【What are Fractal Systems?】
A brief description of 'Complex Adaptive and Emergent Systems' (CAES)
by Peter Fryer and Jules Ruis

Complex Adaptive Systems
These can be illustrated as in the following diagram.
The agents in the system are all the components of that system. For example the air and water molecules in a weather system, and flora and fauna in an ecosystem. These agents interact and connect with each other in unpredictable and unplanned ways. But from this mass of interactions regularities emerge and start to form a pattern which feeds back on the system and informs the interactions of the agents. For example in an ecosystem if a virus starts to deplete one species this results in a greater or lesser food supply for others in the system which affects their behaviour and their numbers. A period of flux occurs in all the populations in the system until a new balance is established.
For clarity, in the diagram above the regularities, pattern and feedback are shown outside the system but in reality they are all intrinsic parts of the system.
作者:Peter Fryer and Jules Ruis

例如天气系统中的空气和水分子,生态系统中的动植物.这些物质以一种不可预知的,无规则的方式交互,联系.然后会出现一些规则,形成一种模式,该模式会反馈给该系统.例如在生态系统中,如果一种病毒开始消灭一个物种,那么这将会导致其他某些物种的[食物]的增减,以致使这些物种的数量也随之增减 . 一段时间后会达到新的平衡.图中的模式和反馈显示在系统外,但事实上它应该在系统内.