@是么是霸气What do you mean?
Said can't understand(亲。主语不是这么省略的哦。said是过去时态哦,那么cant要改成couldnt才符合语法规则亲)
The difference between people and IQ is very big still(语序错误懂不懂啊亲。你要想表达人和人之间的智商差距是很大的的意思话。直接说The difference between you and me is obvious就行了哦亲。difference一般不用big修饰的哦亲。still作为副词修饰形容词big的话,应该放在is 之后哦亲。正确的语序是 is still very big 哦亲)
In order to express to your sympathy(亲,表达向你的同情不是怎么说的哦。应该是 express my sympathy to you )
I send you a words later put to good use(亲,用了later要用将来时态的懂不懂啊。有用有帮助的应该用useful修饰就成了。你要想显摆显摆文采用定语从句呗~I will send you a grade-on e textbook which will be very useful to you)
Don't think you are brain damage can do whatever he wants(语法错的我都不知道该怎么告诉你了。你难道不认为应该翻译成Don't you think哦亲。不是dont think you。Don't you think k that your brain has been damaged seriously?Maybe that's the reason why you can't express yourself clearly.)
Very serious consequences(不解释啊亲。后果不只有consequence这个单词的哦亲。)