“Why would you do that?I don’t need you to help me!Am I already ?to the situation that Wonderland need others help?”
破晓丞相转过头,显得非常惊讶——不是因为她的出现,而是因为她的话语。他急忙回答道:“What?Alice what are you talking about?”
“I already know about what you and Kaine are doing!You are trying using your imagination to enter and change the Wonderland!”
“If it is true,than why are you so angry?”
“How dare other people invade in my Wonderland!?"
破晓丞相紧咬嘴唇,什么都没说。过了一会,他还是举起双手表示投降,用带有歉意的预期说道:“Ahhh,I just can't lie to you!Who told you that?”
“You needn’t know!”
“Fine.But you have to understand that I'm not going to destroy your wonderland!I am just helping you!”
“Will a person like you are trying wasting time to help a mad girl just like me?I am already homeless,the asylum made me suffering,Bumby destroyed the Wonderland.And finally when I can take a breath and save Wonderland,you are here,using your mad words lying to me and trying to get some benefit from Wonderland!You mad mosquito, lying and pretending you are the good guy!”
“No,I can’t lie to you.And if I want get benefit,I can’t.Your Wonderland is satisfied as the national bank.No one can get in there without your agreement.Besides,someone ask me to help you and I can’t refuse or cheat on him.”
“Who then?”
“Apologize,I can’t tell you.”
“That all your bad lie?Come on,I know you can say something more believable about how to cover your doing.”
“I couldn’t,I needn’t,and I’m not lie to you at this!All I really want is let imaginer can hold on their world and let my my imagination continue on!You already trust me at the first,then why do you——”
"Fine!Do whatever you want just stay away from me!"
"Alice wait!"破晓丞相急忙追了上去。