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    1.雅思小白如何快速入门 2.雅思教材如何使用 3.雅思多次上热搜的原因和应对策略 附:雅思7天冲刺计划 雅思小白如何快速入门 1.转变态度 ◆ 雅思考试的本质 测试英语交流能力,重点在于运用! 不同于英语四六级是侧重于知识点的考察~ 学为贵真经体系核心:学以致用 2. 快速入门 ◆ 词汇量+词汇能力+重点词汇 词汇重点在于质量和能力! 听力要有词汇的敏感度 参考书籍—剑桥雅思听力考点词真经(听力 179),听很多次,读很多次,听的时候要想
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    飞机上好多小孩子,我现在全方位的被哭声环绕,闹死了。我特别不喜欢小孩子,他们都以为自己是小公主小王子,我觉得他们都是魔鬼,让人不得安生;而且他们到处跑来跑去,飞机火车上跑,饭店里跑,小区街道上跑,吓得我的狗一惊一乍的。 然后,我想起好多学生都以为自己是小公主小王子,他们觉得口语考不好,责任都是考官的。他们觉得自己很努力了,责任在老天爷。(大连学为贵) 像不喜欢小孩子一样,我特别不喜欢努力学习的人。曲
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    1. obsess v. 使痴迷,使迷恋 2. compatible adj. 兼容的,可共存的,和睦相处的 3. cost-effective adj. 节约成本的,划算的 4. jeopardize v. 使受危险,危害 5. mindset n. 思维模式 6. inequality n. 不平等 7. split v. 分裂,产生分歧; n. 裂口,裂缝 8. liberal adj. 开放的,开明的,慷慨的 9. swallow v. 吞下,咽下,轻信 n. 燕子 10. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 11. ultimate adj. 最终的,最后的 12. elusive adj.难找的,困难的,难懂的 13. spouse n. 配偶 14. pretend v. 假装,声称 adj. 假装的 15.
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    本期导读: 乔布斯的车为何没有车牌? 乔布斯有多在意产品包装? 乔布斯和女儿有怎样的故事? Fact One: Steve Jobs never put license plates on his silver Mercedes despite driving it constantly. California has a rule that a car owner has six months to put plats on a new car. Jobs just changed cars to the identical model every six months, allowing him to drive without plates. 乔布斯虽然一直在开一辆银色的奔驰车,但一直没挂车牌。加州有条法规,新车有六个月的时间挂车牌。乔布斯每六个月就换一辆相同款的车
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    本期导读: 库克的生活有多自律? 库克的生活有多低调? 库克的生活有多健康? Fact One: Cook follows a very strict routine. He gets up early and begins composing emails (as early as 4:30am). Despite being the boss, he is normally the first at work and usually carries out Sunday night telephone meetings to discuss plans for the coming week. 库克的作息表很严格。他早早起床,有时在4点半就开始写邮件。尽管身为老板,他经常是最早上班的,而且亲自召开周日晚的电话会议来讨论下周的工作。 follow a strict routi
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    本期导读: 库克的生活有多自律? 库克的生活有多低调? 库克的生活有多健康? Fact One: Cook follows a very strict routine. He gets up early and begins composing emails (as early as 4:30am). Despite being the boss, he is normally the first at work and usually carries out Sunday night telephone meetings to discuss plans for the coming week. 库克的作息表很严格。他早早起床,有时在4点半就开始写邮件。尽管身为老板,他经常是最早上班的,而且亲自召开周日晚的电话会议来讨论下周的工作。 follow a strict routi
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    Violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy 侵犯隐私 Tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch one’s reputation 破坏某人的名誉 Paparazzi 狗仔队 The press 新闻界 The print media 印刷媒体 The electronic media 电子媒体 Current affairs 时事 Scandals 丑闻 Prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive 无处不在 Censorship 审查 Excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents 过多的暴力与色情内容 Report sth. in graphic detail 报道详尽的细节 Media hype 媒体炒作(n) Misleading/misrepresented/distorted 有误导性的 fraudulent 诈骗性的 False/bogus 虚
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    本期导读: 分手时男女谁更心痛? 男女谁更容易提离婚? 结婚男女吵架主要是为啥? Fact One: Breakups may hurt women more initially, but men take longer to recover. The man will likely feel the loss deeply and for a very long period of time as it ‘sinks in’ that he must ‘start competing’ all over again to replace what he has lost – or worse still, come to the realization that the loss is irreplaceable. 分手一开始对女人的伤害更大,但是男人需要更长的时间走出来。男人会被伤的更深,而且会长时间的沉沦。因为
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    本期导读: 找到真爱需要‘试’多少次? 婚戒为何要戴在左手无名指上? 婚戒的形状为何是圆的? Fact One: 13th is the charm – Mathematics supports us by stating that, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you’ll make a love match. 13是幸运数字 – 数学家支持这种观点,并说我们在找到长期伴侣之前,应该尝试12段感情,找到真爱的机会最大。 a love match 一对真爱 a match made in heaven 天造地设的一对 Fact Two: Engagement rings are mostly worn
