Jenny is one of their biggest fans. 2x03, she was so excited for them when she saw the GG blast of them kissing and said they were perfect together. 2x04, hit Dan with a pillow and yelled at him for being a jerk to Serena. 2x13, told Dan to stop Serena from going to Buenos Aires with Aaron. 2x14, tried to convince Rufus to let Dan date Serena.
E203 —— LJ看到GG上爆料SD复合的kiss照片的时候,她非常兴奋,
E204 —— 因为D在酒吧对S大喊大叫,对S非常不好,LJ气得用枕头打哥哥。
E213 —— 鼓励哥哥承认自己还对S有感情,鼓励他去阻止S和Aaron一起去旅行。
E214 —— 尽量说服Rufus同意SD约会。