指环王吧 关注:146,238贴子:2,391,453



IP属地:北京169楼2010-04-29 11:05

    IP属地:北京170楼2010-04-29 11:05

      IP属地:北京171楼2010-04-29 11:06
        10. The Ring of Barahir Inscription.
        language of inscription in the book: English
        writing system: Tengwar [modified by Daniel Reeve]
        author: Daniel Reeve


        IP属地:北京172楼2010-04-29 11:07

          The Ring of Barahir and Felegnd [?]  
          The ring was like to twin serpents whose
          eyes were emeralds, and their heads met beneath
          a crown of golden flowers, that
          the one upheld and the other devoured. That was
          the badge of Finarfin and his house.

          IP属地:北京173楼2010-04-29 11:09
            11. The Arwen's Book.
            language of inscription in the book: English
            writing system: Tengwar [modified by Daniel Reeve]
            author: Daniel Reeve
            *This shows the Elvish book about the Paths of the Dead. We could see this book in The Return of the King in the scene with Arwen in Rivendell.

            [under the picture]
            The northern entrance to
            the Paths of the Dead.
            [On Page]
            at the Stone of Erech
            they shall stand again and hear
            there a horn in the hills ringing
            Whose shall the horn be?
            Who shall call them from the grey twilight,
            the forgotten people?
            The heir of him to whom the oath they swore.
            From the North he shall come,
            need shall drive him:
            he shall pass the   
            northern entrance to
            the Paths of the Dead.

            IP属地:北京174楼2010-04-29 11:14
              12. Maps.
              language of inscriptions on the maps: English, Sindarin, Khuzdul, Orkish
              writing system: Tengwar [modified by Daniel Reeve]
              author: Daniel Reeve
              The maps come from The Lord of the Rings - The Making of the Movie Trilogy by Brian Sibley and The Lord of the Rings - Weapons and Warfare by Chris Smith and from Daniel Reeve's website. There are more maps in the mantioned book.


              IP属地:北京175楼2010-04-29 11:17
                13. Saruman's Book. (这些图非常少见!)
                language of inscriptions in the book: English
                writing system: Tengwar [modified by Daniel Reeve]
                author: Daniel Reeve

                Page 1
                ascension of the red star of sauron
                when earedil is already in the heavens
                the influence of earendil cannot be
                the silmaril of earendil is forever
                (beyond?) grasp but the remaining two
                must be recoverable
                feanors writings
                themselves be
                accessible in rivendell
                if a way could be
                devised gain time
                (among?) elronds
                chambers elronds
                library is rumoured
                to be far more
                extensive even
                than that of
                minas tirith
                Page 2
                anduin has been yeilding up more
                of its secrets these spiral shapes must
                be due to sauron himself i have
                heard tell of these shapes
                appearing in vast numbers
                on the shores of the great sea
                alignments of the heavens
                may cause greater profusions of
                these at various times tilion
                appears to have some infuluence
                on the waters of the great sea itself
                the red star of sauron joins
                these alignments at various
                times with the possibility
                that all effects
                are mag

                IP属地:北京176楼2010-04-29 11:19

                  Page 5
                  and more manflesh to satiate the
                  wargs. horseflesh from rohan
                  may provide the answer
                  --infiltrate edoras--
                  horseflesh may be useful for
                  the uruk-hai also. the latest crop
                  are the strongest yet. greater heat
                  over a longer period seems to
                  increase the yield also during the
                  first incbation   the right amount
                  of decay produces incredible
                  heat and the
                  hatching is
                  (a small note difficult to read)
                  a (winter?) gestation seems to
                  produce stronger uruk-hai
                  if these observations prove
                  to be true another test
                  Page 6
                  im narvi hain echant.
                  celebrimbor o eregion
                  teithant i thiw hin
                  hithaeglir continues
                  its march northward
                  for another thirty
                  leagues before
                  an accesbible pass
                  may be found at the
                  eagles lair
                  the mountains of moria
                  seventy leagues from methedras on
                  the western flanks of the mountains of mist
                  the other approach from the east passes too
                  close to the golden wood where the awful
                  galadriel has much influence.
                  rohan steeds will travel
                  faster than any other. try to steal
                  one of the mearas. infiltrate med
                  useld using wormtongue of the
                  kings household. offer him the
                  fair eowen for his own.