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    Estimates indicate that the aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Huron, but unfortunately, under the semiarid climatic conditions that presently exist in the region, rates of addition to the aquifer are minimal, amounting to about half a centimeter a year. 分析:长难句之所以长,大部分的句子是因为有连词的缘故,并列连词如and,转折连词如but,yet,while,whereas,当这些连词出现的时候,意味着这个句子不仅仅只有一个主干,在此句子中我们就会看到一个转折连词but,所以同学们能够清楚的是but前后各会
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    科学技术发展类 Biotechnology 生物技术 Cloning (n) clone(v) 克隆 Telecommunications(n) 远程通讯 Artificial intelligence 人工智能 Virtual reality VR Household appliances 家用电器 Cutting-edge technology 尖端的技术 Information explosion 信息爆炸 The information age/era 信息时代 The proliferation of the Internet 互联网广泛的应用 One’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming 基因构成 Augment/enhance/boots productivity 提高生产效率 Labor-saving machinery 减少人力的机器 Labor-replacing machinery 取代人力的机器 Transform/revolutio
    gmzzdxm 9-10
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    本期导读: 接吻的时候,你的头向哪一侧歪? 人一生要啪啪多少次? 人体哪个部位的毛发长得最快? Fact One: Around 70% of people tilt their heads to the right rather than the left when kissing somebody else. 70%的人接吻的时候头会向右侧歪。 tilt v.倾斜 Fact Two: The average person will have sex 4,239 times during their life. 普通人一辈子要啪啪啪4239次。 have sex 的说法 学术说法:have sexual intercourse 普通说法:sleep with someone, do it 浪漫说法:make love 粗俗说法: screw, hump Fact Three: We have hair in v
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    Be an especially simple person, do not expect good luck coming suddenly, manage yourself well and cherish time at the moment. 做一个特别简单的人,不期待突如其来的好运,经营好自己,珍惜眼前的时光!
    gmzzdxm 9-8
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    Large scale Crowded Similar goals Fish tank Laptop Layout Corrections Tourists Measurement Photographs Vegetation Migration patterns Marine Nylon Ground plan Fireplaces Occupancy Olive oil Square Camel
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    本期导读: 哪一个国家的个性车牌最贵(用这条做标题)? 用牙线只对牙齿好吗? 既然飞机上不能吸烟,为何必须要有烟灰缸? Fact One: Owners of personalized license plates in Uganda are facing a tax increase of over 300%, which will raise the tax from $1,498 to $5,992. 乌干达的个性车牌拥有者要多交300%的税,可多达5992美元。 personalized a.个性化的 license plate 车牌 (英式)number plate Uganda 乌干达 Fact Two: Researchers have found that flossing your teeth can help your memory. Flossing prevents gum disease, which
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    狗狗撒尿的时候为啥翘腿? 长颈鹿的叫声是什么样的? 老鼠饿急了会吃自己的尾巴? Fact One: Male dogs will raise their legs while urinating to aim higher on a tree or lamppost because they want to leave a message that they are tall and intimidating. Some wild dogs in Africa try to run up tree trunks while they are urinating to appear to be very large. 公狗在树根或路灯柱上尿尿的时候会抬腿,因为他们想显得又高又有威慑力。有些非洲的野狗甚至试图跑到树干上尿尿,以显得自己更大。 urinate v.排尿 pee (口语)
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    Comedy Documentary Social interactions Unexpected noise Monitor Gradual Lighting Corners Conference Waterproof Overfill Plastic bag References Seminar Psycholinguistics Depth Residence Shellfish Container Software
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    本期导读: 怕痒痒的人,不怕谁挠痒痒? 人在什么年纪最聪明? 心脏真的在人体左边吗? Fact One: No matter how ticklish you are, it's impossible to tickle yourself since you're expecting it and your brain processes it differently. 不管你有多怕痒,自己是不可能挠自己痒痒的。因为大脑会有准备且处理方式不同。 Fact Two: Your brain is at its peak when you're in your late 40's. If you haven't reached that point yet, don't worry because you've got time to get even smarter. 大脑在人48,49岁时会达
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    听说在大城市考雅思,考官打分可能比较严格?而有的城市考官就会容易给出更高的分数?经常有这样的传言:烤鸭为了取得更高的成绩,就要不远万里飞去另一个城市去参加考试! 很多人被这样的谣言所迷惑,认为在不同地点参加雅思口语考试,得到的分数就不一样,那么实事真的是这样吗? 今天贵贵就来告诉大家——不同的城市雅思口语是否会得到不同分数?雅思考官的回答是否定的!为了打破这一谣言,以下是雅思考官告诉广大烤鸭的三个原
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    1. Wrap up – 穿上暖和的衣服 2. Moulder – 腐烂,腐朽 3. Fetch – 售得,卖得 4. Issue – 发表,公布 5. Sibling rivalry – 手足相争 6. Make a fuss - (因某事)大惊小怪 7. Deviate – 背离,偏离,违背 8. Fair – 有道理的 9. See eye to eye – 看法一致 10. Vale of tears – 生活的磨难,烦恼的尘世 11. Over the moon – 非常高兴 12. Fleeting – 短暂的,飞逝的 13. Teensy – 很小的,一丁点的 14. Flirt – 调情 15. Pry - (对别人隐私)窥视,窥探,刺探
