4二楼后座本是beyond发布的一张专辑,二楼后座吧也是公共交流的贴吧,并不是个人使用的私地。前任吧主YJM308不仅将本贴吧私用,还拉黑封禁大量本吧会员,数年之久,据上述事实,本吧吧主做出如下处理: 1.拉黑封禁前任吧主YJM308及其同僚。 2.解封所有被拉黑的会员。 3.精品贴无过仍然保留。 特此告知所有二楼后座吧贴吧会员。
0演奏会音高(即国际标准音)指的是在演奏会中所有乐器统一的调音标准。现代调音标准中往往把参照音——小字一组A的音高确定为440Hz。但这个标准是什么时候出现的?又是怎么制定的呢?今天我们就来谈谈到底为什么A=440Hz。 国际标准音的历史 历史上,对于标准音高的规定经历了很多变革,调音时确定相对音高的方法也存在很多不同的体系。 19世纪以前 19世纪以前,人们并没有想过要制定一个标准音高,全欧洲使用的调音标准都不一样。不仅是不
0来源:premierguitar 作者:Pete Thorn 编译:Lava 经常有人向我求教舞台监听时一些看法与经验。随着入耳式监听的出现,人们愈来愈少地使用舞台一侧的舞台监听音箱进行侧区补声。在一些酒吧或者赌场里中,许多巡演甚至很少出现吉他或者贝斯amp了。然而有些艺术家,比如说 Paul McCartney 与 Gov’t Mule 依旧偏爱经典的监听音箱。那么今天我们就来聊聊入耳监听系统与传统舞台监听音箱之间的利弊之分吧。 首先要知道的是,在早期的摇滚年代时是没有监听
1关于Booster效果器,尤其是Clean Booster 效果器的话题一直没有间断过。今天就结合一下国外一些相关专业知识,给大家简单说说Clean Booster效果器。 在全面了解Clean Booster之前,我们先来了解一下它的起源,最早的清音激励效果器Treble Booster。下面是inSync专业音频网站对于Treble Booster的词条解释。 A treble booster is a type of effects pedal made famous in the 1960s by guitarists such as Brian May, Tony Iommi, Marc Bolan, and others.It was generally the first pedal in a guitarist’s signal path, and very oft
2Book Excerpt: Stevie Ray Vaughan Day By Day, Night After Night His Final Years, 1983-1990 Stevie Ray plays Number One while sitting on the front of an old locomotive during a visit to New Zealand in February 1988. Photo courtesy of Janna LeBlanc As one of the most influential guitarists to ever pick up a Strat, Stevie Ray Vaughan left a Texas-sized mark on guitardom that is still felt decades after his untimely passing on August 27, 1990. In the early ’80s, his unique brand of Hendrixand Albert King-inspired wailing expanded outside his native Lone Star state, and soon he was on the road and
4Some general information and things that may have been forgotten. 一些关于电子管吉他音箱的常识渐渐被人们遗忘了。 As we enter the 21st century knowledge from the 50's and 60's becomes more distant and obscure. 步入21世纪,那些1950年代和1960年代的知识渐渐远去和模糊。 Often we don't know exactly how things such as tube amplifiers were designed to work, causing a bit of confusion in both terms and function. 我们大多数人不清楚电子管放大器是如何设计出来的,与之相关的专用术语及其功能也变得混淆。 Maybe
0Ted Drozdowski| 08.03.201 Jeff Beck The term “dynamics” in music can indicate a number of qualities about the way a note or series of notes or chords are played, but typically “dynamics” refers to variations in volume — the degree of loudness or quietness with which a part of a performance is delivered. And the “part” part is important. To employ dynamics while performing a song or composition involves playing some sections louder or quieter than others in order to create contrast that draws the listener in or expresses emotional nuances. Dynamics have long been a fixture in clas
015作者:John LeVan 编译:幸福de苹果 How to Balance Pickups on Strats and Teles http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/How_to_Balance_Pickups_on_ 声明:版权归原作者所有,我只是对文章进行简单的翻译,转载请注明出处、原作者以及翻译者。 相对于单拾音器的电吉他(如Fender Esquires和一些Les Paul Juniors),拥有2个或3个拾音器的电吉他可以提供更多的音色组合,但它们也常常带来一些问题。当你在电吉他上切换不同拾音器的时候,你会发现不同拾音器得到的音量大小不一样。这对00数据由英国的飞行夹克复刻厂商Eastman的老板Gary Eastman提供。 Pre-War Order numbers and the Fiscal Year 32-485 Security (Aviation Togs) 1931/2 (probably less than 500) 33-1729 Werber 1932/33 (probably less than 500) 36-1112 P Werber 13 Sept.1935 (550) 37-3061 P Aero 1936/37 (probably less than 500) 37-3891 P H.L.B. Corp. 3 March 1937 (375) 38-1711-P Aero 26 Oct 1937 (1,500) 38-205 Werber (not listed by Gary) 39-2951 P Werber 9 Jan 1939 (1,250) 40-3785-P Aero 18 Dec 1940 (3,500) Contract Numbers W535ac16159 Rough Wear 2 Nov 1940 9.700) W535ac16160 Aero 1 Nov 1940 (4,500) W535a81023Scott uses a very short cable from the guitar to the Z.Vex Fuzz Factory, and then into a Fulltone Octafuzz, Maxon SD-9, Xotic RC Booster, Arion Chorus with true bypass mod, Vox wah, and then into the amp. All of Scott's cable is Mogami 2524. The amp effects send goes down to the purple box which has a 50K pot for subtile changes in volume, then into the Boss FV500L volume pedal for more drastic volume sweeps. The output of the volume pedal goes back to the input of the black box on top of the amp, which is a Custom Audio one channel line mixer, and the output of the mixer goes to the amp e