                  IP属地:北京178楼2010-04-29 11:27

                    Page 7
                    the west gate of moria has stood
                    with its doors closed since sauron
                    made war on the elves of eregion
                    and celebrimbor was slain. the
                    ithildin designs on the doors
                    pispl(ay) the star of the house of
                    feanor, the hammer and anvil
                    emblems of durin and the tree
                    of the high elves
                    concerning moria
                    hithaeglir the mountains of
                    mist where the site of the great(est)
                    of all the mansions of the
                    --the doors of durin lord of moria--
                    speak friend and enter
                    is inscribed on the arch and underneath
                    are the words of the makers of the doors
                    --i narvi made them. celebrimbor
                    of hollin drew these signs--
                    the inscription needed to open the
                    doors is not mentioned here at all
                    Page 8
                    narvi and celebrimbor
                    seem to have left no clue
                    as to the secret of opening
                    the doors
                    ennyn durin aran moria pedo mellon a minno
                    im narvi hain echant celebrimbor o eregion teithant i thiw hin
                    star seems to
                    react to some
                    the west gate doors
                    of moria
                    check minas tirith records
                    for possible opening

                    IP属地:北京179楼2010-04-29 11:28
                      14. Herbal.
                      language of inscriptions in the book: English
                      writing system: Tengwar [modified by Daniel Reeve]
                      author: Daniel Reeve
                      The picture comes from The Lord of the Rings - The Making of the Movie Trilogy by Brian Sibley. It shows a herbal from the Houses of Healing which will take important part in The Return of the King Extended DVD Edition.

                      Healing properties of common herbs
                      Autumn Crocus
                      a traditional herb for
                      the treatment of gout [an?]
                      infusion of the leaves in
                      boiling water should be
                      administered daily.
                      Tanacetum Vulgar
                      [...] [...] [...]
                      [...] flowers between
                      july and september
                      [...] the pads and [...] [...]
                      wood(?) [...] cooking to

                      IP属地:北京180楼2010-04-29 11:30

                        IP属地:北京182楼2010-04-29 11:33
                          1. Sting's Inscription.
                          language of inscription on blade: Sindarin
                          writing system: Tengwar (Mode of Beleriand)  


                          IP属地:北京183楼2010-04-29 11:38
                            Maegnas aen estar nín - dagnir in yngyl im
                            '[the] sharp-point I am called   - [the] slayer of spiders I [am].'
                            or less literally:
                            'Sting is my name, I am the spiders bane'
                            maeg   adj. 'sharp, piercing' (S 434, WJ 337)
                            nass   n. 'point, sharp end; angle or corner' (LR 375)
                            aen estar   v. 'is called'
                            nín   pron. Dat. 'me; to me'
                            dagnir   n. 'slayer; bane' (S 430)
                            in yngyl   n. 'of the spiders'; cf. ungol 'a spider' (WR 202)  
                            im    pron. 'I'

                            IP属地:北京184楼2010-04-29 11:39
                              2. Glamdring.
                              language of inscription on guard: Sindarin
                              writing system: Cirth  
                              LotR movie artifact designed by Weta Workshop. Inscription on guard is in Sindarin and in cirth runes. Partly deciphered by Javier Lorenzo and Ryszard Derdzinski. According to Kit Rae, an Art Director of United Cutlery Corporation, the official translation of this inscription is: Turgon, king of Gondolin, wields, has and holds the sword Glamdring, foe or Morgoth's realm, hammer to the Orcs. Fully revealed in the Official Movie Magazine #2.

                              Turgon aran Gondolin tortha gar a matha  
                              i vegil Glamdring gûd dae[dhe]lo[th], dam an Glamhoth  
                              Turgon King [of] Gondolin wields, has and holds
                              [the] sword Glamdring, Foe [of] Morgoth's realm, hammer to [the] Din-horde'
                              aran n. 'king'.
                              tortha v. '[he] wields'; cf. tortha- 'to wield, to control'.
                              gar v. '[he] possesses'; cf. gar- 'to hold, to have'.
                              matha v. '[he] handles'; cf. matha- 'to stroke, to feel, to handle'.
                              vegil n. 'sword'; lenited form of megil.  
                              gûd n. 'foe'; < CE *ñgoto, *ÑGOT-, ÑGOTH-.
                              daedheloth n. 'Morgoth's Realm' lit. 'great-fear'; cf. daer 'great', mut. dheloth is a lenited form of deloth 'abhorrence, loathing'. It is interesting that in the inscription this name is transcribed as daelo. It can be an intentional omission of parts of the unnamed name.
                              dam n. 'hammer'.
                              an prep. 'to, for'.
                              Glamhoth n. 'Dim-horde; Orks'.

                              IP属地:北京185楼2010-04-29 11:42