118先占坑。 和其他章节任务一样,一天一章。 Tips from players (and me!) 1. It's not that you have one day to complete a chapter - it's that another chapter won't UNLOCK until the next day. 2. If you finish the chapter early, you have to wait for the remainder of the time to expire before the next chapter starts. You have to complete a chapter to begin the next chapter. 3. If you take longer than a day to complete a chapter then the next one will start sooner. 4. If you gem skip a chapter, the next one doesn't start sooner (you will wait even longer!).
59今天刚看到这个活动,吧里没看到有人发呢~我先来吧~ 官网论坛上也不全,先看着吧~ Prizes Individual Prizes 1. at 100 fireworks | 5 Confetti Path (decorative) 2. at 450 fireworks | 3. at xx fireworks | 4. at xx fireworks | 5. at xx fireworks | Community Prizes - unlocks at 600 fireworks 1. 2. 3. Tips from players: Q: Where do I get glimmer stone and marble? Glimmer Fountain Q: Where do I get fireworks from? Glimmer Fountain, Marketplaces, Libraries, Taverns, Jewellers Q: Drop rate from buildings (random amounts):Marketplaces - 5 each - report of 10, so not sure of
311L 1,建议大家都检查一下自己的账号有没有配上你们自己记得住的密码。 以城堡为例,步骤如下: 点左下角的红蓝色旗子 Menu; 点那个紫色水晶球 Help/FAQ;先确认一下你们的STORM 8 账号,如果没有,建议加一个; 账号确认好后,看到下面那个按钮,关于密码的,一定要趁着现在还能上游戏的时候: 1,如果你们没有密码,赶紧弄一个密码,强烈建议要弄一个自己记得住的! 2,如果有密码但不确定或者不记得了,必须重设密码! 无论你们用的是什么
128The Blythewood Faeries, Part 1 承接之前的任务 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3897463361
170Need for Steed Goals Pre-requisites: Level 22+, have the Jousting arena and have the Goal, "The First Match" completed. Timed portion: Need for Steed - Goals 1-3 below must be complete by the expiry date. Untimed portion: there are 2 goals after Need for Speed which will come when this goal is complete. 1. Earn the Seal of Temperance (complete a corny quest) A Corny Quest - give 500 corn, 300 strawberries, 100 carrots, 410 store quality horse feed 2. Earn the Seal of Chivalry (complete resume building) Resume building: [indent]Care for your Kingdom - 0/800 (skip 400 gems) Lend your n
63触发此次任务的条件是完成上周kaz归来任务的最后一步,home at last小任务。
112第一次做搬运翻译,欢迎筒子们批评指正,如果觉得有用就顶一下,感激不尽。 这个游戏中文叫童话奇境,有自己的贴吧,不过没什么人,所以就发在这。 攻略是几个版的帖子合集,加上lz亲测。 Fairy Tale Wonderland Game Guide童话奇境攻略 By Spiritwind00 From forums.storm8.com 搬自storm8官方论坛by Bara Common Questions常见问题 Why doesn't Sleeping Beauty move? Beauty is still deciding if she'll want to stay with the group and look for the Queen of Hearts together or if she wants to go off on her own to find the Q
132尊重生命,让活人更容易被发现。 新年新集中ID帖新鲜出炉啦~(恭喜大粑粑爆啦) 快留下你的Storm8 ID让小伙伴都震惊一下吧 还是老规矩,前50楼不要刷楼 ID:guozi128 (当初没看清,把朋友的ID给当做用户名注册了,吐血)
23希望各位共勉,一起把贴吧经营的更加红火,让我们castlestory吧的排名蒸蒸日上~~(至少要比隔壁龙族吧高嘛。。。。) @窗前一棵小辣椒 @cissy826 @ambrosia52
103尊重生命,让活人更容易被发现。 14年12月份集中ID帖新鲜出炉啦~(又能骗经验啦) 快留下你的Storm8 ID让小伙伴都震惊一下吧 还是老规矩,前50楼不要刷楼
64任务要求31级以上,并完成三堂课任务(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3148757426) Care and Feeding Plant 10 Fellora Plants at 2,800 coins each (2 days to grow) Give 10 fertilizer Room to Grow Tend to 5 White Trillium Give 20 Fellora Blossoms to Greselda The Transformation Tonic Brew the Transformation Tonic 0/2 (Brew) New Item in Potion Shop Transformation Tonic (2 hours) 5 Fellora Blossoms 3 Glimmer Dust 3 Water Practical Applications Make Glimmer Shards 0/1 (make them in Faerie Workshop) New Item in Faerie Workshop Glimmer Shards (4 hours) 3 Glimmer Fragments 1 Transformation Tonic
19为了更好的服务吧友管理贴吧,此次纳新2位小吧主,可推荐他人或自荐,要求简单说下: 1.等级不低于7级 2.月签到大于25天 3.曾经发表过精华帖的优先考虑 有意者可在本帖回复报名~
115尊重生命,让活人更容易被发现。 14年9月份集中ID帖新鲜出炉啦~(又能骗经验啦) 快留下你的Storm8 ID让小伙伴都震惊一下吧 还是老规矩,前50楼不要刷楼
25任务更新 文字版 图片是官方论坛的 Step 1 Adventure to the plume hive 3 wisp lanterns, 3000 coins, 4 hours in castle 进行一次 羽蜂巢的冒险(需要3个灯 扩地用的那种 3000金币 4小时完成) 这个冒险应该是临时冒险 任务做完就没有了~ Step 2: Brew Allergy Potion Vital Extract 1, 2 sugar, and 1 apple 2 hours time 制造过敏药水 (这个制造是新增的永久存在的制造~) 材料是:至关重要的提取物 1个(就是Green house里制作的 需要活木 蘑菇和种子的那个 用时2小时)糖2个 苹果一个 2小时 Step 3
4220140725 新任务 Place Tea set 15 Faeries Murmur仙灵蝶 3 Enchanted Beam 魔法梁木 5 Purple Dye 紫色染料 3 Silver platter 银盘 建成 The Thirst is real 2 pasta番茄面 2 baked Butterfish 烤鲳鱼 2 royal sundae皇家圣代冰淇淋 Faerie Food Fight Use silver Platter x1 银盘 Use sentry horn x1哨兵号角 Cant we all get along Comfort one faerie Azalea (Greenhouse) Lila (potion shop) Lila comforted Pizza Face 35 red petals 红花瓣 5 sugar 糖 50 water 水 Ivy*s Zit Begone potion 20 Glimmerdust蓝砂 20 blue petals 蓝色花瓣 10 living wood 活木 Lila*s Show of Gratitude
60build a summer gazebo 3 simple glue 3 super glue 5 wooden beams 修建建筑 1万金币购买 建成需要3个简单胶水 3个超级胶水 5根简单木块(5木头合成