 (2024-12-11)拆包


Ersatz Yorck [DEU]:
Tier V
BR: 7.0
located after the Derfflinger
stock repair cost: 26145 / 31699 SL
spaded repair cost: 32928 / 39923 SL

IP属地:黑龙江1楼2024-12-14 09:13回复
    Aircraft FM changes: (by prae) (reminder that this is not the latest version, there will be more FM changes after this)
    Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
    flap control enabled, now has takeoff flaps (90% deployment) and landing flaps (100% deployment)
    wing adjustments:
    gear wing arm shift changed from [0.05, 0.0] to [0.01, 0.1]
    0% flap deployment:
    Oswald’s efficiency number decreased from 0.53 to 0.5
    zero-lift drag Mach multiplier curve multiplier max decreased from 1.65 to 1.55
    zero-lift drag coefficient will now peak lower at M1.07, allowing for higher top speeds (Comparison)
    100% flap deployment:
    Oswald’s efficiency number decreased from 0.53 to 0.44
    coefficient of lift after high critical angle decreased from 1.7 to 1.6
    coefficient of lift after low critical angle decreased from -0.8 to -1.4
    zero-lift drag Mach multiplier curve multiplier max increased from 1.65 to 1.95
    zero-lift drag coefficient will now peak higher at M1.07, but will be decreased in general due to lower CdMin (Comparison)
    indcued drag multiplier Mach multiplier curve multiplier max increased from 0.78 to 0.81
    induced drag multiplier will now peak lower at M0.6, but still be increased in general due to lower Oswald’s efficiency number (Comparison)
    zero-drag lift coefficient decreased from 0.35 to 0.25
    coefficient of lift at critical angle decreased from -0.8 to -1.2
    zero-lift drag coefficient decreased from 0.018 to 0.014
    VNE (rip speed) increased from 1543 km/h IAS to 1607 km/h IAS
    MNE (rip speed by mach) increased from M2.0 to M2.46
    fuselage adjustments:
    zero-lift drag Mach multiplier curve multiplier max decreased from 2.45 to 2.1
    zero-lift drag coefficient will now peak lower at M1.16, allowing for higher top speeds (Comparison)
    zero-lift drag coefficient decreased from 0.008 to 0.007
    thrust adjustments:
    at sea level
    general decrease in afterburning thrust ranging from 2000-5000 kgf (Comparison)
    general decrease in military power (100%) thrust ranging from 300-600 kgf at 200-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    empty mass increased from 11500 kg to 11700 kg
    Rafale C (F3R):
    wing, 100% flaps deployment zero-lift drag coefficient increased from 0.007 to 0.011
    fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient Mach multiplier curve adjustments
    Mach number of coefficient max from 1.16 to 1.19
    Mach multiplier max from 2.65 to 2.2
    now the fuselage’s zero-lift drag coefficient will now peak at M1.19 instead of M1.16 and lower than before (Comparison)
    horizontal stabilizer zero-lift drag coefficient Mach multiplier curve Mach number of coefficient max from 0.97 to 1.1
    now the horizontal stabilizer’s zero-lift drag coefficient will peak at M1.1 instead of M0.97 (Comparison)
    thrust adjustments:
    at 3000 m: decrease in afterburning thrust of about 400 kgf from 1600-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    at 6000 m: decrease in afterburning thrust of about 400-500 kgf from 1600-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    at 9000 m: decrease in afterburning thrust of about 200-500 kgf from 1400-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    at 12000 m: decrease in afterburning thrust of about 80-400 kgf from 1200-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    at 15000 m: decrease in afterburning thrust of about 100-200 kgf from 1200-2000 km/h TAS (Comparison)
    empty mass decreased from 10300 kg to 9700 kg
    max fuel mass increased from 9160 kg to 9560 kg

    看不懂 大概是台风阵风包线图有变化

    IP属地:黑龙江2楼2024-12-14 09:15
      Aircraft DM changes:
      Eurofighter [DEU]:
      built-in sight removed (TGP remains)
      HMD changed
      engine sound: F100-PW-100 -> EJ200
      F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
      HMD changed
      engine sound: F100-PW-100 -> EJ200
      Rafale C (F3R):
      added a built-in sight
      HUD changed
      engine sound: F100-PW-100 -> M88-2
      LERX vapour code changes
      Su-33: the tail didn't break off where it was intended to (so more or less remained), fixed
      AH-64D [FRA]: user skins enabled

      IP属地:黑龙江3楼2024-12-14 09:16
        Aircraft weapon changes:
        G.91 YS: custom loadout changes:
        max load: 1815 -> 2060 kg
        max left load: 1000 -> 1030 kg
        max right load: 1000 -> 1030 kg
        Yak-28B: loadout changes:
        6x 250 kg FAB-250-M46 -> 6x 250 kg FAB-250-M54: SL cost changed: 440 -> 350
        2x 500 kg FAB-500-M46 -> 2x 500 kg FAB-500-M54: SL cost changed: 350 -> 240
        G91YS挂载重量增加 雅克28B的500公斤砍的超大 M46是327公斤装药 M54是201公斤 250公斤没仔细找

