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IP属地:云南1楼2012-07-08 19:59回复

    每次都能让你听的感动的要掉眼泪的歌Dying in the sun

    IP属地:云南2楼2012-07-08 20:01
      《Dying In The Sun》【歌曲介绍 】
      《Dying In The Sun》是爱尔兰乐队Cranberries在专辑《Bury the hatchet》(言归于好)中的格调最为舒缓抒情的一首。
      1999年4月27日,Cranberries在北约发动对南联盟空袭战争后的第31天推出了它第4张专辑《Bury the hatchet》(言归于好)。
      “Bury the hatchet”作为固定习惯用语,当译为“言归于好”。但此时此刻,字面的理解“埋葬战斧”恐怕更能表达所有接受它的听众所自然引起的心理印证。客观地讲,这张专辑的创作本意和这场突如其来的战争没有太大的直接联系,历时三年的创作和录制,镌刻的是那个蓄满纷争忧虑的国土上,柔弱的音乐团体所发出的最昂扬声音,但今天这种声音恰恰代言了疯狂战争之下的恐惧与哀难。
      表面看《Dying In The Sun》是以一个恋人的口气唱出来的,纯爱情歌曲。但是它决非简单的恋人的诉衷。正如Cranberries一贯的主题一样,它带着爱尔兰人苦涩的人生体验与对和解独特的理解和阐述。
      《Dying In The Sun》用爱尔兰人忧伤的目光传达了塞尔维亚人迷惑、仇恨、焦虑和期盼的神情。而这恰是它的主题所在。歌中反复吟唱着那句“Like dying the sun,like dying in the sun。”是无望中的人最绝望最无助的声音——不知所措——无力还击——Like dying in the sun...................Like dying in the sun...................
      The Cranberries卡百利乐队
      又名 :小红莓乐队、红草莓乐队
      出道时间 :1990年   Cranberry:一种微酸的小浆果。
      卡百利乐队是一个来自爱尔兰(爱尔兰是以英语为主要语言的欧洲音乐重镇)的知名摇滚乐队,与U2、Sinead O’Connor、Enya、Westlife等一样,都是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量。

      IP属地:云南3楼2012-07-08 20:03
        《Dying In The Sun》【歌词】
        Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事)   I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday(一想到昨天我就如此的不安)
        How could I let things get to me so bad?(我怎么能让这些事情困扰我呢)
        How did I let things get to me?(我怎么会让这些事情影响的我呢)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)
        Will you hold on to me (你会执着于我吗?)
        I am feeling frail (我感觉如此脆弱)
        Will you hold on to me (你会执着于我吗?)
        We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃)
        I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美)
        I wanted to be so perfect(想要变得如此完美)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去)
        Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)

        IP属地:云南4楼2012-07-08 20:05


          IP属地:云南5楼2012-07-13 20:18
            Kwon Bo Young 杨千嬅 少女的祈祷


            IP属地:云南6楼2012-07-13 20:29
              I was found on the ground by the fountain   被你发现时我就躺在一眼泉水旁   about a field of a summer stride   那是一片充满夏日气息的土地
              lying in the sun after i had tired   当我感到些许疲倦时
              lying in the sun by the side   便躺在阳光下,小路旁
              we all agreed that the council would   我们都认为议会应该趁早解散
              end up three hours over-time   再有三个小时的存在都嫌多
              shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights   鞋带为信号灯所左右
              i was running late, could apply   我起跑的有些晚
              【for another one, i guess   或许已追赶不上她的步伐
              after parking stores are best   毕竟做足准备才是最好的
              they said that there would be delays   他们说这或许有些迟了啊
              on the temporary pay   毕竟这付出显得过于短暂 】 【重复】
              she was found on the ground in a gown   她被发现时正穿着睡袍
              laying by the field of the summer asleep   躺在一片仲夏夜中
              staring at the concrete, trying not to cry   仰望着苍穹,她不哭泣
              when somebody left his life   哪怕至爱从此离去
              she would never sleep in a gown   她将不再合衣入睡
              so she takes his keys to the bedroom door   她拿着他的钥匙开启卧室的门
              takes a step outside, by the fountain   向外一步步走去,注视着那一片曾经的泉眼   gazing at the field, what a view   恍若隔世
              I was found on the ground by the fountain   醒来时,我发现自己正躺在一泓泉水边
              about a fields of a summer stride   周围的田野弥漫着夏日香气
              lying in the sun after i had tried lying in the sun by the side   我沐浴在小路边的阳光下
              we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time   我们都认为当时那个会议将长达3个多小时
              shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights   在红绿灯前我系紧了鞋带,整装待发   i was running late,   我就要迟到了
              could apply for another one i guess   但我想我可以再申请另一份工作
              after parking stores are best   停下之后,就是要做好准备
              they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay   他们说这一时的付出也已经太晚了
              she was found on the ground in a gown   她醒来时发现自己穿着长袍
              laying by the field of the summer asleep   睡在这片夏日田野里
              staring at the concrete, trying not to cry   怅然望着这片土地,努力不让自己哭泣   when somebody left his life   即使有人从他生命中离去
              she would never sleep in a gown   她将不再穿长袍入睡
              so she takes his keys to the bedroom door   她拿走了他卧室的钥匙
              takes a step outside, by the fountain   朝那个泉水边走去
              gazing at the field, what a view   望着这片田野 依旧是那么美

              IP属地:云南8楼2012-07-22 16:37

                IP属地:云南10楼2012-08-26 18:35
                  突然好想听 暗香 ~~~~~~~

                  IP属地:云南11楼2012-08-26 18:36

                    IP属地:云南12楼2012-08-26 18:46

                      dream you to life

                      IP属地:云南15楼2013-05-19 00:05
                        what are words

                        IP属地:云南16楼2013-05-19 00:06
                          这段时间有在听保罗·西蒙的the sound of silence

                          IP属地:云南来自Android客户端17楼2013-07-28 17:56


                            IP属地:云南18楼2013-10-04 21:35
                              千年缘 - 心然

                              胭脂泪 - 罗永娟

                              IP属地:云南19楼2014-04-15 21:59