Q: There are a lot of people who try very hard. The efforts alone don’t make it successful. The efforts should be there but there should be some luck involved as well. You want to deny that?
R: I am a bit dualistic in the sense that (laughing)… I’m a fatalist and, at the same time, I believe in making your own fate. There is a book called ‘Secret,’ and, in that book, it says if you believe you can do something, it comes true. When you think ‘I have a fate that has no choice but do well,’ everything will turn out well.
R :我有点两面想法(笑) ...我是一个宿命论者,但同时,我相信可以掌握自己的命运。有一本书所谓的'秘密' ,并在这本书,它说,如果你相信你可以做些什麼,它会实现成真。当你想到'这是我的命运,没有别的选择,只能做好,一切都将成为良好。
Q: Always, always, always… Those who are not doing well, they can’t hear those words very well…
R: When things don’t go well, you could get discouraged but if you think the next step is going to go well, it could change the direction. For example, let’s say, once, twice, three times… you failed at business. But I think you still have one big chance to recover. For anyone (there is that one big chance). There is a saying ‘Though you dig a well, dig one well and you’ll find water. It is true.
R :当事情不顺利,你会颓丧,但如果你认为下一步会好,它会改变方向。举例来说,一次,两次,三次...在工作上失利。但是我认为后面仍会有一个大的机会等著你。对任何人(永远有一个很大的机会)。有一个说法, '虽然你打井,挖到一口好井,最后你会发现水。这是真实的。