Then, a minute later, Billy let Count Silvias into an empty room.
The famous animal hunter, athlete and playboy is a burly, dark man with a mighty black beard, a ferocious thin lip below, and a long, curved nose like an eagle's beak.
He is well dressed, but his colorful bow tie and sparkling pins and rings give a flashy feeling.
当他身后的门关上之后,他用凶 恶而惊 愕的目光到处乱看了一遍,仿佛每走一步都唯恐有陷阱似的。
When the door behind him was closed, he looked around with fierce and astonished eyes, as if every step he took was afraid of a trap.
He was taken aback when he suddenly found the head above the easy chair in front of the window and the collar of his pajamas.