中国商场里发生尸体抗议,保安抢走尸体 原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:小A 转载请注明出处 论坛地址: Astonishing video has emerged of a bodybeing removed from a coffin and carried out of a shopping mall in China afterit was taken into the centre during a morbid protest. 视频显示中国商场里发生尸体抗议,保安抢走尸体 原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:小A 转载请注明出处 论坛地址: Astonishing video has emerged of a bodybeing removed from a coffin and carried out of a shopping mall in China afterit was taken into the centre during a morbid protest. 视频显示中国商场里发生尸体抗议,保安抢走尸体
Incredibly, the men wearing black - who it was claimed may have been mallsecurity - then lift the dead woman from the casket. 难以置信的是,然后这些黑衣男子——据称有可能是商场保安——将女尸体从棺材里面抬出来。 Carrying the body over a distance ofseveral feet, it is placed into a smaller, more portable container. 然后他们把尸体抬到几步开外的一个更加轻便的小型容器里。 Screams can be heard from the onlookers,who watch on in horror along the balcony of the floor above. 我们可以听到围观者发出的尖叫声,他们在高层阳台上发出惊恐的叫声。 They then promptly walk away from the sceneof the confrontation while carrying the body out with them. 然后这些黑衣男子抬着尸体急冲冲的离开冲突现场。
ranchhouse5, Land of the Buttercups, UnitedStates, 7 hours ago she was warned not to get on but she didanyways, that is why there were people at the top waiting for her to get offwhen it happend. It still was a aful thing that happened to he. 她是在被警告的情况下还依然要去坐那个扶梯,所以上面才有工作人员在等她下来,但意外就在此时发生了。但是她的死依然是一件令人痛心的事情。
[copy]Ian, Dongguan, 18 hours ago They are not security. They're governmentmobsters. Plenty of them in China... You might not believe you're beingwatched, but oh boy you are! Know that first hand 这些黑衣人并非保安,而是政府打手。在中国这样的人很多。你可能不知道自己已经被盯上了,但是你确实被盯上了!这是我的亲身经历。 楼主ps...这位英国佬是不是看手撕鬼子看多了
AxholeRose, London, United Kingdom, 17hours ago More like private mobsters, hired by thewealthy mall owner. Govt doesn't have any stakes in this, but business ownersdo. 更像是私人打手,受雇于富有的商场业主。政府在这其中没有任何利害关系,有利害关系的是私人业主。 楼主。。。只能说他们太复杂了, Brilliant, United States, 14hours ago OTIS (China) made the escalators - do youknow where else you can find OTIS escalators and elevators? 那款出事电梯是奥的斯公司生产的——你知道哪里还可以发现奥的斯公司生产的电梯和扶梯吗?
Somebody, Somewhere not, Togo, 18 hours ago WTF why is the not a full video? 奶奶的,怎么不播放完整视频? Kim, Essex, 16 hours ago Videos on DM are never the full videos. 在本站,你永远看不到完整视频。
BEIJING(Reuters) - China will expand medical insurance to cover all critical illnessesfor all urban and rural residents by the end of the year, the cabinet said onSunday, the latest step in a plan to fix a healthcare system that has sparkedpublic discontent. 北京(路透社)——中国将扩大医疗保障以在年底前覆盖所有城乡居民的所有重大疾病,国务院周日如是说,这是中国为了安抚公众对医保系统不满而采取的最新措施。