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IP属地:安徽1楼2021-08-14 23:02回复

    Vigilum --- 保安队(消防员)
    These men are local workers and peasants given enough training to defend their homes and keep order in the streets. They are no substitute for fully trained Roman legionaries, but then they are not expected to be more than a citizen militia with an interest in keeping the peace (and possibly they might have some fire fighting duties). They do not have much equipment, as the most they are expected to do is stand behind their spears and shields, and then hold position when charged. By and large, this they manage to do.

    IP属地:安徽2楼2021-08-14 23:05

      Numerus(i) Exculcatores, Milites Exculcatores--- 追踪者部队
      In actuality not a formal division, exculcatores were simply hand picked men expected to do skirmishing duties. They may come from any unit so they can actually be well trained comitatenses, or they can be simple milites. Armed with javelins and a shield but wearing little to no armor, they must rely on their speed and mobility and must keep out of melee combat.

      IP属地:安徽3楼2021-08-14 23:06

        Milites Sagittarii --- 步弓手
        Centuries of warfare have taught the Roman army the value of archers. These men wear no armour as they are not expected to fight in melee.
        While archers from the eastern parts of the Empire are equipped with composite bows, those raised in Western areas are armed with the simpler self bow, carved from a single piece of wood. While the self bow is not as powerful as a compound bow, it does have one major advantage over the Eastern weapon: it is not useless in the damp conditions of western and northern Europe! Bowstrings will always stretch and become useless when wet, but a compound bow will actually fall to pieces as the glue used to make it weakens as the damp gets in. A self bow has nothing to 'go wrong' when it gets damp, and need only be dried out to be as good as new, an important consideration for any Western Roman soldier.
        Even so, these archers are a supporting arm to other troops, and are not expected to stand and fight. They wear no armour so that they can move swiftly in battle.

        IP属地:安徽4楼2021-08-14 23:08

          Vigiles Urbani --- 城镇监察队
          These men are the towns night watch, acting as a form of police. The Vigiles were accommodated in barracks and patrolled the streets, especially at night, on the lookout for any unsupervised fires. Every householder was obliged to keep equipment for fighting fires, and the men themselves were equipped with pumps, buckets, hooks (for pulling down burning material), picks, mattocks and axes. They also used ballistae for knocking down burning houses and creating firebreaks. They even had their own medical support (medici), with four doctors attached to each cohort, and their own chaplains (victimarii). A siphonarius operated a pump and an aquarius supervised the supply of water. The ordinary firefighters were called milites (soldiers). The most well known are the Vigiles Urbani of Rome.
          They were given just enough training to defend their homes and keep order in the streets. They are no substitute for fully trained Roman legionaries, but then they are not expected to be more than a citizen militia with an interest in keeping the peace (and possibly they might have some fire fighting duties). They do not have much equipment, as the most they are expected to do is stand behind their spears and shields, and then hold position when charged. By and large, this they manage to do.

          IP属地:安徽5楼2021-08-14 23:11

            Numerus Infantry --- 步兵部队(努美洛?)
            Numerus Infantry were originally raised from barbarian tribes for service in the roman army, as the auxlia by this time had become almost identical with the legios. Originally armed and dressed as their own culture, over time they too became more romanised and dressed similiar to other roman troops and commanded by roman officers. By this time they had become part of the Limitanei, the frontier or garrison troops
            These troops are the equivalent of the auxiliaries of earlier centuries. They are not heavily armoured infantry, but can be relied upon to give a good account of themselves in battle.