        IP属地:黑龙江4楼2024-12-14 09:17
          Sensor changes:
          Praetorian DASS (Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4):
          match sector: 5° -> 10°
          max tracked targets: 8 -> 12
          rangefinder range: 5000 / 50000 -> 9250 / 74000 m
          new target hold time: 2 -> 3 sec
          vertical limits: -45° / 45° -> -80° / 80°
          it can now identify the following radars:
          ADATS (M113A3 (ADATS), XM1069 (ADATS)): ADS
          ASRAD (M113A2 (ASRAD-R)): ASR

          IP属地:黑龙江5楼2024-12-14 09:17
            T77E1 MGMC
            Mk. VIa A.A. Mk. I
            上述部分装甲CHA -> RHA
            Centauro (P), Centauro ROMOR, VRCC Centauro:
            the FCS and electronic equipment is now disabled when the power system is disabled
            the cannon and MG are now disabled when the FCS is disabled
            VBCI VCI:
            added 32 mm aluminium alloy AMS 4050A to the lower hull sides
            added 32 mm aluminium alloy AMS 4050A driver's hatch
            added 10 mm composite screen behind the turret hatch
            added 5 mm structural steel to the chassis
            added 5 mm structural steel in front of the turret optic
            Namer (RCWS-30): coaxial MG ammo indicator enabled
            Namer Tsrikhon:
            added 10 mm armour above the power system (there is still an armour hole here though)
            added 4 mm structural above the commander
            added 8 mm rubber-fabric screens to the rear edge of the skirts
            Forrestal (CV-59):
            mass: 80000 t -> 130000 t
            moment of inertia increased
            adjusted center of gravity

            IP属地:黑龙江6楼2024-12-14 09:21
              Lexington (CV-2): adjusted center of gravity
              Admiral Kuznetsov:
              mass: 72000 t -> 83000 t
              adjusted center of gravity
              Ark Royal (R 09): mass: 59000 t -> 63000 t
              Haruna: primary gun barrels can now be damaged independently, rather than in pairs
              Ghibli (GH):
              rangefinder changed to fire director
              accuracy increased
              lock time, calculation time, rotation speed lowered
              first primary turret:
              vertical limits between horizontal 155° and 162° (rear side): 15° / 60° -> 0° / 60°, but it can't be fired in the newfound area
              vertical limits between horizontal 162° and 180° (rear): 45° / 60° -> 0° / 60°, but it can't be fired in the newfound area
              second primary turret: vertical limits between horizontal 178° and 180° (rear): 13° / 60° -> 5° / 60°, but it can't be fired in the newfound area

              IP属地:黑龙江7楼2024-12-14 09:21
                Ground RB: AH-64D [FRA]: 12.0 -> 11.7

                IP属地:黑龙江8楼2024-12-14 09:23
                  Ostwind II "Ost": modification changes: added Ostketten as Tier I modification 东线履带来了
                  M48A1 [CHN]:的夜视仪没了 其他改装件费用有些许变化
                  new GPS bomb tutorial texts:
                  "Guided bomb with satellite guidance and a targeting sight"
                  "Hit the target using a guided bomb with satellite guidance and a targeting sight."
                  "Mark the next target and press {shortcut} to drop the bomb"
                  "Aim at the target and press {shortcut} to drop the bomb"
                  "Aim at the next target and press {shortcut} to drop the bomb"
                  new profile customisation texts:
                  "Favorite vehicle"
                  "Need to select a vehicle"
                  new country name: "Colombia"
                  names of the new German premium Tigers and Ostwind II

                  IP属地:黑龙江9楼2024-12-14 09:26
                    weapon text changes:
                    "ИК+IOG+GNSS" -> "IR+IOG+GNSS"
                    "9M331 SAM" -> "HQ17 SAM"

