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  解体前,应在端盖与机座的接缝处作好标记,以便复原。然后拧下固定端盖的螺钉,用螺丝刀慢慢地撬下端盖(拧螺钉和撬端盖都要对角线均匀对称地进行)。前后端盖要作上记号,以免装配时前后搞错。 安装时,对准机壳和端盖的接缝标记,装上端盖。插入螺钉拧紧(要按对用线对称地旋进螺钉,而且要分几次旋紧,且不可有松有紧,以免损伤端盖)。同时要转动转子,以检修转动是否灵活。前后端盖拆掉后,便可抽出转子。由于转子很重,应注意切勿碰坏定子线圈。对于小型发电机转子,抽出时要一手握住转子,把转子拉出一些,再用另一只手托住转子,慢慢地外移。对于大型发电机,抽出转子时要两人各抬转子的一端,慢慢外移。安装时,要按上述逆程序进行,要对准定子腔中心小心地送入。拆除滚动轴承的方法与拆卸皮带轮类似,也可用拉具来进行。如果没有拉具,可用两根铁扁担夹住曲轴。

The 2024 National Agricultural MachineryExhibition (referred to as the National Agricultural Machinery Exhibition) willbe held at the Zhumadian International Convention and Exhibition Center inHenan Province from March 28th to 30th, 2024. After years of cultivation anddevelopment, the National Agricultural Machinery Exhibition has become a large-scaleand influential platform for promoting, showcasing, and trading agriculturalmachinery in spring in China. This agricultural machinery exhibition willradiate to the important core area of grain production in the Huang Huai Hairegion of China, with huge market potential and being one of the major marketsfor the use and sales of agricultural machinery. For many years, ZhonglutongCompany has been committed to the development, production, and sales of corecomponents for diesel fuel injection systems. Adhering to the core concept of"striving for excellence and continuous improvement", we providecustomers with 2SFGK excellent diesel fuel injection system accessories. Thisexhibition will showcase the following products: oil pump heads, fuel injectors,plunger fittings, mechanical fuel injector assemblies, pencil injectors,delivery valves, control valves, drive shafts, solenoid valves, and common railaccessories: common rail fuel injectors, common rail valves, valve plates,common rail injectors, common rail pumps, etc. The product is widely used inlight, medium, and high-power diesel engines, covering industries such asautomotive, agricultural, and construction machinery.
The booth number for Zhonglutong in thisexhibition is G019. Our company greatly appreciates your long-term support andtrust in Zhonglutong, and sincerely invites you to discuss cooperation andcommon development.
Dziękuję bardzo za długoterminowe wsparcie i zaufanie do China LuTong.Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w 135.

IP属地:福建1楼2025-02-07 15:04回复