Legio Armatus Ripenses --- 重甲岸防军团 (Legio Armata Ripensis)
Border troops were referred to as limitanei. The law of 325 AD implied that the limitanei consisted of two classes of troops; the ripeness (legions, equites, cunei equitum, and auxilia) and the alae et cohortes. The alae et cohortes included the classis (flotillas). The ripenses or riparienses as they were also called were higher grade troops than the alae et cohortes much like during the principate period.
During the 4th century and even into the early 5th century these troops were still considered battle worthy but were less prestigious than the comitatensis and palatinae units of the field armies.
These troops were permanently stationed along the borders and were usually reluctant to move to another province, though could act in cohort with field armies within their own province or even be promoted to field armies assuming the title of psuedocomitatensis. Over time, however, the limitanei settled down at their posts and became soldier-settlers with families and farms, rather than purely garrison troops.
Although a militia of sorts and treated as second class by the mobile comitatenses, the limitanei are fairly well trained and reasonably well equipped. These milites belong to legionary detachment. Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.