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    Test 2 Reading Passage 3 1.采取措施 Take action to do Take measures to do adopt an approach/policy/attitude 2.wait-and-see adj.观望的 3.spur vt激励,鼓励spur sbto do sth激励某人做某事 4.Engender vt.引起,产生〔某种情形或感觉〕engender sth in sb 5.proposition n主张,观点,见解 6.Expansively adj展开的 7.Attribute n特性,特质,属性 8.perspective[C]〔思考问题的〕角度,观点,想法 对于……的观点,介词搭配是on 9. level——理解的层面on……level 在……的层面 10.trend-related 与趋势相关的
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    1. Statistics [stə'tɪstɪks]统计学 2. Initiate [ɪ'nɪʃɪeɪt]开始,创始 3. Quantity ['kwɒntɪtɪ]量 4. Route [ruːt]路线 5. Stem [stem]干,茎,阻止,起源于 6. Voluntary ['vɒlənt(ə)rɪ]志愿者,志愿的 7. Case [keɪs]情况,实例 8. Librarian [laɪ'breərɪən]图书馆员 9. Available [ə'veɪləb(ə)l]有效的,可利用的 10. Experiment [ɪk'sperɪm(ə)nt; ek-]试验 11. Pollution [pə'luːʃ(ə)n]污染 12. Install [ɪnˈstɔ:l]安装 13. Notion ['nəʊʃ(ə)n]概念,见解,打算 14. Secure [sɪ'kjʊə; sɪ
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    1. tragedy n. 惨剧,悲剧,不幸 2. cabinet n. 储藏柜,内阁 3. ceramic adj. 陶瓷器 adj. 陶瓷的 4. digest v. 消化,理
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    1. 导致: trigger – engender : 题型 – RM 2. 由于:result from – thanks to – 题型 – t/f/ng 3. 病:medical problems –d
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    雅思阅读的简写问题 ❤雅思阅读判断题True/False/Not Given和Yes/No/Not Give是否可以简写? 答案是:可以简写为T
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    剑13 Test 2 Reading Passage 3 1. Trend趋势 2. tend to 趋向 3. conduct 进行;实施;执行 4. a number of大量,许多 拓展雅
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      必考题不变   Name   Your study/work   Your accommodation   Your hometown   其他话题   Animal   Bo
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    1.Entertainment [entə'teɪnm(ə)nt]娱乐,消遣 2.Code [kəʊd]代码,密码,法典 3.Donate [də(ʊ)'neɪt] 捐赠 4.Elimin
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    1. Strategy [ˈstrætədʒɪ]战略 2. Extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːd(ə)n(ə)ri] 非凡的,特别的 3. Freeze [friːz]冻结,凝固 4. H
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    1. Strategy [ˈstrætədʒɪ]战略 2. Extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːd(ə)n(ə)ri] 非凡的,特别的 3. Freeze [friːz]冻结,凝固 4. H
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    1.Entertainment [entə'teɪnm(ə)nt]娱乐,消遣 2.Code [kəʊd]代码,密码,法典 3.Donate [də(ʊ)'neɪt] 捐赠 4.Elimin
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    1. 遗迹,碎片incomplete – relics 出现题型: PM 2. 探索,探测experiment – uncover 出现题型: Summary 3. 目标,目
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    brain, barrier, rats, problem-solving, smile, newspaper, breathe, whistle, fight, food, Florida, 1951, thousand/1000, Toy, plants, gardens,
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    brain, barrier, rats, problem-solving, smile, newspaper, breathe, whistle, fight, food, Florida, 1951, thousand/1000, Toy, plants, gardens,
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    2018年7月26日,新西兰学历认证局(NZQA)突然发布了新西兰留学新规! 其中最受瞩目的! 就是关于取消学
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    Reindeer can allocate less energy to heating their extremities and more energy to maintaining stable temperature in their body core. And eve
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    Having our social minds constantly set to “on” doesn’t give a chance for us to rest and replenish, so there is an argument for tempora
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    Hello guys, this is Rocky. Today I’m gonna share something about “Online courses”. For: 1. The vast popularity of MOOCs(Massive Open
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    DAY 21 - Art History Now in Europe in the Middle Ages before the invention of printing and the printing press, all books, all manuscripts we

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会员: 贵粉

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