100。 She had a good time on their first date. 1x05, Serena: "I'm having the best time right now." Dan: "That I knew." S在跟D第一次约会时候过的很开心。 E105——Serena:“知道现在我过得很开心吗。” Dan:“这我了解。”
104。He holds her face with both hands. 1x15, 1x16, 2x02, 2x14。 D在S遇到问题时,希望可以帮S解决, S在D遇到问题时,同样担心S。DS相互拥着对方的脸颊时,希望各自的手可以帮对方支撑一切烦恼困难。 E115,E116,E202,E214。——(很喜欢这样的DS,两人很有爱,看到他们相互的眼神,让人想找个人寄托与依靠)
105。 She still cared about him more than her mom’s event. 2x09, “I don’t care about this night, I care about YOU.” S在乎D过于一切,比S的妈妈发生的事情还重要。 E209——Serena:“我不在乎这个晚上,我在乎你。”(感动,呜呜呜)
106。 Dan went after her when nobody else did. He wanted to make sure she was okay, while Nate called the cops on her dad. . 3x22, Dan: "What happened?" Serena: “It’s true. He left.” 当S下楼去看她爸爸走了没,N打电话报警抓S爸爸时,只有D决的应该给S一点时间,且下楼去确认S怎么样了。 E0322——Dan:“怎么了。” Serena:“这是真的,他走了。”(S哭了,S你是个好女儿。这个场景在外国粉丝讨论了很多很多,我也深有感触)
107。 Dan thinks Serena has fabulous hair and a great smile. 3x22, “She'll grow up to have fabulous hair and a great smile." D决的S有一头美丽的秀发和很萌的笑容。 E0322——Dan:“她将来会有一头秀发和很萌的笑容。”
108。 When they aren't dating, they fall right back to being great friends. 2x20, changing the sheets on her bed together. 当他们没有在一起时候,会是非常好的挚友。 E220—— 小两口在叠被子整理床单(啊啊是不是很有爱呢 嘻嘻嘻)
109。 She trusts him enough to ask for advice. 1x13, “I never thought I was pregnant. The test was for Blair." S相信D,把整个人都托付给了D。 E113—— Serena:“我没有想过我怀孕的事,测试的是B。”
110。 Aaron asked her out, and she looked at Dan across the room, all sad, clearly showing she still loved him. 2x08, “I’m not really dating right now.” Aaron想与S约会,但S看到D,看到D脸上的忧愁,对Aaron说现在不能跟他约会。清楚的显示S依然还爱着D。
112。 They finally found common ground. No five-star restaurants. No town car. No smoky pool hall or bad ‘80s music。 SD有着共同语言。 E105——Dan:“没有五星饭店,没有轿车。” Serena:“没有烟熏熏的桌球房或难听的80年代老歌。” Dan:“看来我们找到了共同语言。”
114。 She gave him her magazine and knows what he likes. 2x02, “I know you like the music reviews…so if you want to read it, you can.” S了解D的日常生活,喜欢读什么样的杂志。 E202——Serena:“我知道你喜欢……(递给D时,SD两人手碰在一起…)乐评,如果你想看的话,可以拿去。”
115。 His snark won her over. 1x01, “And for the record…YOU asked ME out.” D在第1次算不上约会的害羞与青涩,赢得了S的芳心,好感。 E101——Dan:“严格讲,是你约我出来的。” S:“我懂,敏感,心灵受伤的男孩。”(这个场景S的声音,很不一样,大家可以去听下, 好好听,啊哈哈)