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《南京大屠杀 被遗忘的二战浩劫》


IP属地:山东1楼2023-07-15 16:05回复

    IP属地:山东3楼2023-07-15 16:10

      IP属地:山东4楼2023-07-15 22:44
        Chang was evenmore outraged that there was not only no official apology from Japan, but alsothe attempt by the country to try to deny the facts and to wipe out that darkchapter of history. Not only have right-wing politicians and people in Japan triedto cover it up, but also the Japanese government is trying to brush aside theatrocities in its invasion of China and other Asian countries.
        Iris Chang onceconfronted the Japanese ambassador to the United States in a television showafter they accused her of a "very wrong description". Of course, shereceived frequent harassment and threats from some Japanese after her book waspublished.
        These threats andthe denials of the Japanese officials must have left Chang infuriated. Whywould people want to deny the facts, and how could they do that? Why after somany years, was justice not done? It's like a man who has killed a neighbor andwas caught red handed. But the killer denies all the crimes he has committed.Not only that, he constantly harasses and threatens the families and neighborsof the victim as if justice is in the hands of the killer. And his neighborsdon’t know when the killer might kill again.

        IP属地:山东6楼2023-07-15 22:51
          Iris Chang, authorof "The Rape of Nanking", ended her life with a pistol on November 9,2004. She was 36. She had suffered from years of depression and constant sleepdeprivation since her bestseller – full title "The Rape of Nanking: TheForgotten Holocaust of World War Two" – was published in 1997. It may betrue that Iris Chang committed suicide. But I still have to ask: Who killedIris Chang?

          IP属地:山东7楼2023-07-16 09:38
            As a writer, Iris Chang was a loner tryingto unveil the truth to the world. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t let thewhole world know about the atrocities. The Nanjing Massacre remains unknown tomost people, especially people outside East Asia. Chang might have thought thatonce she published her book, the crimes of war would be immediately known tothe whole world and that the Japanese government would change its attitude.
            But to her disappointment, the NanjingMassacre remains forgotten by most people, especially in the West, unlike theNazi holocaust which has had ubiquitous promotion. Meanwhile, the Japanesegovernment and some Japanese members of the public are stepping up theirefforts to cover up the Nanjing Massacre.
            At the grave of Iris Chang, a stone wascarved with the words "The Power of One". It stands as a testament ofhow much an individual has done to seek truth in history. I am sad to say thatI think the power of one person is very limited. Chang must have felt helplessthat she could not single-handedly change perceptions.

            IP属地:山东13楼2023-07-18 12:05
              For a young lady, Iris Chang shouldered aheavy burden of telling the truth to the whole world. As a conscientiouswriter, she felt a duty to reveal facts and correct lies. As a sensitive woman,she couldn't shake off the haunting images of the atrocities by the Japanesesoldiers. She also felt so immersed in the grievances of the Chinese thatjustice can’t be done. She was very much depressed, couldn’t sleep and reliedheavily on pills. And in the end, she picked up a pistol.
              So, did she kill herself? Or was she killedby the horrific scenes of atrocities by Japanese troops? Was she killed by thethreats and harassment of right-wing Japanese? Was she killed by the coveringup and denials? Was she killed by the injustices? Was she even killed by theindifference of many people? I have to say that Iris was one of the lastvictims of the Nanjing Massacre and if justice is not done, more people willsuffer from the agonies and pains.
              In his eulogy, reporter Richard Rongstadsaid, "Iris Chang lit a flame and passed it to others and we should notallow that flame to be extinguished."
              记者理查德·荣斯塔德(Richard Rongstad)在悼词中说:“张纯如点燃了一把火焰,把它传递给了别人,我们不应该让火焰熄灭。

              IP属地:山东14楼2023-07-18 12:06


                IP属地:山东16楼2023-08-09 20:59