潘达洛斯 Pandalos 您好,我的好殿下,这些好朋友们都好! Hello, my good highness, these good friends are all good! 愿美好的欲望好好地领导他们! Let good wishes lead them well! 您好,我的好娘娘! Hello, my good goddess!
愿美好的思想做您的美好的枕头! May the beautiful thoughts be your beautiful pillow! 海伦 Helen 好大人,您满嘴都是好话。 Good adults, your mouth is full of good words. 潘达洛斯 Pandalos
谢谢您的谬奖,好娘娘。 Thank you for your false praise, good goddess. 好殿下,刚才的音乐很好,很好的杂色合奏呢。 Well, your highness, the music just now is very good, it's a good ensemble of variegated music. 帕里斯 Paris 是被你搀杂的,贤卿;现在要你加进来,奏得和谐起来。 You are mixed up, good minister; now you need to add in and play harmoniously.
潘达洛斯 Pandalos 哎,好娘娘,您在跟我开玩笑啦。 Oh, good goddess, you are kidding me. 可是,殿下,您的令弟特洛伊罗斯殿下—— But your highness, your royal highness, your brother Troilus--- 海伦 Helen 潘达洛斯大人,甜甜蜜蜜的大人—— Lord padlus, sweet and sweet adults---
潘达洛斯 Pandalos 算了,好娘娘,算了——叫我向您致意问候。 Forget it, good goddess, forget it - let me greet you. 海伦 Helen 您不能赖掉我们的歌;要是您不唱,我可要生气了。 You can't hang off our songs; if you don't sing, I will be angry.
叫一位好娘娘生气是一件大大的罪过。 It is a great crime to make a good empress angry. 潘达洛斯 Pandalos 不,不,不,哪儿的话,哪儿的话,哈哈! No, no, no, anywhere, ha ha! 殿下,他要我对您说,晚餐的时候王上要是问起他,请您替他推托一下。 Your highness, he wants me to tell you, if you ask him on dinner, please give him a hand.
可是,大人—— But, sir---- 潘达洛斯 我的好娘娘怎么说? What does my good goddess say? ——我那位殿下要生你的气了。 ------ My highness is going to be angry with you. 我不能让您知道他在什么地方吃饭。 I can't let you know where he eats.