10. Lament for Gandalf: featured in Lothlórien.
Version published in the CD booklet.
Lyrics by Philippa Boyens, music by Howard Shore, translated into Sindarin by David Salo, performed by Elizabeth Fraser. This lyrics is different from the one performed on the CD. The whole text of the original English poem by Ph. Boyens was shown in the FotR DVD Extended Edition. It can be seen fully reconstructed here.
Verse 1
A Olórin i yáresse
Mentaner i Númeherui
Tírien i Rómenóri,
Maiaron i oiosaila
Manan elye etevanne
Nórie i malanelye?
Verse 2 and 3
Mithrandir, Mithrandir! A Randir Vithren!
Ú-reniathach i amar galen
I reniad lín ne môr, nuithannen
In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen
I Lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen
Calad veleg, ethuiannen.
Quenya text:
'Olórin whom long ago
sent the Lords of the West
to guard the Lands of the East,
ever-wise of the Maiar
what drove you to leave [lit. 'why you left']
land which you loved?'
Sindarin text:
'Mithrandir, Mithrandir, O Pilgrim Grey
No more you will wander the world green
Your journey in darkness stopped
The bonds cut, the spirit broken
The Flame of Anor has left this World
Great light has gone out.'
A Olórin n. Vocative 'O Olórin'.
i relative pron. 'who; whom'.
yáresse adv. 'once upon the time'.
mentaner v. pret. '[they] sent'; cf. menta- 'send, cause to go' (VT41:6).
i Númeherui n. pl. 'the Lords-of-the-West'.
tírien gerund Dative 'to guarding'; cf. tir- 'watch, watch over, guard, heed'.
i Rómenóri n. pl. 'the East-lands'.
Maiaron n. pl. Gen. 'of [the] Maiar'.
i oiosaila adj. 'ever-wise'.
manan pron. 'why'.
elye pron. 'you'.
etevanne v. pret. '[it] left'; cf. et-, ete- 'forth, out' and vanne 'went', pret. of vanya- 'go, depart, disappear.
nórie n. 'country'.
i relative pron. 'who; whom'.
malanelye v. pret. 'you loved'; cf. mel- 'love', pret. melane + -lye 'you'.
Mithrandir name 'Grey Pilgrim'; cf. mith '(pale) grey' + *randir 'wanderer, pilgrim' (see below).
a interj. 'O!' (Letters 308).
randir n. 'wanderer, pilgrim'; cf. Noldorin rhandir (LR 383).
vithren adj. 'grey'; lenited form of mithren (UT 436).
ú-reniathach v. 'you will not stray'; ú- negative prefix + renia- 'to stray' (LR 384) + -tha future tense marker + *-ch '2nd sg: you'.
i art. 'the' (LR 361, Letters 308).
amar n. 'the world' (LR 372).
galen adj. 'green'; lenited form of calen (LR 362, S 429, Letters 282).
reniad n. 'the journey'; < renia- (see above) + -ad gerundial suffix.
lín pron. 'your'; enclitic form of *lîn; cf. le 'to thee' (LotR II:I) and nín 'my' (UT 40).
ne prep. 'in; of'; reduced form of ned (SD 129-31).
môr n. (mór) 'darkness' (LR 373, Letters 382).
nuithannen pp. 'stopped'; cf. nuitha- 'to prevent from coming to completion, etc.' (WJ 413) + pp. marker.
in gwidh n. pl. 'the bonds'; cf. in 'the (pl.)' + *gwidh (pl. of gwedh 'bond'; LR 397).
ristennin pp. pl. 'cut'; cf. *ristannen, pl. *ristennin < *rista- 'to cut' (LR 384) + pp. marker.
fae n. 'spirit'; cf. Sindarin form of Fëanor: Faenor (PM 343).
narchannen pp. '*broken, rent'; cf. *narcha- 'to rend' (LR 374) + pp. marker.
lach n. '(leaping) flame' (S 433).
Anor n. 'Sun' (LR 348).
ed prep. 'forth, out'; cf. ed- 'forth, out' (LR 356).
ardhon n. 'world' (PM 348).
gwannen pp. 'left'; cf. gwanna- 'leave' (LR 397) + pp. marker.
calad n. (calad) 'light (LR 362, UT 65).
veleg adj. 'great, mighty'; lenited form of beleg (S 428).
ethuiannen pp. 'breathed out'; cf. thuia- 'breathe' (LR 393) + pp. marker.