34小斯明年春天将执导的新电影Summer Crossing 基于同名小说Summer Crossing,原著杜鲁门·卡波特,电影剧本将由小斯改编。 这里发的中文版是由 朱子仪 (译),2008年南海出版公司出版的。 每日一更。每次更新篇幅长短不定。 纯手打,只用于汤包亲妈粉内部交流,不做商业用途,跪求度娘请勿和谐。
1原文地址:www点stuff点co点nz/entertainment/film/81540473/Kiwi-father-and-son-star-in-blockbuster-Ghost-in-the-Shell They feature in a scene with Johansson, who did not pull any "diva stuff", John says. "She was just a young woman with a baby, she had two nannies, a bodyguard, but she was just normal, didn't put on any diva stuff, she was just walking around being professional." He was not nervous about acting in a scene with an A-lister, in fact, he doesn't get nervous about many things, he says. "She's a young, American girl who's a good actor,
1大卫·莱特曼退休前,斯嘉丽聊了聊Dave。 David Letterman和Jay Leno是汤包上的最多的脱口秀,也是她感情比较深的。毕竟从她还是孩子时就开始上他们的脱口秀,这两位也算是看着她成长的。 来源:http://www点usatoday点com/story/life/tv/2015/05/20/scarlett-johansson-david-letterman/27374781/
22月28日,凯撒荣誉奖2011年的得主昆汀会把这个奖颁给汤包~ 简直太好了!昆汀·塔伦蒂诺一直是汤包最想合作的导演之一,由他给她颁奖,真是光荣阿~
7低矮的树,它们站在山顶,风过处,谦逊地低头。然而,云,却在它们的脚下。 你是注定要站在山顶上的。
1目前唯一看到的一篇小斯和《CHEF》相关的采访,存着。 来源:USA Today
5来源:Creative Community For Peace (CCFP)
15来源:Sydney Morning Herald
1发表于:The Huffington Post
14spike跳到了台上,虽然小斯没有到现场,但是spike致辞有特别感谢小斯。 他说“感谢斯嘉丽,虽然她不在这里。但是她和华金对这部爱情电影的爱教会了我们如何去爱。”
46Huffington Post senior entertainment editor Christopher Rosen: My case for Johansson comes down to this: Oscar voters didn't support motion-capture performances because that's the kind of scary technological thing that renders actors irrelevant. Johansson, though, isn't participating in the fall of Rome. She's using her voice, and she's able to convey a wealth of emotions and nuance without the help of any effects artists. Johansson's "Her" performance is basically the inverse of Jean Dujardin's Oscar-winning work in "The Artist." That's the comparable, not Andy Serkis in "Lord of the Rings" o
9来源:DailyMail 我妞儿说话真是越来越霸气了
83来源:Marie Claire UK77Universal also has set the Luc Besson-helmed Lucy for release on August 8, 2014. Starring Scarlett Johansson, the action-thriller tracks a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic. Lucy also stars Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman and is produced by Virginie Besson-Silla for EuropaCorp. Universal Pictures will distribute the movie worldwide, except for France, Benelux and China. The August 8 date has Lucy going up against Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The 100 Foot Journey and Into the Storm4来源:The Wall Street Journal A Starring Role For Scarlett Johansson's Voice In 'Her,' Joaquin Phoenix's Character Falls for a computer operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson 感觉就是rp了洛杉矶时报之前的报道,不过这个精炼了一下8金球奖拒绝了华纳为「Her」中斯嘉丽的声演报名女配的申请 理由是荧幕上未见其人,不符合要求。 这好像也没什么好说的,理解185希望岁月对你仁慈些,美貌永驻 希望命运对你青睐些,万事如意8Under The Skin Rated R For graphic nudity, sexual content, some violence and language. Release Date: TBA 20146说罗马电影节付钱给star来参加不合适blahblahblah 说斯嘉丽的出席罗马电影节至少付了50万刀。12来源:mxdwn Scarlett Johansson Awarded Best Actress at Rome Film Festival November 16th, 201317来源:hitfix 'Her' Q&A: Spike Jonze on why he replaced Samantha Morton with Scarlett Johansson Also: How did the film influence Arcade Fire's new album 'Reflektor?' BY CHRIS EGGERTSEN THURSDAY, NOV 14, 2013 2:13 PM 11月13号的AFI FEST 「她」放映之后记者会15156来源:wanted in rome.2231新闻来源又是洛杉矶时报,怎麼洛杉矶时报老有关於HER的独家新闻402忘记贴这个,看样子是洛杉矶时报的记者连线了台北Lucy拍摄现场获得的回复。1又是Planned Parenthood找她搞的,看着都头大 Aisha Tyler和Gabrielle Union也录了这个音,和斯嘉丽的内容是一模一样的。 开头都是“Did you know you2小囧在自个儿网上搞了个语音扮演couple的项目 大概就是给出剧本,然后感兴趣的同学就念剧本里的男性角色Bill的部分,而女性角色Olivia的声音已经由斯