                    IP属地:黑龙江10楼2024-12-14 09:26
                      - Rafale C (F3R): VNE (IAS rip speed) decreased: 1529 -> 1458 km/h
                      Aircraft DM changes:
                      - A-10C, B.Kh.20 ("JAS 39C") [JPN], F-15C, F-15C Baz Mshupar, F-15E, F-15I Ra'am, F-15J(M), F-16AM-15, F-16C-40 Barak II, F-16C-50, F-16D-40 Barak II, Gripen C [GBR], JAS 39A, JAS 39C, JAS 39C EBS HU, Mirage 2000-5 EI, Mirage 2000-5 F, Mirage 2000 D RMV, Tornado G.R. Mk. 4: crew model: USA 1977-1991 -> USA 1985-2011 JHMCS
                      - Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
                      - crew model: USA 1977-1991 -> USA 1985-2011 JHMCS
                      - the wings and tail didn't break off where they were intended to (so more or less remained), fixed
                      - MiG-21S: comically useless built-in sight:
                      - it's now only available and visible in the cockpit
                      - zoom: 6.15x / 25.4x -> fixed 3.3x
                      - 500x300 thermal -> 500x300 NVD with a monochrome filter
                      米格21S驾驶舱里的小屏幕不能缩放 热成像没活出测试服 悲
                      Aircraft weapon changes:
                      - Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4, Rafale C (F3R): Split large countermeasures: fired in pairs -> single-file
                      - F-15I Ra'am: custom loadout changes: slots 2, 12 changed:
                      - added 1x AGM-65D option
                      - added 3x AGM-65D option
                      Su-27, Su-27SM: custom loadout changes:
                      slots 3, 8 changed:
                      option changed: 1x 374 kg ZB-500: drop speed limit: Mach 0.63 -> 1.01
                      option changed: 2x 374 kg ZB-500: drop speed limit: Mach 0.63 -> 1.01
                      slots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 changed: option changed: 1x 374 kg ZB-500: drop speed limit: Mach 0.63 -> 1.01
                      苏27/SM的燃烧弹投放速度修正到1.01马赫 之前的0.63我猜是单位弄混了

                      IP属地:黑龙江11楼2024-12-14 09:29
                        Su-34 NVO:
                        new loadout(s):
                        1x 3000 kg FAB-3000 UMPK
                        1x 3000 kg FAB-3000-M54
                        loadout changes:
                        6x 500 kg KAB-500LG -> 7x 500 kg KAB-500LG
                        6x 500 kg UPAB-500B -> 7x 500 kg UPAB-500B
                        6x Kh-36 Grom-2 -> 7x Kh-36 Grom-2
                        custom loadout changes: slot 7 changed:
                        added 1x 500 kg KAB-500LG option
                        added 1x 500 kg UPAB-500B option
                        added 1x 3000 kg FAB-3000 UMPK option
                        added 1x 3000 kg FAB-3000-M54 option
                        added 1x Kh-36 Grom-2 option

                        IP属地:黑龙江12楼2024-12-14 09:30
                          Thales RBE2 AESA (Rafale C (F3R):
                          LPRF, MPRF, HPRFv transceivers: sidelobe sensitivity: -32 -> -35
                          narrow search, medium search, wide search, narrow TWS, medium TWS, wide TWS, BVR lock search, BVR lock TWS patterns: roll stabilisation limit: 70° -> 90°
                          narrow IRST search, wide IRST search, IRST BVR lock, IRST vertical lock, IRST HMD lock, IRST track, IRST HMD track patterns: elevation limits: -14° / 60° -> -20° / 60°

                          IP属地:黑龙江13楼2024-12-14 09:31
                            PzH 2000 A1, PzH 2000HU:
                            added 5 mm structural steel armour around the gunner's optic
                            added ammo rack data
                            it can now restock smoke grenades
                            turret rotation speed: 11 -> 11.25 °/s
                            elevation speed: 7 -> 11.25 °/s
                            automatic sight range correction by rangefinder enabled
                            zoom: 3.8x / 4x -> 7.22x / 8.01x
                            added commander view
                            gunner and commander 800x600 NVD is now available stock
                            VBCI VCI:
                            cannon: Oerlikon KBA-B02 -> GIAT M811 (the only difference is the rate of fire: 560 -> 400 rpm)
                            empty mass: 24600 -> 24100 kg
                            full mass: 25600 -> 25100 kg
                            added engine manufacturer and model: Volvo D12
                            added transmission manufacturer and model: ZF 7HP902
                            steering angles:
                            first axle: 20° -> 24°
                            second axle: 10° -> 13°
                            fourth axle: -10° -> 13°

                            IP属地:黑龙江14楼2024-12-14 09:36
                              Naval changes:
                              Ersatz Yorck: completely new DM from placeholder Rodney (29) values
                              Zerstörer 4 (D 178), Geniere (D 555): empty mass: 2300 t -> 2500 t
                              armour around the bridge: 76 -> 152 mm
                              deck armour at the front and amidships: it can now be hidden in the armour viewer
                              the steering gear can now be damaged
                              secondary ammo storage: 129360 -> 142800 rounds
                              Rodney (29):
                              third primary turret: vertical limits between horizontal -24° and 24° (forward): 0° / 40° -> 0° / 3°
                              added quad 12.7 mm Vickers Mk. V anti-aircraft mounts to main superstructure
                              added fixed torpedo launchers
                              Ghibli (GH):
                              moment of inertia increased
                              center of gravity adjusted
                              forward acceleration: lowered
                              sight position moved
                              rearmost anti-aircraft guns: vertical limits: -10° / 85° -> -10° / 75°
                              La Galissonnière:
                              detection height: 27 -> 27.5 m
                              added second radio station
                              added 6th fuel tank
                              added conning tower tube: 25 mm RHA
                              crew reorganised

                              IP属地:黑龙江15楼2024-12-14 09:37