1 レイン (TV size)
2 Knives and Shadows
3 March of the Moving Dolls
4 Crime and Punishment
5 Ante Meridiem
6 Consonance
7 The Intrepid
8 Tribute to W.C.Ⅰ
9 The Forbearer
10 Envy Revealed ~Adagio~
11 Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~
12 Heroic Bolero
13 A Soldier's Honor
14 Amestris Military March
15 Tribute to W.C.Ⅱ
16 The Pendulum
17 The Day the Sun Disappeared
18 Dissident's Creed 19 In the Fray
20 Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~
21 Violoncello's Lament
22 Sorrowful Stone
23 Main Theme ~The Alchemist~
24 The Awakening
25 Philosophorum Omega
26 Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~
27 Epilogue ~A New Journey~
28 Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~
29 Trisha's Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~
31 Resembool's Lullaby