            IP属地:安徽6楼2021-08-14 23:14

              Legio Ripenses --- 岸防军团 (Legio Ripensis)
              Border troops were referred to as limitanei. The law of 325 AD implied that the limitanei consisted of two classes of troops; the ripeness (legions, equites, cunei equitum, and auxilia) and the alae et cohortes. The alae et cohortes included the classis (flotillas). The ripenses or riparienses as they were also called were higher grade troops than the alae et cohortes much like during the principate period.
              During the 4th century and even into the early 5th century these troops were still considered battle worthy but were less prestigious than the comitatensis and palatinae units of the field armies.
              These troops were permanently stationed along the borders and were usually reluctant to move to another province, though could act in cohort with field armies within their own province or even be promoted to field armies assuming the title of psuedocomitatensis. Over time, however, the limitanei settled down at their posts and became soldier-settlers with families and farms, rather than purely garrison troops.
              Although a militia of sorts and treated as second class by the mobile comitatenses, the limitanei are fairly well trained and reasonably well equipped. These milites belong to legionary detachment. Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.

              IP属地:安徽7楼2021-08-14 23:17

                Legio Armatus Ripenses --- 重甲岸防军团 (Legio Armata Ripensis)
                Border troops were referred to as limitanei. The law of 325 AD implied that the limitanei consisted of two classes of troops; the ripeness (legions, equites, cunei equitum, and auxilia) and the alae et cohortes. The alae et cohortes included the classis (flotillas). The ripenses or riparienses as they were also called were higher grade troops than the alae et cohortes much like during the principate period.
                During the 4th century and even into the early 5th century these troops were still considered battle worthy but were less prestigious than the comitatensis and palatinae units of the field armies.
                These troops were permanently stationed along the borders and were usually reluctant to move to another province, though could act in cohort with field armies within their own province or even be promoted to field armies assuming the title of psuedocomitatensis. Over time, however, the limitanei settled down at their posts and became soldier-settlers with families and farms, rather than purely garrison troops.
                Although a militia of sorts and treated as second class by the mobile comitatenses, the limitanei are fairly well trained and reasonably well equipped. These milites belong to legionary detachment. Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.

                IP属地:安徽8楼2021-08-14 23:23

                  These milites belong to an old auxiliary detachment. Auxilia Cohortes are left over from the old imperial system. During the third century the differences between auxilia cohortes and legions narrowed to the point that they were virtually identical Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.

                  IP属地:安徽9楼2021-08-14 23:25

                    Psuedocomitatensis: Armenia Primae --- 第一“亚美尼亚”准野战步兵军团 ,Psuedocomitatensis: Armenia Secundae --- 第二“亚美尼亚”准野战步兵军团

                    IP属地:安徽10楼2021-08-14 23:26

                      Legio Ripenses --- 岸()防()军团
                      Border troops were referred to as limitanei. The law of 325 AD implied that the limitanei consisted of two classes of troops; the ripeness (legions, equites, cunei equitum, and auxilia) and the alae et cohortes. The alae et cohortes included the classis (flotillas). The ripenses or riparienses as they were also called were higher grade troops than the alae et cohortes much like during the principate period.
                      During the 4th century and even into the early 5th century these troops were still considered battle worthy but were less prestigious than the comitatensis and palatinae units of the field armies.
                      These troops were permanently stationed along the borders and were usually reluctant to move to another province, though could act in cohort with field armies within their own province or even be promoted to field armies assuming the title of psuedocomitatensis. Over time, however, the limitanei settled down at their posts and became soldier-settlers with families and farms, rather than purely garrison troops.
                      Although a militia of sorts and treated as second class by the mobile comitatenses, the limitanei are fairly well trained and reasonably well equipped. These milites belong to legionary detachment. Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.

                      IP属地:安徽13楼2021-08-15 10:40

                        IP属地:安徽14楼2021-08-15 10:43

                          Auxilia Cohortes Limitanei --- 戍边辅助大队
                          These milites belong to an old auxiliary detachment. Auxilia Cohortes are left over from the old imperial system. During the third century the differences between auxilia cohortes and legions narrowed to the point that they were virtually identical Being unarmoured they are more likely to fight in the rear ranks. These milites are armed with veruta and lancea.

                          IP属地:安徽15楼2021-08-15 10:47

                            IP属地:安徽16楼2021-08-15 10:48

                              IP属地:安徽17楼2021-08-15 10:53