我的爱人是如此英俊,他的皮肤象黄金 My beloved is white and ruddy. His skin is as the most fine gold... 他的双颊如香草台” "his cheeks are as a bed of spices." “虽然他已经好几个月没洗过脸 "Even though he hasn‘t washed since last December. “他的眼如鸽子般明亮… "His eyes are as the eyes of doves... “他的身躯如同雕刻的象牙… "his body is as bright ivory... “他的双腿象大理石柱般坚实” "his legs are as pillar of marble." “虽然包裹它们的裤子脏得要死 "In pants so dirty they stand by themselves “总而言之他是那样可爱” "He is altogether lovable." “可惜他永远是个一无所有的小阿飞… "But he‘ll always be a two-bit punk... “所以他永远不会是我的爱人 "so he‘ll never be my beloved. “真可惜! "What a shame!