0本团队寻雇主,可接单,办你不能出面,不好出面的事,你明白的.成都,嘉兴,苏州,承德,北京 上海 天津 重庆二、华北地区北京东城区、西城区、朝阳区、丰台区、石景山区、海淀区、顺义区、通州区、大兴区、房山区、门头沟区、昌平区、平谷区、密云区、怀柔区、延庆区。. 河北: 石家庄 唐山 秦皇岛 邯郸 邢台 保定 张家口 承德 沧州 廊坊 衡水6. 山西: 太原 大同 阳泉 长治 晋城 朔州 晋中 运城 忻州 临汾 吕梁7. 内蒙古: 呼和浩特 包头 乌海 赤峰
132翻好的文已经啃光,新文的翻译速度又跟不上.....所以,各位,不来先安利一波自己喜欢的原文吗? ********************************** 大海捞针似的去挑文总会在费劲地啃了半天英文后才发现结果并不和自己胃口(扶额...)。 不敢说人家写的不好,但作品风格不一样啊~(例如欣喜地打开一篇M文结果发现是为了M而M结果觉得十分扫兴啥的...) 所以如果是被推荐来的话总觉得会啃起来安心些不是吗~~~ 各种文风的也可以相互拿来开开眼界嘛~~~ **************************
72Faithful Light (題目,我還沒有想好怎樣翻譯…) 原文地址:?https://www?fanfiction?net/s/2260024/1/Faithful-Light? 作者: Miss Jazz 字數:56,381 狀態:未授權 聲明:翻譯純粹個人興趣,請勿用於商業用途。本文更新蝸牛速度,還請見諒~
234刚发了一次,直接被取缔..... 再试一次咯... 27章开始 (根本不知道什么能贴什么不能贴,摊手)
3四川固舟电商靠谱吗,真的假的? 四川固舟电商靠谱吗,真的假的? 四川固舟电商靠谱吗,真的假的?
0聚创汇鑫网络科技有限公司怎么样,靠谱吗 聚创汇鑫网络科技有限公司怎么样,靠谱吗 聚创汇鑫网络科技有限公司怎么样,靠谱吗
0武汉梓玥墨电子商务有限公司靠谱吗 武汉梓玥墨电子商务有限公司靠谱吗 武汉梓玥墨电子商务有限公司靠谱吗
0GSR资金盘曝光,建议远离 ,能撤尽早撤 ,最新消息交流加Ⅴ fa188188ok
87原帖地址:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3781233/1/And-They-Lived-Happily 作者:Chelles 不知道为啥之前那贴被定位成广告了.... 24章途中....从这边继续吧
842原帖地址:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3781233/1/And-They-Lived-Happily 作者:Chelles 同上篇,请勿转载。 本系列的第三部。基本就是某章开始就开始乱撒糖的节奏 _(:зゝ∠)_ (想要各种吐槽两只....) **************** 今天母上大人生日,更文.jpg~
228原帖地址:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3597106/1/Chasing-the-Rainbow-s-End 作者:Chelles
6by Laura Katharine Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Grissom/Sara Category: General/Romance Archive: FF.net and here. Anywhere else ask first, I might say yes. Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine. Summary: Virtually impossible to summarize. There's a bed involved though,should that sort of thing intrigue you...
494原帖地址:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3597106/1/Chasing-the-Rainbow-s-End 作者:Chelles 同上篇,请勿转载。 本系列的第二部。话说我是因为这部的序章才决定翻这个系列的,被小Gil萌化了... **************** 感谢支持上篇翻译的各位,我尽量不坑,但持久战是免不了的.....
23CSI剧组的访谈里William Petersen替Gil Grissom对Sara的深情告白,只一句就快把我看哭了... 应该可以发在这里吧
2祝各位猴年大吉,新春愉快。 CSI Finale的开播那会儿,忍不住建了William Petersen的贴吧。 因为内容不多也没敢出来炫耀,这次借着拜年的机会出来耍耍~ 写了个回顾贴,基本是Grissom向的, GSR大概能有70%(?),有喜欢叔的欢迎来玩儿 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4103784045
18Author: Kristen Elizabeth Rating:T Spoilers:Through 9x05, Leave Out All the Rest Disclaimer:Characters contained within do not belong to me. Author'sNotes: It's really late so I'll just say, thanks for stopping by to read. Bighugs for everyone. We all need them. ***** Everhas it been that love knows not its own depths until the hour of separation. -Kahlil Gibran *****
3Summary: Tomatoes, chocolate, Sara in bed,Grissom with asparagus. It actually is somewhat coherent. G/S. A/N: This story is actually a sequel to last week's story, Sweet Dreams, butyou probably don't need to read it first. This is my entry to this week'sUnbound Improv Challenge. First and last lines are provided, with 1,000 wordsto finish it. Many thanks to Burked, Marlou and Ann for their beta skills! Rating: PG
8by Laura Katharine Rating: R Pairing: Grissom/Sara Category: General/Romance Archive: FF.net and here. Anywhere else ask first, I might say yes. Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine. As if this is news to any of us. Author's Note: Boy did I fall in a giant pile of R-rated fluff. A couplereviewers requested I put some RST in this sequel, and I aim to please, damnit! It's all about keeping the reviewers happy, I always say. Summary: Grissom wakes up with Sara in his bed. This is a sequel to Morpheus'Magic. I imagine you'll survive if you didn't read the first one-but I ofco
19Title:Here, Among the Stones Author: smack_the_crop Rating: Mature Pairing: GSR This story is written by Cropper and Smacky30. A little collaboration for yourenjoyment! Spoilers: Only if you have been living under a rock. This little ficlet takesplace immediately following Nick’s rescue in “Grave Danger.”