关于公式的局限性相信大家其实都有所了解,例如我们熟知的campione股骨周长公式,以及一些其他的计算体型的公式(一些比较离谱的就不放出来了),无一例外的都有一定的局限性,但是不可否认的是他们相比GDI以及建模测体积要更加方便快捷.既然关于体型的公式局限性都如此之大了,咬合力这个说不清道不明的就更不用说了.稍微对《Mandibular force profiles and tooth morphology in growth series of Albertosaurus sarcophagus and Gorgosaurus libratus (Tyrannosauridae: Albertosaurinae) provide evidence for an ontogenetic dietary shift in tyrannosaurids》这篇论文中说出的"As for Giganotosaurus, its weak bite could either reflect a potential plateau in the bite force as theropods reach large body size or be related to inaccuracies in the reconstruction of the mandible due to the incomplete nature of the holotype (see Coria and Salgado, 1995); only the study of additional taxa and discovery of more complete Giganotosaurus specimens will shed light on this issue."做出一些解释: