
《A diving bell》
我们用同样的语法 却听不懂彼此的话
We speak the same language still get nothing out of each other
有时选择沉默 当做包容也是一种表达
From time to time we resort to silence as tolerance is another expression
就这样 共存方法 可以长久点吧
If that's the way for being together would it last for a bit longer
同行路上 走的是分叉
We walk the same road yet take different destination
We are naive towards love
不知何时该收 何时该走 直到无法收拾后果
Unaware of when to drop in when to leave til no way to join a broken mirror
We are naive towards love
让你任性自由 我只能动也不动 就像潜水钟
You are your own master while I am a motionless statue just like a diving bell
Trapped deep into the breathless ocean
曾以为想的都一样 预期的结果却走样
I believed we shared the same thought still result is on the contrary
这安慰的说法 原来获得并非等于拥有
Such comforting words obtaining doesn't mean possessing in reality
爱的错或错的爱 答案不是真相
Love's fault or love of fault answers fail to deliver the truth
Once we enjoyed living in the moment
我们用同样的语法 却听不懂彼此的话
We speak the same language still get nothing out of each other
消失 是你不说一句结束的方式
Disappear is how you end it without a word
故事 进行一半突然停止
Story comes to a grinding halt
迷失 是你不在身边以后的样子
Lost is how I appear after you leave
The result is nothing at all
The ending no one picks up
全面的搜索行动 为了你 展开了
Overall search is carried out for you
回忆的余味泄露 爱来过又离开过
Residual memory outflows love once checked in but out again
你说你就像泡沫 只能在水中活
You said you were like a bubble alive only in water
透明的寂寞 隐藏着脆弱
Visible loneliness covering sensitive heart
轻轻碰 就好像现实压迫
A gentle touch is like reality oppressing
Breaking down instantly
错过流星 是因为追求快的日子
Falling star slips from eyebrow for pursuing the speed of light
失落 是无法补救的缺口
Feeling lost is a wound could never be cured
错过日出 是因为追逐光的影子
Sunrise slips from eyebrow for pursuing the shadow of light
Lost in the flow of memories
All slip from an insensitive mind
全面的搜索行动 为了你 展开了
Overall search is carried out for you
回忆的余味泄露 爱来过又离开过
Residual memory outflows love once checked in but out again
你说你就像泡沫 只能在水中活
You said you were like a bubble alive only in water
透明的寂寞 隐藏着脆弱
Visible loneliness covering sensitive heart
轻轻碰 就好像现实压迫
A gentle touch is like reality oppressing
错的都是我 要的太多
It's all my fault too much I demand
从来都没问 你要什么
Never do I ask what you want
Making endless demands from you
Till you have nothing at all
So you regard me as a monster devouring love
全面的搜索行动 为了你 展开了
Overall search is carried out for you
回忆的余味泄露 爱来过又离开过
Residual memory outflows love once checked in but out again
你说你就像泡沫 只能在水中活
You said you were like a bubble alive only in water
透明的寂寞 隐藏着脆弱
Visible loneliness covering sensitive heart
轻轻碰 就好像现实压迫
A gentle touch is like reality oppressing
《Without you,I take cry as smile》
这天已经 黑了 我一个人 醒着
The sky is dark I am alone awake
走廊的脚步声 响了 却幻想着是 你呢
Steps from the corridor coming through I imagine that were you
午夜的钟 停了 剩下心跳声却越跳越快呢
The midnight bell running off leaving my heart beating faster
伴着微弱的光线 睡了
Tiny light accompanied I fall asleep
这天已经 亮了 这一颗心 空了
The sky is bright the heart is empty
路上行人都 忙着 他们各自的生活
All the passers are occupied with their own life
我想我们都会好的 但痛为何来的那么直截了当呢
I believe we would all be fine Just how could pain come so straightforward
清楚得像海风在心上 一刀一刀划着
Directly like wind scraping in the heart over and over again
叫我要怎么不听 怎么不看 怎么不想 怎么去习惯
How could I avoid listening avoid looking avoid thinking how to fit myself in
怎么轻巧 怎么微笑 怎么痛得我都快要疯掉
How to ease how to smile how do I nearly go mad in pain
什么都不要去听 不要去看 不要去想 我可以很好
Don't listen to anything don't look don't think I am gonna be alright
没了你 我把哭当成了笑
Without you I take cry as smile
这世界没了你 我把哭 当成了笑
The world without you I take cry as smile
《The Ring》
寂静月台 逆风吹着她的裙摆
Quiet platform wind breezes her skirt
当她抬头看路牌 昏暗得却只剩尘埃
She looks up the road sign dim with dirt alone
当远处汽笛声传来 她无奈 在原地徘徊
Whistles come from distance she hesitates wanders alone
车门都没开 眼眶瞬间被掩盖
Door is still closed vision sheltered in the twinkling of an eye
Falling down
The ring looks pale in the beam of lamplight
照亮的残留淤青 竟露出了一些悲哀
Residual bruise lightened still outflows a ray of sorrow
看远去的背影发呆 却滑稽的 期盼意外
Stares blankly at the leaving shadow still amusingly expects the unforeseen
把眼泪擦干 却擦不干攥紧拳头 在手心里出的汗
Tears can be wiped dry but not sweat held tightly in hand
紧握着他给的指环 冰冷中带着温暖
Holding the ring his gave feeling warmth inside with cold
Painfully restrains the choking breath
To say goodbye gently
这美丽的指环 需流着泪才好看
This beautiful ring glistens only in tears
How many hearts shall be emptied to be romantic
眼泪 坠入 深海 慢慢开出一朵花瓣
Tears fall deep into ocean a flower blossoms gradually
Dissolves into fairy coral sea
Guarding tears of sapphire