2. Chapter 1 Mr. Sherlock Holmes 该章一开始是一大堆John军医生涯的描述,描述中出现一句—— There I was struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet, which shattered the bone and grazed the subclavian artery. (在这次战役中,我的肩部中了一粒捷则尔枪弹,打碎了肩骨,擦伤了锁骨下面的动脉。) John肩部中枪的情节三集片中明显出现了~
3.接着John因为受伤被遣返,在London过着无亲无友的生活,然后—— On the very day that I had come to this conclusion, I was standing at the Criterion Bar, when some one tapped me on the shoulder, and turning round I recognized young Stamford, who had been a dresser under me at Barts. (就在我决定这样做的那天,我正站在克莱梯利安酒吧门前的时候,忽然有人拍了拍我的肩膀。我回头一看,原来是小斯坦福。他是我在巴茨时的一个助手。) 我们的媒人小斯坦福男出现啦!这里也提到了Barts,我们在片中多次看到的这个地方~ 只是不是在酒吧门口,小斯坦福也并没有拍John的肩膀~~
4.然后John与胖媒人之间的历史性对话出现了—— "That's a strange thing," remarked my companion; "you are the second man to-day that has used that expression to me." "And who was the first?" I asked. 这段片中几乎使用的原话,所以就不翻译啦! 我们的侦探即将出场~~
5.还是John和胖媒人之间的对话,在胖媒人说了侦探是个奇怪的人之后我们的John说了这句话—— if he really wants someone to share the rooms and the expense, I am the very man for him. 这句与细节无关,我只是纯粹觉得“the very man for him”很萌。。。
6.胖媒人还在吐槽我们的侦探—— When it comes to beating the subjects in the dissecting-rooms with a stick, it is certainly taking rather a bizarre shape. (后来他甚至在解剖室里用棍子抽打尸体,这毕竟是一件怪事吧。) 抽打尸体的画面没有人会忘记吧~~
7.然后出现了真正的细节帝! John和小斯坦福去了实验室找Sherlock—— This was a lofty chamber, lined and littered with countless bottles. Broad, low tables were scattered about, which bristled with retorts, test-tubes, and little Bunsen lamps, with their blue flickering flames. There was only one student in the room, who was bending over a distant table absorbed in his work. (实验室是一间高大的屋子,四面杂乱地摆着无数的瓶子。几张又矮又大的桌子纵横排列着,上边放着许多蒸馏瓶、试管和一些闪动着蓝色火焰的小小的本生灯。屋子里只有一个人,他坐在较远的一张桌子前边,伏在桌上聚精会神地工作着。) 片中实验室可以说是高大,确实是有很多瓶子试管等等等等,最细节帝的地方是Sherlock片中确实是出现在“较远“的一张桌子边,聚精会神地工作着~~
9.再次自歪一楼~ Sherlock为了向John说明自己的血红蛋白检验法的用途,用针戳伤自己的手指用自己的血进行试验,之后用创口贴护住伤口,然后文中出现了这样一段描述—— He held out his hand as he spoke, and I noticed that it was all mottled over with similar pieces of plaster, and discoloured with strong acids. (说着他就伸出手来给我看。只见他的手上几乎贴满了同样大小的橡皮膏,并且由于受到强酸的侵蚀,手也变了颜色。) 这一文中细节我只能说对S真是又心疼又佩服!
10. Chapter 2 The Science Of Deduction(演绎法) 该章第一句—— WE met next day as he had arranged, and inspected the rooms at No. 221B, Baker Street, of which he had spoken at our meeting. 这个地址就不用说了吧~~
11.第二章第2句—— They consisted of a couple of comfortable bed-rooms and a single large airy sitting-room, cheerfully furnished, and illuminated by two broad windows. (这所房子共有两间舒适的卧室和一间宽敞而又空气流畅的起居室,室内陈设起能使人感觉愉快,还有两个宽大的窗子,因此屋内光线充足,非常明亮。) 片中两人的同居小屋确实是有“two broad windows”~剧组真乃细节帝。。。
12.第一章我果然漏了一处。。。 原著中有一句—— It's just as well for two fellows to know the worst of one another before they begin to live together. S说的,我记得片中有一句几乎相同的~所以又把三集片翻出来确认了下,果然没有记错,果断补上!