1.定义 氧气中毒是指因吸入分压增大的氧气而造成不良反映的现象(Oxygen toxicity is a condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen (O2)at elevated partial pressures.)
2.Cause(个人觉得翻成发生条件比较合适) (a)中枢神经系统 暴露在氧分压为160 kPa 的环境中几分钟到几小时通常会使中枢神经系统受到毒害,这主要 发生在潜水者和接受高压氧治疗者的身上(Exposures, from minutes to a few hours, to partial pressures of oxygen above 1.6 bars (160 kPa)—about eight times the standard atmospheric partial pressure—are usually associated with central nervous system oxygen toxicity and are most likely to occur among patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy and divers. ) 由于海平面上大气压为100kPa,对中枢神经系统的毒害仅仅会发生在高压氧舱这种气压高于一个标准大气压的环境中(Since sea level atmospheric pressure is about 1 bar (100 kPa), central nervous system toxicity can only occur under hyperbaric conditions, where ambient pressure is above normal.[31][32] ) (b)肺部 肺部作为人体与氧气接触最多的部分,会最早出现症状(The lungs, as well as the remainder of the respiratory tract, are exposed to the highest concentration of oxygen in the human body and are therefore the first organs to show toxicity.) 对肺部的影响会在氧分压为0.5个标准大气压,相当于一个标准大气压下氧气浓度为50%时发生(Pulmonary toxicity occurs with exposure to partial pressures of oxygen greater than 0.5 bar (50 kPa), corresponding to an oxygen fraction of 50% at normal atmospheric pressure.) 当氧气浓度高于95%时,上呼吸道炎症等症状会在4到22小时后出现(也有研究认为无症状时间为14小时)(Signs of pulmonary toxicity begins with evidence of tracheobronchitis, or inflammation of the upper airways, after an asymptomatic period between 4 and 22 hours at greater than 95% oxygen,[34] with some studies suggesting symptoms usually begin after approximately 14 hours at this level of oxygen.[35]) 当氧分压为2至3倍标准大气压(纯氧)时,上述症状可能会在暴露于此环境中三小时后出现(At partial pressures of oxygen of 2 to 3 bar (200 to 300 kPa)—100% oxygen at 2 to 3 times atmospheric pressure—these symptoms may begin as early as 3 hours after exposure to oxygen.[34] ) 小白鼠在1到3倍大气压下与在常压下呼吸氧气会产生不同的症状( Experiments on rats breathing oxygen at pressures between 1 and 3 bars (100 and 300 kPa) show that pulmonary manifestations of oxygen toxicity are not the same for normobaric conditions as they are for hyperbaric conditions.) 在呼吸24小时纯氧后肺功能下降,48小时后各种病症,各种看不懂。。。(Evidence of decline in lung function as measured by pulmonary function testing can occur as quickly as 24 hours of continuous exposure to 100% oxygen,[35] with evidence of diffuse alveolar damage and the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome usually occurring after 48 hours on 100% oxygen.[34]) (c)视网膜 长时间吸入高浓度氧气会导致视网膜损伤,根据msds上的说法吸太多24kXXX合金狗眼就瞎了(Prolonged exposure to high inspired fractions of oxygen causes damage to the retina.)
3.预防 (a)水下 按着手册上的来,不做死就不会死 (b)高压环境下 会有各种方法减小纯氧带来的损伤 (c)常压下 没啥好说的。。。 (d)低压下 低压环境下氧气中毒可以被避免,因为中毒的原因是高氧分压而非氧高浓度过高(In low-pressure environments oxygen toxicity may be avoided since the toxicity is caused by high partial pressure of oxygen, not merely by high oxygen fraction.) 现代纯氧的宇航服内部必须是低压的,这也体现在早期的航天器上,如阿波罗,双子座之类 这里补一句,飞船内不采取纯氧供氧是出于防火的考虑,当年阿波罗一号发生火灾,由于舱内是纯氧环境,火势蔓延过于迅速,导致三名航天员直接被烧死在座椅上,如果没有采用纯氧供氧航天员就会获得更多的逃生时间