【Ted Gable】
The muscular leader of the Alpha Tau fraternity, his bravado is all for show. Fires make him very nervous.
Ted Gable is a mortal. He's the leader of the Alpha Tau fraternity.
The muscular leader of the Alpha Tau fraternity has ended up being bound over in jail for disorderly behavior.
Due to disorderly behavior, he, Matt Burke, Obi Wan' Shinobi, and Weasel' Stratton were stuck in the police station lock-up on the night that the Ghost Master attacked.
Later on, he would be visit the Kappa Lambda sorority house on the night the Ghost Master targeted the witches Cher Medford, Michelle Ridgemont, and Susan Spofford.
这个Alpha Tau兄弟会领导者肌肉男,他的逞能只是装腔作势。火可以让他烦躁。
Ted是一名凡人,他是Alpha Tau的领导人。
在鬼大师进攻警察局那一晚,他,Matt Burke, Obi Wan' Shinobi和 Weasel' Stratton都被关在警察局里。
过了一段时间,在鬼大师瞄准三名女巫时,他拜访了Kappa Lambda女生联谊会。
Facepacks & Broomsticks
The Unusual Suspects
Weird Séance
Ted Gable is based on a character from a comedy film series Revenge of the Nerds. His name is derived from the character named Stan Gable and Ted McGinley, the character's actor.
Ted Gable基于喜剧电影Revenge of the Nerds。他的名字取自Stan Gable和其演员Ted McGinley